Lack of control deck options?
Hi peeps, I love playing control decks, and it's really disappointing there aren't nothing but Warrior to go around with. Shaman is very unreliable, but still the second best option.
The bigger thing is, we now have aggro decks that are immune to fatigue or even mid-game pressure, thanks to cards such as Dire Frenzy. The latter is just nerve-wrecking, especially in the current meta where Hunter has viable discover cards & Zul'jin to repeat playing the buffed 1-cost lifesteal minions to no end. Such a weird design choice/flaw.
I'm happy Blizzard has been bringing up class identity, but what I'd like to see more is looking after diversity in deck types. I personally see no difference in playing against or with any of the tier 1 aggro decks (broadly speaking), so I've simply played less and less of the game recently.
I gave up ladder climb a long time ago, ever since I realized it simply means spending hours playing a tier 1 deck and the reward is puny: I've put money in the game so 400 dust is not enough of an incentive to me to undergo the mindless grind. But even finding the game enjoyable is pretty hard if you don't like top 3 decks.
Have any of you enjoyed any control or combo decks in Standard lately? I do like playing Shaman (with various Hagatha+Elysiana+Shudder builds), but the fact that Hunter is so popular right now just makes it a harrowing experience most of the times. If you're about to say "go Wild", I wanna add I sometimes dip over to Wild but personally I don't enjoy going back to all the poison we just got rid of in Standard (odd aggro decks etc).
Nomi Priest is pretty fun too, I might get seriously into that. But Control Warrior feels so played out at this point, as the matches are way too similar due to the ultra-dominant role of Dr. Boom hero.
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Hi peeps, I love playing control decks, and it's really disappointing there aren't nothing but Warrior to go around with. Shaman is very unreliable, but still the second best option.
The bigger thing is, we now have aggro decks that are immune to fatigue or even mid-game pressure, thanks to cards such as Dire Frenzy. The latter is just nerve-wrecking, especially in the current meta where Hunter has viable discover cards & Zul'jin to repeat playing the buffed 1-cost lifesteal minions to no end. Such a weird design choice/flaw.
I'm happy Blizzard has been bringing up class identity, but what I'd like to see more is looking after diversity in deck types. I personally see no difference in playing against or with any of the tier 1 aggro decks (broadly speaking), so I've simply played less and less of the game recently.
I gave up ladder climb a long time ago, ever since I realized it simply means spending hours playing a tier 1 deck and the reward is puny: I've put money in the game so 400 dust is not enough of an incentive to me to undergo the mindless grind. But even finding the game enjoyable is pretty hard if you don't like top 3 decks.
Have any of you enjoyed any control or combo decks in Standard lately? I do like playing Shaman (with various Hagatha+Elysiana+Shudder builds), but the fact that Hunter is so popular right now just makes it a harrowing experience most of the times. If you're about to say "go Wild", I wanna add I sometimes dip over to Wild but personally I don't enjoy going back to all the poison we just got rid of in Standard (odd aggro decks etc).
Nomi Priest is pretty fun too, I might get seriously into that. But Control Warrior feels so played out at this point, as the matches are way too similar due to the ultra-dominant role of Dr. Boom hero.
Unless you're willing to get creative and experimental, right now the control decks available are the ones that are available. You could experiment. I think Shaman is the best candidate for control experimentation right now.
I've found Nomi Priest to be kind of dull. I'm like, "Look at me! I can draw cards and clear the board!" It's almost like Nomi Rogue, which is like, "Look at me! I can take out your minions, slap you in the face, draw all my cards in one turn, and slap out a Chef Nomi!"
I also made it to Legend with a Control Paladin.
I went with one Prelate , one mechanoegg one mechanicalwhelpling, and the Undertaker, to bring them all back over and over again. Unfortunately since the mech buffs , all Warriors run Silence, wich makes it very hard to beat Control Warrior, unless you can bait out their silence before you play the Undertaker
exactly, so if any of you have any particularly exciting ones, would love to take them for a ride. I don't care about win rates other than it would be nice not to lose every game.
In general, I miss being able to counter tier 1 aggro decks with fun things.
oh wow, seems i need to try it more seriously! thanks for bringin it up.
I too lament the lack of viable control decks.I suppose you could consider Dog's pocket galaxy mage a control/combo deck, but that's kind of stretching the definition.
That said, calling beast hunter aggro is a total misnomer. The deck is very versatile and can adapt its playstyle to the opponent's deck. Against a slow deck w/o pressure you can take your time to frenzy timber wolves for an OTK and against aggressive decks you often win by outlasting the opponent's stuff with Unleash the Beasts and buffed scalehides.
Definitions aside, this is what I was after, too: Beast Hunter is so ridiculously versatile that even fatigue won't get it, while it can still gun you down on early turns.
We lost 3 expansions and got only 1 expansion for standard.
