New Priest Minion - Devout Dungeoneer
Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago by
A new Rare Priest Minion, Devout Dungeoneer, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Priest Minion, Devout Dungeoneer, has been revealed!
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Mana cheat is the new priest trait. And i hate it.
By The Holy Light!
Priest relies on Shadow Spells too much to reliably run this for the intended effect, but at the same time it's a very decent draw option that also synergizes with Raise Dead.
This in turn means that Priest now might have enough card draw to reconsider running C'thun, which they might have to once random generation becomes more and more inconsistent and stuff like Scorpid and Wandmaker no longer cuts it.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Reno Priest is probably happy to see this. More card draw is always welcome to that deck.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Very good effect!... as long as you pull a Holy spell... and Priest uses mostly shadow spells... hmm. Still Priest isn't known for drawing a lot of cards, so i still think it will see play in a majority of priest decks just for the card draw. (And worst case scenario it might pull some C'Thun, the Shattered pieces before Tickatus deletes them.)Devout Dungeoneer will obviously be a lot better in standard with each expansion, because of newly printed holy spells. Right now the holy spell pool in priest is mostly big buffs and (cheap) removal spells.
Hmm looking at the Wild Holy spell pool and it's not that great. Most Holy spells in wild are MOSTLY ress spells or big buffs. Sure there are some removal spells like Lightbomb, but their mostly cards that are used by ress priest (Which will never run Devout Dungeoneer) and Raza Priest. (Which already has a lot of shadow spells in deck, and i don't think raza priest wants Devout Dungeoneer either...)
Let's hope we get some more good Holy spells that make it more reliable for getting the discount! (okay even though the card doesn't sound THAT good, it's still card draw in priest, which priest lacks. So don't underestimate this card!)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Most Reno/Raza Priests only run Holy Smite, Power Word: Shield, and Penance, thus giving you around a 20% to draw a holy spell when you play this on curve. On top of that 2 out 3 cards can only be discounted by 1. Yet, I don't think that matters all that much. It's still draw.
On the other hand, Acolyte of Pain used to be played in said deck, but is not making the cut anymore in most lists. Is this better than Acolyte of Pain? I think it is, but I'm by no means a 100% sure.
Arena > Wild > Standard
Directed draw engine for spells with a body and mana cheating for holy spells. Great card
It's not worth cutting Hysteria and Palm Reading for this effect. Overall, this just looks massively outclassed.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
It is a good draw card, but at this point priest doesn't really need something like this.
Although I will concede that this is absolutely what a tempo priest needs. Not so much just the draw, but also a decent body that will come back with Rally!, probably the best card to get out of your deck.
I'm on the fence with this one. If tempo priest does rise up, it'll likely because of this card.
I think this is the only one of the three dungeoneers at this point that will see play. Priest already has spell heavy decks. This will just help you tutor one out and give a bonus if it is one of the holy spells.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
This is tough. It's a good card but may currently get out classes by Scorpid. Still though a welcome effect. Maybe if a strong holy spell gets printed or a more aggro priest comes up this could find a home. Draw is always good.
Wild I think Reno decks my adapt this. Draw is precious there and even if the cost reduction wiffs it's still a nice early play.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
If Priest get`s new Holy Spells so this could be abused more then it would be an ok card - right now the best or most played Spells in priest are not Holy and therefore this card needs more Holy Spell support to be good.
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
This card it ultimately a 1 mana 2/3 due to the mana cheating. I'm sure it'll see some experimentations in control priest
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
I don't think priests need this.The guaranteed two-for-one is nice on an un-hero-powerable body, but this still feels too weak as a tutor when compared to cards like Shadow Visions. The sort of aggro deathrattle deck I've seen occasionally might have used this to tutor Rally! and Twilight's Call, if it didn't pollute the res pool for 3-drops. Maybe if some combo specifically needs one spell component to cost 2 less, but there are better ways to get that mana discount.
This post is discussing the wild format.
This Dungeoneer looks pretty good, as Priest has good options, but the restriction does hurt a bit. No Palm Reading, for example. I guess you have to decide whether you're going all in on Holy spells to guarantee the discount, or just running the spells you want and hoping.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Priest can use the draw, and the effect is fine without hitting a holy spell. Just a solid 3 drop to develop some tempo and get through your deck, with a big bonus if you hit a holy spell.
Pretty sure that it's just going to be used as a draw mechanic. On the off chance it discounts something hooray, but chances are it won't and it'll just give you a free spell draw (which nobody will complain about unless there's a mill deck incoming).
Seems decent. You probably don't want to cut all non-holy spells, but it will be nice when you get lucky and hit Holy Nova or something.
If played with Brann Bronzebeard would it draw two cards and reduce each card by (2) or (4)?
It should reduce each cards by 2, it repeats the entire battlecry.
As opposed to the Frostweave Dungeoneer, this synergizes REALLY well with the Priest spell library. I have a hard time not seeing this in Priest builds.
More mana reduction, but tricky because some of the best Priest spells are Shadow. Still a 2/3 Draw 1 so good either way.
I don't think you'd play this over Hysteria and Palm Reading.