Rewards Track Progress: 4.0
Hey everyone! We're a week into the FiAV expansion and no one has made a thread for the new rewards track yet, so I figured I'd take the reins from Alleria and make one. It's always fun to see other people's progress since it motivates me to keep leveling up as well, so share away!
Here's my progress:
I'm currently at Level 37, I've played for about four days since the expansion launch. I stupidly forgot to hoard the daily and weekly quests before the launch so I could zoom through the rewards track, thinking they'd be replenished by the next day -_- Anyway, my goal this expansion is to breach the Level 200 barrier that has so far eluded me in all the rewards tracks.
From the looks of this meta, I'll probably reach that goal because I'm having fun! I've been playing a lot of Shaman (grinding towards that golden portrait, just 80 more wins to go), mostly the Freeze Control archetype, and some Freeze Elemental decks. I've also toyed with a Big Priest since I unpacked Xyrella, the Devout, and it's pretty competitive. I even had some success with a Clown Druid with Wildheart Guff, it beats a lot of Fatigue Warlocks so long as you can ramp quickly and slam down some big boys early. Speaking of which, I'm not facing a lot of quest decks, apart from Warlocks and Warriors, which I think is good.
I haven't bought the pass yet, but I will by next week. This meta has been fun for me so far. How's everyone's finding it? Good luck on the climb!
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Hey everyone! We're a week into the FiAV expansion and no one has made a thread for the new rewards track yet, so I figured I'd take the reins from Alleria and make one. It's always fun to see other people's progress since it motivates me to keep leveling up as well, so share away!
Here's my progress:
I'm currently at Level 37, I've played for about four days since the expansion launch. I stupidly forgot to hoard the daily and weekly quests before the launch so I could zoom through the rewards track, thinking they'd be replenished by the next day -_- Anyway, my goal this expansion is to breach the Level 200 barrier that has so far eluded me in all the rewards tracks.
From the looks of this meta, I'll probably reach that goal because I'm having fun! I've been playing a lot of Shaman (grinding towards that golden portrait, just 80 more wins to go), mostly the Freeze Control archetype, and some Freeze Elemental decks. I've also toyed with a Big Priest since I unpacked Xyrella, the Devout, and it's pretty competitive. I even had some success with a Clown Druid with Wildheart Guff, it beats a lot of Fatigue Warlocks so long as you can ramp quickly and slam down some big boys early. Speaking of which, I'm not facing a lot of quest decks, apart from Warlocks and Warriors, which I think is good.
I haven't bought the pass yet, but I will by next week. This meta has been fun for me so far. How's everyone's finding it? Good luck on the climb!
You might as well buy the pass now if you intend to do so anyway. The extra xp is not retroactive if Im not mistaken, which means you dont get that increase from all the games played before you bought the pass.
Planning to reach 50 this week to see if the free legendary is any good, and to get that splendid (dragon) portrait for mage. Dawngrasp isn't really all that great for me to be honest.
So far the games been fun for me too. Played all sorts of decks to some success, in comparison with stormwind where matchups determine whether you'll get destroyed within seconds. Almost make me feel that Irondeep Trogg was purposefully added to this expansion just to make sure quest decks can't possibly survive. No quest mages so far, a massive plus, because if I ever see another one of that shit again, I might need to down an entire bottle of aspirin to avoid a stroke.
I've faced a few quest mages but they all got rekt and I was playing various decks like Guff CA druid and MarkMckz's Owl Xyrella Priest. Quest mage isn't performing well anymore but maybe I've just been lucky.
Finished all my weekly and daily quests and currently level 47 thanks to achievement hunting. So looking forward to that dragon mage portrait. Only downside is queuing up as mage leads to a loss as seen in HS Replay stats and I will never play as Quest Mage (coz I don't own the quest).
Do hope Blizzard buffs some big mage spells coz that archetype is really struggling.
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Yeah I know, I just don't have money to spare for it right now, what with Christmas season and all. Stupid gifts :)) Besides, I'm buying the pass for the portraits, not the XP boost, but I hear you.
Amen on Quest Mages, I'm glad they're dead. The new Mozaki Mage has taken its place though, yet another OTK deck that's not really powerful but just incredibly tilting to lose to, especially since I'm playing slower decks that can't pressure it much.
