While we don't have an official definition for what constitutes a "good" Hearthstone deck, Blizzard data scientist, Tian Ding, has shared decks to play in Standard and Wild after United in Stormwind's first balance patch.
Let's see what decks Tian has shared with the Hearthstone community.
Standard Decks - Druid, Warlock, and Priest
Anacondra Druid - "Good" Decks Stormwind Post-Nerfs
A Unknown Druid Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago
- 2x Innervate
- 2x Lightning Bloom
- 2x Nature Studies
- 1x Resizing Pouch
- 2x Guess the Weight
- 2x Lunar Eclipse
- 2x Solar Eclipse
- 2x Fungal Fortunes
- 2x Germination
- 2x Overgrowth
- 2x Arbor Up
- 2x Glowfly Swarm
- 2x Nourish
- 2x Best in Shell
- 1x Lady Anacondra
- 2x Cenarion Ward
Quest Handlock - "Good" Decks Stormwind Post-Nerfs
A Handlock Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago
- 2x Raise Dead
- 2x Mortal Coil
- 1x The Demon Seed
- 2x Touch of the Nathrezim
- 2x Tour Guide
- 1x Bloodmage Thalnos
- 2x Drain Soul
- 2x Unstable Shadow Blast
- 2x Backfire
- 2x Blood Shard Bristleback
- 1x Tamsin Roame
- 2x Soul Rend
- 1x Anetheron
- 2x Barrens Scavenger
- 2x Battleground Battlemaster
- 2x Flesh Giant
- 2x Goldshire Gnoll
Shadow Priest - "Good" Decks Stormwind Post-Nerfs
A Shadow Priest Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago
- 2x Raise Dead
- 2x Frazzled Freshman
- 2x Guardian Augmerchant
- 2x Imprisoned Homunculus
- 2x Tour Guide
- 2x Voidtouched Attendant
- 2x Cult Neophyte
- 2x Kul Tiran Chaplain
- 2x Manafeeder Panthara
- 1x Thrive in the Shadows
- 2x Twilight Deceptor
- 2x Wriggling Horror
- 1x Mankrik
- 1x Mindrender Illucia
- 2x Shadowed Spirit
- 2x Void Shard
- 1x Darkbishop Benedictus
Wild Decks - Druid, Rogue, and Priest
Malygos Druid - Wild Decks Stormwind Post-Nerfs
A Malygos Druid Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago
- 2x Innervate
- 2x Biology Project
- 2x Lunar Eclipse
- 2x Ferocious Howl
- 2x Swipe
- 1x Archmage Vargoth
- 2x Branching Paths
- 1x Injured Marauder
- 2x Oaken Summons
- 2x Poison Seeds
- 2x Nourish
- 1x Lady Anacondra
- 2x Spreading Plague
- 2x Celestial Alignment
- 1x Alexstrasza the Life-Binder
- 1x Malygos
- 1x Malygos the Spellweaver
- 2x Ultimate Infestation
Combo Rogue - Wild Decks Stormwind Post-Nerfs
A Unknown Rogue Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago
- 2x Backstab
- 2x Counterfeit Coin
- 2x Preparation
- 2x Shadowstep
- 2x SI:7 Extortion
- 1x Evasion
- 2x Foxy Fraud
- 1x Shiv
- 2x Swindle
- 1x Tenwu of the Red Smoke
- 2x Shroud of Concealment
- 2x Cloak of Shadows
- 2x Elven Minstrel
- 1x Scabbs Cutterbutter
- 2x Spirit of the Shark
- 1x Loatheb
- 2x Spectral Pillager
- 1x Sprint
Shadow Pirate Priest - Wild Decks Stormwind Post-Nerfs
A Shadow Priest Deck created by
Fluxflashor. Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago
- 2x Raise Dead
- 2x Bloodsail Corsair
- 1x Patches the Pirate
- 2x Shadowbomber
- 2x Shadowcloth Needle
- 2x Southsea Deckhand
- 1x Tour Guide
- 2x Voidtouched Attendant
- 2x Mind Blast
- 2x Parachute Brigand
- 2x Shadow Visions
- 2x Ship's Cannon
- 2x Thrive in the Shadows
- 2x Twilight Deceptor
- 1x Mindrender Illucia
- 2x Frenzied Felwing
- 1x Darkbishop Benedictus
What decks have you been playing post-nerfs?