It is a general issue for hearthstone's standard format. Variety always got hurt because of rotations. In First expansion of years, Some archetypes are always more dominant than others.
We're reaching mid-year which adds more cards, that might be possible to add some variety to the classes which has been lacking variety of archetypes.
At least, I want to believe in this.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Sure it's versatile, but it's also quite unreliable unless you're a god at mulligan-ing master's call. Not to mention having a weak curve and relying heavily on 2-3 card comboes.
You can argue that Dire Frenzy is a problem of design philosophy but IMO beast hunter is not remotely problematic in terms of power level in the meta.
Could I get a deck code for this, please? I picked up a more heal-oriented, no undatakah version today. Ironically, first game: opponent plays 3 dire frenzies + zul'jin haha. Of course, not all matches are winnable, but there are such punishing decks out there right now that it really bites a chunk from the spirit of trying out things.
Honestly lack of fresh control options is what happens when the designers of the game you play insist on saying that classes like rogue, paladin, druid, etc aren't supposed to have control strategies 90% of the time. It's pretty laughable really that they designed rogue to not be a control class when in WoW rogue is the epitome of control in pvp with their various CC toolkits and stunlocks to lock healers out of the game, but hey what do I know?
Right, so you're seeking the net deck that hasn't been posted on the net and you're looking for somebody to do the work for you. This is the stage of the game, in the post rotation times, when all you can do is rely on your own abilities to construct decks to deal with your little pocket meta crap, whether in casual or ranked. It's the time of the tech cards. Nothing more to do.
I have a fun kinda control deck with mage that has a lot of big minions and tries to outvalue late game with galaxy spell. Also runs star aligners for fun and mountain giants ofc and conjurers calling. To ruin aggro decks I run some aoe like blast wave. Its really fun when it works and it can utterly destroy those control warriors. It struggles against aggro of course. Also with luna draw engine, and when she starts going off and can pull in all your one mana dudes, and then at the same time trigger the star aligner combo it can be really funny. Has decent win rate overall, I think almost 50%.
I have had some crazy come backs using the star aligners combo, for instance clearing two nomi priest boards in a row :) or blowing up those mage mountain giant walls.
And its flexible, you can remove some big dudes and tech in more removal or early game minions or another win condition with Antonidas/Malygos/Alexstraza for instance.
Blizzard needs to nerf mana cheating warlock and priest decks, and nerfing hyper agro decks.
Well, all decks try to cheat somewhere, this is called "using synergy". And some synergy is more serious than other and then you want to call it cheating :).
I call "decent" a 52% at least, if you can't get at least a tiny bit above 50% the game is frustrating to play.
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
Hi guys,
Personally, this is the deck ive played the most this set :
This is my current version but im often swaping techs cards depending of what i face the most (obviously) ^^
It's honestly really fun and aiming to beat control warriors playing their own game plan :P And i always tried to make control hunt work
You should give it a try if you love to play slow control decks
Note that while it was quite effective pre buff patch, ive not played much since this patch outside of questing. So i'm not sure if its still that effective. But i'm still having tons of fun playing it.
Btw im usually playin rk 1-5
Plus if youre lookin to play differents control decks you could also give warlock a try. They got some fun stuff playin omega agent/barista :)
Maybe they should print a 1-1 card like "If in your hand with 6 or more mana, destroys your deck. Battlecry: When played with less than 5 mana and was not in your starting hand, you instantly win the game." For all those aggro players who want a fast game.
Turn 4 Barnes into Y'shaarj or a turn 4 Voidcaller into Voidlord/Mal'Ganis is toxic and mana cheating -but if you don't want to call that mana cheating than be my guest.
The deck compensates for it by giving more fun wins :) It can be boring to grind out your 52 avg win rate, for instance imagine a control warrior grind in which each game also takes 30 minutes on average, and you only armor up and remove minions and then win on fatigue. Not my idea of having fun.
What do you mean? Reno decks are basically control and there are 4 viable Reno decks rn
Reno Jackson
My faves!
You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet
You make it sound like a bad thing, why?
haha, this is the stuff I was after, thanks for sharing! Looks v nice.
you're totally right on that, I think Iwas exaggerating there. Discussing design philosophy is also way more interesting to crying over a card or two, as I ended up doing.
So to elaborate, I used to love playing hunter for the scarcity of resources (= draw & generation) you were given. It fits so well with the idea of a hunter lurking in the woods, building makeshift traps and making wise use of scant materials. So personally, I find the current state of hunter too abundant and sort of all over the place design-wise.
yup, true, an I play renolock and reno mage from time to time, but I was talking about standard in my op.
Life is too short to play Control Warrior xD
I prefer to play decks that are are out of the meta (or at least quite different versions from the popular decks) AND that have at least a 52% WR in my hands. Losing is not fun.
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
Well you reacted to my post first and I was talking about Wild, and it's illogical for not balancing a format.
mmm well yeh ok :) have not played wild yet :) should try it someday