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This is for Mage and Priest. The Bigs are back!!!
Seems like a really powerfull and fun card ! Also a big nerf to conjures calling !
The coin flip of getting King Phaoris or Colossus of the Moon is gonna be a real feelsbadman moment for either you or the opponent....
Here's hoping [Hearthstone Card (Highkeeper Ra) Not Found] isn't obtainable through Conjurer's Calling...
It isn't collectible, but I don't know if they have a filter on that.
Uncollectible cards are never obtainable through generic random effects. That's why you can't Devolve a 1-mana minion into a Hex Frog, or summon a Spirit Wolf with Faceless Lackey.
My understanding is that only collectable cards can be randomly summoned. Hence The Darkness shows up as dormant and not a 20/20 (yikes)
Excellent, thanks for the info. There are plenty of good 10 drops for Conjurer's Calling, glad to hear a degenerate option like Highkeeper Ra isn't one of them. Now here's hoping for a 12 cost minion in the final reveal..
Something for the old Spiteful Summoner decks in Wild too?
Seems strong but not completely overtuned in terms of power (looking at you Bloodreaver Gul'dan and Master Oakheart)
Welcome back big mage/priest.
Such a cool card. 100% gonna craft this, hopefully the golden animation is awesome.
i pretty fancy these big juicy 10 mana effects, which are need you to build your deck around^^ would be good pal of yogg
The animation on the regular card looks amazing. :D
Sick in Big Spell Mage-style decks. Seems very strong.
At first glance a filler legendary. Too expensive, to weak in stats, and too conditional.
Cmon man you are better than this... It's expensive for a reason because it's OP card, and it's not weak on stats it's like a minion with 20/20 ++ for 10 mana ...
It is IF you can get it off. But you need to get to turn 10, can't play your big spells because you need them as fuel for the King, there is still a chance you whiff on the RNG (Hir'eek, anyone?), and if you happen to be forced to play your spells before you have a 10 mana 5/5. I don't hate the card or anything, I just think it is way to inconsistent, to vulnerable to board clears and too hard to set up efficiently. I'm sure there is going to be some highlight videos, but I'm also sure this is not going to be in anything but meme decks.
Um, you're joking, right?
It's pretty damn often you've got a decent amount of high cost spells in your hand by turn 10.
I'm thinking Druid, Mage, and maybe even Priest.
Not at all joking. You would need to have this card plus some big spells at turn 10, be in a position where you can play a 5/5 for 10 mana without being smorc'd to death next turn and pray to the RNG gods to not get weak stuff like Hireek or the like. Seems unlikely to me that this is going to be a build around strategy, not to mention the possibilty of totally whiffing with the summons or a neatly timed board clear. Sure, it can work, but I doubt it will consitently enough to see constructed play.
So you just need 6 spells on hand for a full board. Nice.
One love in Priest with all those 9 mana plagues, 5 mana brawls, even 9 mana mass ressurection and 10 mana mind controls