Thank you Tetsuo for creating the latest iteration of this beloved RT Progress thread.
I am currently at level 64. As always, I bought the Tavern Pass, both pre-order bundles and spent 5000 gold for 50 packs. Amazingly, I only miss 1 single legendary now which took me at least 60 more packs to reach for the last expansion. Next time, I will skip the purchase of the smaller pre-order and save some money in the process. As for XP achievements progress, I am at 71% now and still have 15 of them left to complete. Team5 still needs to patch some of these before I can complete them all though. The current meta is much healthier than the previous one I must say.
The funniest game I had this week was with Rogue playing against a Freeze Shaman. During the match I got a Brilliant Macaw off of a Parrrley. This Shaman card combined with the new Shadowcrafter Scabbs hero card battlecry was really brilliant. I could basically replay the hero card ability onwards every turn with upsides only for me and not for my opponent, such great fun was had.
First of all, thanks Tetsuo for taking the torch from me, I´m excited to be part of the new RT journey and read all the progress we´ll all make and share.
I´ve bought the TP day one again, and hoarded all the three Weeklies and Daylies for the start of the new track, so on the first day it shooted me right to lvl 27. My free lvl 20 legendary was Balinda Stonehearth. Yesterday I´ve hit lvl 50 and opened Kurtrus, Demon-Render. Not sure, how viable he is, but I´m always glad to get a hero card. For the XP achievements, I´m at 33% done and counting, cause doing achievements is my main goal in game right now and I´m having a blast doing it.
So good luck climbing and have fun guys! :)
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
I've hit lvl 50 yesterday. Got Bearon Gla'shear, and her name in Russian translation is really stupid :)
I hit level 67 this morning on the track. I bought the Tavern Pass, and am now just 3 levels away from the 20% XP boost at level 70. I am really enjoying AV so far! I don't have a complete set (missing 5 legendaries), but I have been achievement grinding with what I have and trying out lots of new stuff.
Lvl 46 so far with 2 Weeklies left for this week. Since im and arena player only the xp will be a little lower than constructed player, but so far progress is good. Normally it takes me around 1½ month to reach 100
I have the Tavern Pass and also just hit level 50. For my legendary reward I also received Kurtrus, Demon-Render. I don't buy bundles at the start of the expansion (rely on the Tavern Pass bonuses for items and gold) so I've been playing rather simple decks so far.
I've reached level 50, and I got...drum roll...another crappy legendary! Rokara, the Valorous. That's 4 straight rewards tracks where my free legendary (both from the level 20 and 50 milestones) were crap, except for Anetheron. I swear they're rigging it so you get the least played legendaries...
Anyway, I'm at level 51. I've been making a late push for legend with Freeze Shaman, and I was just one win away until I lost to a Face Hunter. Happens every time. I'll make another push tomorrow.
I'm still loving this meta. There are a good variety of decks out there, nothing too oppressive. Everything is counterable. Is that everyone's experience too? Hope you're having fun with the grind as much as I am!
Hit lvl 60 today all weekly and daily done for this week.
I reached level 91 and finally got my hands on that new shiny Faction Pride coin.
Not planned, but last week I hit Legend once again and this time with Freeze Shaman because it is just too good, even after the recent Snowfall Guardian nerf. My XP achievements are 89% done now and I am waiting for Team 5 to patch the broken ones. My collection is still missing 1 single legendary (Bearon Gla'shear) to complete the Fractured in Alterac Valley expansion so I can get the other new shiny Alterac General coin. Hopefully, the missing Shaman legendary will make its appearance in this season's ranked chest reward packs.
The current Standard meta is better than during last expansion and enjoyable again. The Wild meta on the other hand is still shitty, F those United in Stormwind questlines, really.
Anyone else getting more and more annoyed by the increasing amount of bugs in HS which do not get enough attention by Team 5? I mostly play on my mobile phone, so it might not be happening in the HS client that much, I do not know.
Good luck with the grind and most of all have lots of fun! See y'all again in 2022!
Currently level 61 with no tavern pass and current weekly quests still to go.
I've mostly been achievement hunting with what I have available, 40% done so far, Xmas break helps as well. I don't mind the meta so much other than going against priest or Qwarrior/Qwarlock. Thankfully, freeze shaman achievement hunting = easy wins against Pirate Garrosh.
