Beast/Taunt Hybrid "Guardian Druid"

Last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

Way back when, Enchanted Raven was part of a different Beast Druid deck that I ran, and seeing it make its comeback in Standard really made me want to come up with another Beast Druid deck. Mark of Y'Shaarj was one of the strongest cards in the deck, and Druid of the Swarm was a pretty solid card too. I looked at Mark of the Spikeshell and saw some similarities. For starters, they both had "Mark" in the name, so I took that as a sign to keep looking through what else Druid got. I saw that Thorngrowth Sentries was reminiscent of Druid of the Swarm's Taunt option, except the stats are split between two bodies à la Dreamway Guardians. I figured that I wouldn't be disappointed with coining out two Thornguard Turtles on turn one, followed by the Mark of the Spikeshell or playing the turtles on turn two, using the mark on turn three, and playing another turtle.

As I searched through Druid's cards, I realized Druid had quite a few nice Taunts, a good amount of them being beasts, so I put them in the deck. To tie it all together, Guardian Animals just so happens to be one of the key cards of this deck, and coincidentally, Guardian is the tank specialization of Druids in WoW.


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