New Hunter Minion - Darkmoon Tonk
Submitted 4 years, 2 months ago by
A new Rare Hunter Minion, Darkmoon Tonk, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Hunter Minion, Darkmoon Tonk, has been revealed!
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An interesting card, but I doubt it sees much play. Oblivitron works well with this, but a midrange mech-hunter probably wants mechs that are a little cheaper to take advantage of magnetic.
At seven mana, this is too expensive to slot into any aggro deck.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Maybe in WILD. In STANDARD I don't see an efficient use. Too expensive and too low health ...
I am 69 years old and still reach Legend
It's quite slow to just play this on its own, but it's pretty good with Oblivitron if Mech Hunter can come back.
I dont want to see the deathrattle hunter with this :D
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well our bingo wanted Professor Slate support but we got Oblivitron support instead...
So support for slate will be last expansion of next year then?
I am envoy from nowhere in nowhere. Nobody and nothing have sent me. And even though it is impossible I exist. ©Trimutius
This has a lot of potential to be a pain in the ass in Wild Mech decks.
Not hopeless but right now this card seems to clunky for ranked play. Good arena card however. I asked myself if I would slot this into my wild Mech Hunter deck and the answer is no. The cost is too high, at a lower mana cost with a similar effect this would be pretty much an auto-include though.
English is not my native language, so please excuse occasional mistakes
If there are anyways of getting this onto the field without paying the 7 mana for it or Oblivitron, this card could be pretty decent but as of now it's just missing some support and looks really bad when hard casting it on its own.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
This card is just rock solid, good attack? check. Good deathrattle? check.
lot of support in Wild, not as much in Standard outside of Maxima, Oblivitron and the Robot bear, but that might be enough, you're hoping to pull this with the bear, have Maxima summon Oblivitron and activate it's deathrattle and then summon this guy and activate its deathrattle on turn 6 for a whopping 12/9 worth of stats that's done 3 damage to the enemy hero and 2 damage to all enemies randomly 4 times.
seems strong but how often will we be able to pull it off?
There's just so much potential for this to be completely broken. But it ultimately costs too much and come at too late a stage to truly to effective.
We'll have to wait and see if hunter is afforded better survival tools for this to be even worthwhile considering. Otherwise this will join the pile of 'broken but' cards that basically litter hunter's card collection book.
Meh card.
You need to cheat out It yo get competitive play.
By The Holy Light!
okay, follow up question - how long until it's available in BG?
This could be awesome with Maxima (also just revealed). Plus, you can use Nine Lives.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
While it is a cool card it doesn't seem competitive. It is too clunky, too high cost.
Interesting. Good synergy with Maxima Blastenheimer for lot's of FACE dmg, and has a lot of synergy with Oblivitron. Also Darkmoon Tonk + Nine Lives can be a nice blast to your opponents FACE, or a clear!
Standard: Unfortunately for Darkmoon Tonk, the deathrattle hunter archetype needs quite a lot more support in order to become competitive. And FACE hunter is already better at going FACE than deathrattle hunter. To make it worse, Oblivitron, Ursatron, Nine Lives and other deathrattle hunter cards are going to rotate in 4-5 months. So deathrattle hunter has a really short time in the spotlight before a lot of "core" deathrattle hunter cards rotate out of standard. Darkmoon Tonk and it's archetype will need a LOT of support in this, and coming expansion(s) to thrive.
Wild: 0% impact, horrible card and will see nearly no play. Okay it MIGHT see play in decks from Standard players who accidentally play in wild, or it will see play because some poor memer soul went Whizbang the Wonderful and got deathrattle hunter. Hunter is one of the worst classes in wild, so i don't think Darkmoon Tonk and deathrattle hunter are going to be enough to spice up the meta. Otherwise we would have seen some kind of FACE hunter in the wild meta already.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
This card is interesting, I can't wait to see what other cards might support this, if any, but it will be good in wild.
If you can trigger the deathrattle or cheat it out this is pretty strong, though I don't know how useful it will be in standard. And it may be a bit too slow for wild. There are things like Play Dead and Nine Lives that can help you cheat it out, but all in all it seems like more effort than it's worth. Maybe I am underestimating it though.
However, this card can certainly be used in Duels with the treasure that gives your guys rush, or in Battlegrounds. This is one of the biggest perks to having multiple modes. When you have more ways to use cards, more cards can be useful.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Looks a bit over costed and has an odd stat distribution. Still 4 hero powers at random targets is very tempting. Definitely going to try it out in my Bomb Hunter.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
Mmm looks good in a midrange aggro deck I guess, and also in a deck with Maxima Blastenheimer but I dunno, at that cost you want strong field presence, which this is not or a good tradable minion or with inmediate impact, which it isn't either.
Even with the 2 legendaries supporting it, I don't see this card being good need a lot more support than 2 legendary 6 drops.
8 damage on deathrattle is a lot, and if it manages to survive another 8 to face. Maybe it get played on a deathrattle hunter
Well actually it synergises quit well with Maxima (the other new hunter card). It even benefits from its high attack!