My favorite thing to do so far has been to have Yogg in my freeze shaman and get to play his effect 3 times total with parrot.
"Soon we must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy"
With Mondays Weeklies I´ve finally hit lvl 70 and got that 20% boost. Today I´ve also hit 1400 Honor for the High Warlord rank and got golden Vanndar Stormpike, so now I can try to do the Wing Commander Ichman achievement (which I "luckily" opened in my last pack). My XP achievement count is at 55% done, hope that they will fix the broken ones soon.
Good luck all!
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
Ooh I missed this at the start. Just hit 69 (nice) today as well as finished my High Warlord Quest. I got a Vanndar early on but dusted him as I got closer to the golden reward. Been enjoying the expansion with a variety of decks. Favorites are Big Spell Mage and Ichman Hunter! Not good decks but so fun.
Legendaries: Opened: Mulvrick, Ichman, Caria Felsoul, Saidan , Bru'kan (hero) , Dreadlich Tamsin
Redwarded: Drek'thar, Vanndar, Korrak, Lokholar
Crafted: Dawngrasp(hero), Xyrella (Hero)
This time I did get the pass. Got a decent haul on Legends too so far. Enjoying this set a lot as a casual ranked player. Looking forward to end of month rewards and the mini-set to come.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
Best wishes everyone!!
I just hit level 123. XP achievements progress is stuck at 95% because the 2 remaining ones are still bugged.
I moved on to complete the other no XP rewarding achievements which are now mostly done as well.
Today, I finally caved and converted 76K arcane dust to complete my entire card collection. Just to cross this off my HS bucket list.
Annoying bugs aside, I am actually starting to lose interest in traditional HS because there are only a few goals left for me to achieve. Considering achievements were not even in the game before the first rewards track got introduced, it is amazing how my perception of the game was changed by them.
I played continuously since 2015 and I am not at all interested in Battlegrounds or Arena by the way. HS fatigue is finally setting in, I guess.
Take a break, only do your daily/weekly for a periode, you are allready way ahead on RT. then interest will come again.
For myself i keep it low, just reached lvl 74 so 20% xp now. And as allways Arena only, so low xp.
With todays Weeklies I´ve jumped to lvl 90 and got that sweet coin. My XP achievement count is 70% done. Funny thing is that I´ve accidentaly completed warriors "What Happens When...?" even I don´t own Rokara, the Valorous - more in spoiler.
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
I've reached level 67 on the track. I finally bought the pass, but I wasn't able to play much last week because I got sick, so I spent the past two days finishing my quests from last week, then cleaning up the new quests this week. I managed to climb 8 levels in two days, not bad.
With Thief Rogues dominating the meta, I've been strictly playing Quest Shaman and Quest Handlock. I know, I know, try something new, but these decks are my best bet to counter those Rogues because of their removal tools. And I've been farming wins for that golden Shaman portrait anyway, so might as well. I'm only 13 wins away!
I'm also excited to have unlocked the Venerable Bru'kan portrait, definitely one of the best Shaman skins in the game. I just love skins with flashy animations, and the lightning emanating from Bru'kan's fingertips is just sweet (he's also my favorite mercenary; love me some old geezers who can still dish it out!). I'll be using this skin exclusively in my grind for the golden portrait.
Mini update: I reached level 150 and Legend in Wild along the way. Now waiting for the new patch with bugfixes and the upcoming mini-set, hopefully arriving soon™
I am nearly at Level 94. I've been doing dailies (in mercs and in the main game), and that's about it over the Holiday season. Mostly playing Standard - (I need to get to Diamond 5 still) and then I will flip over to Wild for my climb to D5.
I'm at Level 75. Slow progress is slow, but it's just hard to play in this Roguestone meta right now. Poison Rogues are simply unbeatable. NOTHING beats this deck. I just toiled away for my golden Shaman portrait, then I was done with Standard until the nerfs come. A once promising and diverse meta ruined by a supposedly meme card in Maestra, good job Blizz....
I'm not doing that many achievements this expansion, which contributes to my slow progress. I dunno, the achievements this time around feel like such a chore to do. I usually complete about 60%, but right now I haven't even hit 30% yet.
I just reached level 200. The new patch with bugfixes arrives in 5 more days and then I can complete my last 2 remaining XP achievements, finally.
