Blizzard has revealed 8 new cards for Onyxia's Lair!
- If you missed yesterday's reveals, find them here.
- There's two more sets of reveals today - stay tuned!
- This means we've now seen 15 cards in total of the 35.
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A little reminder that if you play Vanndar Stormpike, Pet Collector is a 2 mana card that can pull an 8 mana beast or lower. Now that's some fun shit.
Alright, new cards :)
- Boomkin is another one of those cards which in theory is incredibly strong in other classes, but stuck in a class like druid its now a middling meh. Its certainly not bad, doing 4 damage or healing with a 4/5 body, the problem is that the card has no taunt, and costs 5, which means aggro druid wouldn't go there and ramp druid would rather just play something like Cenarion Ward. It doesn't even curve well from a turn 4 Overgrowth, one of the few things guaranteed druid would want to do.
I have some hopes for this card, because its still a decent card on its own.
- Raid Negotiator can theoretically win the game if it gets you Nourish. The problem is that it's not guaranteed to do that, and hence its application is likely niche at best.
- Furious Howl would have been a broken card in old hearthstone but hunter now can actually decently draw with Barak Kodobane and generally plays midrange cards like Trampling Rhino, so I guess this may be more powerful post rotation? Certainly I dont see it now.
- Pet Collector I like. There are ways you can just jam big beasts in your deck and get a massive swing with this card on 5. Might not make it, but certainly interesting.
- Dragonbane Shot. Quest hunter would love it. If there's even a slight chance you can reduce its cost it may well just be broken.
- Keen Reflex is another card to weaponize tokens. Expendable Performers = 14 damage for 9 mana. That's respectable, even without kurtrus. Its not even too bad a card without the combo.
- Wings of Hate (Rank 1) is just a good card. Play it early, late, whatever, its still good for 1 mana.
- Razorglaive Sentinel has potential. But with skull still in standard, we'd much rather just play that. Maybe herald the return of aggro dhunter in standard?
Edit: realised that keen reflex is in fact 2 mana. Oh well. Burst damage option is still there, just a little harder to reach ideal levels.
Wow, like token Hunter needed draw. Insane. More solitaire coming.
Aggro Hunter is just bonkers right now, and soon will be broken
I'm loving the druid "choose one" card pool. I've piloted a deck with choose one stuff to some minor success in Duels, so here's to hoping a new archetype opens up in standard. Ramp is polarizing, and beasts/aggro is not my style. Not to mention but I loved Fandral when he was in standard along with DK malfurion.
Not too happy to see DH and hunter get easy refill/attack/damage, it's not like those decks were hurting for any of those things. (maybe hunter, but that is supposed to be their weakness... so much for that I guess.)
I am liking this set so far... except for Dragonbane Shot and Wings of Hate which are pretty bad
Dragonbane Shot has potential in Quest Hunter, at least in Wild and probably in Standard.
Maybe. If it became popular people would just stop playing 2 health minions in tempo/aggressive decks, I think.
There are honorable kill cards that prey upon minions with 1, 2, and 3 health. If you avoid playing them all, you'll have no early game.
Yeah, but those cards are garbo. If a good honorable kill card was printed, then people would play around it.
I.E Defile where people would not drop 1 health minions on a nice board.
Frostbite is pretty important in Freeze Elemental Shaman, so whatever.
Also, if Rancor didn't stop people from playing 2-health minions (back when Warrior was good), honorable kill isn't going to, either. If a card is good for a deck, you play it. You don't start avoiding it because one class out of ten has a punishment for it.
Defile is not the same at all because you just hold the minion until a point when the punishment isn't as serious. You wouldn't just completely leave 1-drops out of your deck or never play the ones you have.
I feel like you misunderstood me which is my fault, I should have been more specific. I was not claiming people would completely stop running cards because of a good particular card, they would play around it in a way that involved mitigating its value. If this card became good, no tempo deck would drop more than 1 2 health minions at a time after seeing it.
If this card saw play, it would be in wild.
Yes I’m talking Wild, where you can combo it with hero power and other spells and get it to work on 3,4, and 5 hp minions easily as well. No easy way to play around it, and it can easily be a big upgrade over some suboptimal cards that the deck was forced to run.
Oh boy hand refill and a cheap repeatable spell for hontor I am sure this will no way increase the annoyance that is quest hunter (at least they're both even so Odd quest can't use em)
How far have we come to suddenly powercreep Stargazer Luna with a damn Common minion... -_- Sure, +1 in Cost, but damn does it make that Legendary card feel not so Legendary if a damn Common does her job, and also works on left-most cards.
Yeah, the term "power creep" does not really apply to cards from different classes.
to be fair, Mage has (or used to have) way more ways to play cards for 0-mana. DH currently does not (unless you're counting post completion Quest, at which point there'S probably still better draw options)