8 damage face + 8 randomly split? That’s obviously no consistent outcome but I bet this will not be the only deathrattle support card for hunter we see this expansion and it seems like a pretty strong way to end games for me.
The more I think about it... we have seen spell hunters before - few minions is definitely an option!
meme-tier nonetheless
Winner winner chicken dinner
Tonk is the sound a fish makes when it hits a windshield. That was the first thing I saw when I read this card, for some reason.
EDIT: Oh yeah, how good the card is. Well, it is a makeshift AoE on Hunter, but slow and very clunky. But, leaving it on the board means you can get your face tonked for 8 damage, so that's scary.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Seems too slow for hunter, unless a slower midrange-y mech hunter archetype emerges from this expansion.
It does work well with the card it was revealed with.
Theme wise though, its health seems too low for a "tank" lol.
woah, deathrattle-mech support? The timing seems a bit odd, but I'm curious
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
A little clunky, but it can see some play with a decent deathrattle/mech deck.
More aggressive decks are just gonna roll you over when you spend turn 7 to not immediately impact the board. This seems really good against mid-range+ rogues, but maybe that's it. I don't foresee control really being afraid of this outside of saying hello after a [Maxima Blastenheimer].
It's hard to evaluate this card without knowing what the rest of the Hunter set looks like. On its own, it's a really slow card for Hunter even though it's got a pretty powerful deathrattle. Maybe a controlly mech/deathrattle archetype for the class will emerge? This has great synergy with Oblivitron and Nine Lives, which I would love to see play again.
Strange that this is a hunter card, the deathrattle is cool, but this card will only see play if its cheated out somehow like with Maxima Blastenheimer or some other way
Edit: Completely forgot Oblivitron was still in standard, nice combo then
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Realy don't see this working in standard - the effect would be nice for face hunter but the card itself is a little to slow for face hunter. Maybe in Highlander Hunter ....
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It looks like only one other person here (KANSAS) was thinking along the same lines as I am so far... this is a fairly "meh" card in Standard Ranked play (I can't speak to Wild Ranked play), but in Duels? This has the potential to go really nuts. Treasures that will have a potentially notable impact:
* Lunar Band - Deathrattle triggers immediately on playing the card.
* Totem of the Dead - Deathrattles trigger twice, assuming it doesn't get transformed before dying.
* Mummy Magic - gives it Reborn, so absent transform effects, will also trigger twice.
* Jaws - buff weapon when this minion dies. (Not terribly sure this will have a big impact, I've never actually seen that treasure in play yet, either personally or any of the streams/YT videos I've watched.)
* Rocket Backpacks - gives it Rush, so it has an immediate impact on the board.
There's also Baron Rivendare and Vectus to consider as well...
Is the age of Oblivitron finally upon us? Probably not, but hey, this card is a fantastic card to meme with by its name alone.
At last a buddy for Oblivitron! Good to see some support for mech or deathrattle Hunter, it's kinda boring to only see aggro Hunters.
Probably not for Standard with the current card pool, even though cards like Mok'Nathal Lion are still in it.
Also, I think "Tonk" is a funny word.
really strong deathrattle
Seems too clunky to work effectively but I guess with some support it could be a force to be reckoned with
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Too slow, loved the Wronchi animation though.
Only Oblivitron and Maxima Blastenheimer can cheat this out. Otherwise, Darkmoon Tonk is super slow and allows your opponent to either silence or transform it, or put minions into play to then remove and absorb the deathrattle. I just don't think the card is consistent enough on its own to make the occasional high roll of cheating out the Tonk worth it.
For glory, honor, and gold!
Terrible. MIGHT see play if Maxima is better than expected and requires more fuel.
Such a low health. I really only see this working with Blastenheimer or Oblivatron and that's too inconsistent.
More cards to support deathrattle hunter
All hail the banshee queen.
I've seen it have some play with Nine lives, and that seems really strong. Otherwise, it doesn't seem that strong. Maybe with Maxima, but I feel like you would rather have protodrake or a colossus.
"Some inspirational quote from some famous person" - Some famous person
I will make this work with Maxima Blastenheimer, Nine Lives and Jewel of N'Zoth - why not, let's throw Oblivitron in there too.
I don't care if it's bad, it's one of my favourite types of Hunter deck (second only to Dragon Hunter) and I love getting more big support for it.
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I think the only deck this ever gets play in is with Maxima Blastenheimer, otherwise feels a bit awkward to play.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
This might be a good enough mech for hunter to include in a N'Zoth deck. Otherwise, it is too easy to remove and the distributed deathrattle damage feels less effective.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
This is really expensive for a minion that seems to want to be an aggressive minion, and there are very few ways to cheat it out early (and most ways to cheat it out can cheat out much better Deathrattle minions).
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
I think that it will se play for face hunter as the most expensive card in her deck. You're getting a big minion that for itself can deal a lot of damage so if you don't deal with him can be demolidor, and then the deathrattle hits you with a good amount of damage.
I'm not telling that every hunter fd should wear two copies of it but at least one can be, for sure, pretty interesting to have.
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
A strong card with great synergies, will most likely see some play