Hopefully the next meta becomes a bit more balanced at the same time as well.
Sometime last week I finished the Track (Level 100) and took the Illidan portrait. I am at Level 117 now, and also looking forward to next week's mini-release.
I´ve hit lvl 100 few days ago and chose Arcanist Jaina as my 5th RT portrait (the 4th was the one from Battlefield Master achievement for 7200 Honor). Now I´m at lvl 110 and still have todays three weeklies and one daily quests up. My XP achievement count is at 75% done, and I´m taking a break from doing them until the new ones from the miniset arrive (still no luck with the Snowball Fight! one, I´m stuck forever at 8/10).
And yeah, it really buggs me that I had 4005 gold for some time now, but I also know I´m "lucky" enough that I won´t get the 5 from the paid game modes, only in the case when I´m back to zero :D Right now I´m waiting for the next "free" Arena ticket to try my luck again. Good thing is I don´t care slightlest for my dust count, I never dust cards unless there is some nerf going on and almost never craft any, until there is one I really love/want, and won´t open it from packs.
P.S. sorry for replying you in this thread instead, but I don´t want to convert Golden Hero Portrait - Completionist & Grind thread to my own chatting place, while ignoring the original topic :D
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
I reached level 222. The next big patch with all those bugfixes is almost upon us, I have really high expectations for it.
@Alleria, no problem. When I posted my earlier message over there, I wondered if it would be too off-topic. I use the same dust strategy as you do by the way.
Lvl 102 with 1 weekly left. @860 lvl on all RT
Level 98 with 1 weekly left. Should get to level 100 soon(TM)
I am at level 253. Currently trying to complete the Gesundheit XP achievement. Afterwards, I will go back to the waiting room for the You are not worthy XP achievement to get fixed and the next mini-set to arrive.
What are your thoughts and experiences of the latest patch? And what is your current progress on the rewards track?
Finished all weeklies and jumped from lvl 99 to 107 yesterday. Also reached Diamond 5, a new personal best, with just a few hours left of the season. Now to decide what portrait to choose from the rewards...
So after two weeks I´ve gained 30 lvls, jumping to lvl 140. My XP achievement count is at 80% done. I´ve also gained golden warrior portrait (again, lol*), slowly climbing up the ladder, currently Plat 10 (my highest yet in a very looong time), no bonus stars left. Hoarded 6005 gold, ready for the mini-set :)
How are ya´ll doing?
*I´ve hit 500 wins three weeks ago, but "thanks" to Duels Diablo wins not counting, Blizz took my portrait away after the the recent patch.
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
126 now with Tavern pass. Slower than I would have liked but a lot of games I play all updating soonish has me pulled in many directions. The mini set should correct that a bit though! Onyxia's Layer was not my first raid oddly. The guild I was in was more advanced but had attendance issues so I got to tag along. Simple single dragon encounter but felt epic and I got loot from it mostly because I didn't pull any whelps on my first try! Still a great memory with many friends and not many whelps! :D
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
I have 1 weekly quest left. After completing it, I will reach level 313 (mostly by farming Mercenaries, no bots involved).
After tomorrow's patch we can finally complete all the Alterac XP achievements. Timingwise it is nice because it coincides with the introduction of the new Onyxia Lair's mini-set XP achievements. Hopefully no new bugs will surface related to these achievements otherwise I will riot (i.e. complain) again.
Almost time to collect some more free XP, so have lots of fun everyone! 😄
I´m at lvl 165 right now. After spending gold for the miniset I´m at 5k and my XP achievement count dropped to 60% done - time to work on it :)
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
I'm at Level 114, and once I finish my weeklies I should reach 120. I've been playing a lot recently; I think I climbed 25 levels in two weeks.
Lately I've been playing a lot of Mercenaries, trying to max out my Mercs. I can't say I've been enjoying it as much, I just feel like grinding my Mercs to level 30. I didn't buy the mini-set again this time, though I did craft Kazakusan. While he's a blast to play (especially in a Control Warrior list), some games feel polarizing in that it comes down to who draws Kazakusan first. The card has also ushered in a bunch of hyper-aggro decks, which is something I never welcome.
didnt one of our awesome Mods put together a list just for Kaladin with solely possibilities about how he can find help?
I forgot who it was, maybe even our renowned Flux himself ... but I was applauding the idea.