In Wild, I'm still playing my Odd Demon Hunter deck, partly because it works, partly to level up my DH since he's only about 30.
I love how "good" is in quotation marks in all of them lol
Edit: Am I the only one who thinks it is a little weird to call that Warlock deck a Zoo deck?
No, any deck that contains 15 spells cannot be called Zoo. What we see here is Handlock.
And it takes a LOT of cheek for someone at Blizzard to actively suggest that people should play a deck containing two of the nerfed cards. It's like, "Hey, we 'nerfed' a couple of these cards, but we also recognize that our changes will not hinder the deck in any way."
To be fair, the deck still works great even despite the card changes. It finishes games a little bit slower, but so do all other decks since the nerfs, so it's fine. I don't think this is the optimal build (I really like Spice Bread Baker) but in this case the balance changes were really just balance changes and they didn't kill the deck at all.
I have no idea why I called that a Zoolock deck. I even remember thinking Handlock to myself when reading the list. Gonna blame being tired at the time. Fixed!
"All is lost, all is lost..."
"Look guys, we changed things, you can now play these cutesy decks".
Meanwhile, some of the most powerful decks in Wild after nerfs: Quest Darkglare, Quest Hunter, Pirate Warrior, Ignite Mage. 3 nerfed decks out of 4. Quest Warlock merrily winning with Darkglare, Flesh Giant, Battleground Battlemaster like all three cards have been untouched.
Questline Hunter good in wild? Is there a good decklist somewhere? :)
I'm sure a quick Google search will get you plenty of lists. Or you can check out Vicious Syndicate or the Tempostorm Wild Meta Snapshot if you want something a little more proven. The most successful lists are all Odd.
Lol that Wild Rogue list is clearly fake, Sprint hasn't been used since HS launched 🤣
FWIW - Pillager Rogue has been played for years in Wild. Last expansion, VS noted that it began posting positive win-rates (Cutterbutter allows for fairly consistent 30+ damage OTKs as early as turn six.) The new expansion gave the deck more card-draw (the tradeable SI-7 spell.) As far as Sprint goes - the card was buffed in March (it used to cost 7-mana.) Some folks run it, and some don't (Prep wasn't un-nerfed, so the best you can do is a 4-mana, draw 4, but this is often good enough to set up the turn-six kill.)
Currently, HSReplays is tracking the deck with a 52.0% win-rate in 2,800 games played since Stormwind launched. It's a fun Tier 2 deck. Give it a shot, if you like how it sounds . . .
Pillager rogue was already played last expansion though. Popularized by a Chinese player. It's just never been good so I don't see how it's changed now...
Prep Sprint, despite being available from the beginning, didn't become commonplace in Rogue decks until close to Naxx, if I remember rightly. It stuck around for quite a long time. Prep reduced by three mana back then, of course.
We merely dreamed of the kinds of card draw that are in the game now.
I love how they featured none of the actual powerhouses for wild since the tickle that quest warlock got didnt really change it i still go against that every second ranked match at least while i have seen none of the wild decks above.
Basically aggro/midrange druid, aggro/combo warlock, aggro priest.
No good control deck exists anymore.
If you only define "control" decks as decks with outlasting their opponent as their only win condition, then indeed control decks don't exist anymore. And that's a good thing. Attrition decks are boring and hell to play against, give me a deck with a win condition any time. I'm also wondering how that Handlock list is aggro or combo, since usually it spends most of the early game just tapping or removing enemy minions, and playing minions and then smashing your opponent's face with them is not a combo. If anything, it's a control deck, since you spend most of the early game controlling the board using cards like Soul Rend until you either stabilise with healing or manage to get your threats to stick.