"Stick It to 'Em!" Big-Spell Treant Druid

Last updated 5 years ago by
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In honor of the Magic Tree of Nowhere, this one's for you.

The main reason I decided to make this deck is that I've always wanted Treant Druid to be a thing, way before Naxx was even announced. So, I started off with a Treant core. Not shortly after, I added in Flobbidinous Floop since it had strong synergies with Goru the Mightree and the card I'm about to mention. Looking at how many cards were five-mana or more, I decided to double-down and bring in King Phaoris accompanied by Anubisath Defender and Sunreaver Warmage. After all, he's pretty good alongside Floop and the extra copies of The Forest's Aid already. Additionally, Anubisath Defender and Sunreaver Warmage are effective tempo plays. Juicy Psychmelon will help ensure you get the most benefit out of Goru the Mightree while fetching a discounted Mulchmuncher most of the time as well as the powerful King Phaoris. Before we talk any more about the late-game though, I do have a message I wanted to share. Sustainability plays a big part in helping out the environment. It also plays a big part in making sure you don't roll over and die to aggro. Be sure to conserve your face with Zilliax. With the combined efforts of Mulchmuncher and Zilliax, I'm certain you'll be able to restore your barren health pool in no time! Unfortunately for your opponent, Faceless Corruptor cares not for conservation. Its mission is to do some damage and swing some tempo! It might not be able to go face right off the bat, but unrest assured, Faceless Corruptor is here to make your Treants grow tall and mighty one way or another. Lastly, Sathrovarr goes really well with the aforementioned Mulchmuncher, having an effect similar to that of Galakrond, the Tempest's fully upgraded Battlecry. You can also pull off some crazy power plays if you get the chance to target Goru the Mightree or King Phaoris, much like how Floop benefits off of them.

With the literal forces of nature on our side, we can show opponents that our bark may indeed be worse than our bite!



Eco-friendly Alternatives:

Dendrologist — Consulting the tree expert might be a good idea. If you highroll and manage to get some words of advice from him by turn two, you'll have an efficient play to go off of. That is a big if, however. You actually have to highroll the spell you get as well since there are quite a few you wouldn't want. Sometimes the doc goes off on tangents about Strength in Numbers in addition to others, but he's just doing his job. Well, he was until I fired him from my crew. Maybe next time, Doc. Then again, you can always skip the middleman by just playing the spells you actually want instead.

Barista Lynchen — She might be the decaf version of Sathrovarr, but I promise you she's not as picky or bitter as he is. Barista Lynchen is just the gal to keep your minions coming back with enough java to keep their battlecries going! After all, sometimes you need a little variety in your life, and a little warmth doesn't hurt... except that one time when the Treants caught on fire, but we don't talk about that.

Emerald Explorer — A solid six-drop, which this deck is lacking. The dragon definitely is a prime target for Dragonmaw Poacher, but it would certainly be a shame to not have a dragon in the set themed around them. The Explorer is also good buds with Barista Lynchen, making for a solid team in unison with your other Battlecry minions.

Savage Roar — If you want to close out the game, you can always turn that bark into a roar!

Soul of the Forest — Your Treants can take solace in knowing that their soul will live on when your forest of a board doesn't.

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