I reached level 357.
I completed the Chi-Ji limited time event and only have 7 of the latest introduced mercenaries left to be fully maxed out.
I bought the Onyxia's Lair mini-set with gold and played a bunch of Kazakusan Druid in ranked Standard, but I cannot say I enjoyed this latest meta at all. At diamond level, I only encounter mirror matches or opponents with tech cards like Irondeep Trogg and Cult Neophyte.
As for the new XP achievements, since they are mostly really grindy this time around, I have yet to start grinding those out. The Demon Hunter and Rogue ones are not even in the game yet (sigh). I do wonder what the new '???' is all about though. What kind of riddled madness did Celestalon come up with this time?
Dude how often do you play? Level 357 is nuts lol.
I'm currently at Level 125, with 7000 gold. I think I have a month left to reach that level 200 goal I've been aiming for. I can do this!
I don't think I'll be able to complete the Chi-Ji event for Mercenaries. Since I started late with maxing out my mercs, I'm only at the 2nd half of the Blackrock Mountain levels, and it's incredibly difficult to beat those damn bosses. It took me a whole day before I could beat High Lord Omokk with the maxed out mercs I have.
Even though I'm playing it a lot recently, Mercenaries still feels like a really predatory mode. The economy is terrible, and it basically wants you to sacrifice ALL of your time if you want to max out your mercs. I just so happened to have lots of time recently so I was able to, but man, I can see why a lot of people gave up on this mode. I mean, this was one of the things that made me hesitant to be invested in the mode in the first place.
To be honest, it only seems more predatory than usual because of the restrictions from the chi-ji event. Because if Im completely honest, I wouldn't even bother with 90% of all the mercs I utilized to complete these event if it didn't force me to. Had to grind up Yulon and Sinestra somewhat to even stand a chance, and even then I still felt I won by luck rather than skill.
Otherwise, I finished nearly all the bounties using nature bros. And the only expensive option here is Malfurion with lvl 4 liferoot treasure.
If players gave up on it, its only because mercs is at present uninteresting, unrewarding, and the pve can get tiresome at times. Not to mention that its incredibly expensive if youre wanting to pay, and grindy as hell if youre not. Im still half way through getting Valeera right now. Wonder how long it'll take me to get Longxin.
I´m at 185 lvl with 6k gold. My XP achievement is at 70% done, wonder when they will enable DH and Rogue one. With mercenaries, I can´t pass the fourth special Chi-Ji task, so I don´t think I´ll ever complete it all. I know the event is not meant to be for everyone, but at least I hoped it would be challenging AND fun. But no, this is Hearthstone, no quests or challenges are fun, but frustrating (including XP achievements). So I think I´ll slowly abandon the mode, although the completionist in me screams in frustration XD
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
I know it is crazy, but I have actually played less now than during the previous Rewards Track, although still more than is considered healthy.
Plenty of my XP comes from farming Mercenaries (no bots involved). I am just converting time, electricity and a few occasional clicks into XP 😂
Currently at level 377, almost at the very end, lol.
not to be an ass, but why don't you just translate 5€ of whatever your energy company comp is asking into any Merc you want at this point? haha
Of course I could do that, but I do not really care for those Mercenaries at all. I will collect and fully max them out eventually along the way, but all I want is that sweet XP which directly translates into extra gold to buy in game stuff with.
It might still be more efficient to spend real money to purchase that said stuff, but I have not made the proper calculation to make the comparison.
To reach the end of the Rewards Track once again (I did it for the first RT) also feels like yet another achievement to me by the way.
Yes, my thought process is kind of peculiar, I know. Strange people (like myself) do strange things, I guess 😅
Utility rates are structured differently everywhere, but around here charging an ipad daily will run you about $2 a year.
We have one of those power meters where you plug the meter into the wall, and then plug your appliance into the meter, and it reports the draw. My spouse and I tested everything we could reach, and the only item where a behavior change made sense was the coffeepot. Now, after it's done brewing, we turn it off instead of letting the hotplate keep the coffee warm.
If you have any environmental concerns about the impacts of playing video games, a much more impactful trade is to swap in one meatless meal each week. And make sure the screen setting is as dim as reasonable.
Tablets and phones draw very little power overall. (Not gonna get into any analysis of crypto mining here, lol). Have fun. Chase XP. Your electric bill will be fine.
Lvl 150 All weekly done.
XP in arena still sucks monkey balls. If i played standard instead which they try to force into your throat as much as they can then i would probably be 200+ soonish
About to hit level 229. Finishing up the last grindy (not RNG dependent) Onyxia's Lair XP achievements and just spamming Standard and Ranked Ladder in these final days of the Year of the Gryphon.
I just reached Level 217, & Diamond 5 with two stars, on the ladder.
You're crazy. My hat is off to you, sir.
good god. i'm 145, i expect to be 175-195 by next expansion. i'm f2p, usually hit legend standard and mostly play for dailies. i'll play bgs when i hit legend and get bored. i cant imagine the dedication to hit 400. congrats!
Just reached Level 140. I finally managed to complete some achievements: the Xyrella deathrattle ones, summoning X number of dread imps, and the Kurtrus, Demon-Render one. I'm frustrated that I've yet to complete the one for triggering honorable kills; it's a pretty difficult mechanic to pull off.
I expect to be at Level 150+ by the end of the week.
Honor kills you can easily farm with Keen Reflex and our old reliable, Mad Summoner. It'll still take quite some time, but at very least its substantially easier than before this card was introduced.
@NebuchadnezzarHS I´m halfway there - lvl 200 now. I missed one Ranked weekly - that´s how I love that mode, not. My main goal is to complete XP achievements (doing it in casual Duels), right now I´m at 80% done. Still waiting for DH and Rogue ones, wonder why it takes so long to fix that - we won´t have much time left to complete them I´m afraid. Wonder what the new expansion will be about :)
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
@Rifraff & rocketfodder: Thank you for acknowledging my bizarre and devoted madness for Hearthstone! 😋
@Alleria: Yeah, we encountered quite a few weird and annoying bugs with both the Alterac Valley and Onyxia's Lair achievements. I obviously do not need the related XP, but I would like to finish the last three for completeness sake.
I have noticed during the last couple of days that playing Hearthstone without the XP progress and gold increments is a lot less fun. Kind of makes me wonder if I would still enjoy Hearthstone if it was vanilla. At least I have learned by now that the Rewards Track has become a truly vital aspect of this game for me.
For the time being, one of my last few goals is to complete the three remaining XP-less general gameplay achievements:
My (useless) achievements points total is currently: 29780. It shows that I am in need of help to overcome this unhealthy Hearthstone addiction. Although this is (partially) a running gag of mine, I honestly feel it is probably not even that far away from the actual truth 🙄
Anyways, good luck to you all with the last stretch of this Rewards Track!
NebuchadnezzarHS, how about you complete my achievements and RT for me? 😅😁
Been lagging behind this expansion coz the achievement bugs put me off achievement hunting 🤦♀️
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Level 200!
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
@Caro: For a moment, I was seriously considering your suggestion and it further proves that I have a Hearthstone addiction. However, even before Mercenaries was launched I had already abandoned my four F2P accounts to reduce my overall Hearthstone playtime (slightly) and also because I was not getting those sweet Challenge a Friend! quests frequently enough. In short, I think it is unwise for me to complete your XP achievements and Rewards Track, but I am very flattered that you thought I would be sufficiently trustworthy to wield your account on your behalf 😇 Good luck with gathering all that XP, I believe you can do it just as fine!
I am still sitting comfortably at level 400, lol. Killing time by saving up all the highest grossing XP quests for the next Rewards Track.
Currently at level 145, not bad given I skipped an entire month just to refresh and reduce the burnout of playing sometimes.
As much as I love Kazakusan and playing it, I think it was a bit of a mistake, the deckbuilding restriction is negligible especially in wild.
I can't even imagine being 400 with a month to spare lol well done!
"Soon we must all make the choice between what is right and what is easy"
@Iplaywhite: Thanks!
I guess I should be glad that Team 5 implemented a hard cap to the Rewards Track. Otherwise I would most likely continue to gather XP until the very last day, lose my freaking mind and even more of my spare time.
Hit Level 151, with two more weeklies and a couple of dailies to spare. I estimate that I'm gonna reach 165 by next week, maybe even 170. Nothing's gonna stop my rampage towards 200!
I'm still spending a looooot of time with Mercenaries. I just play traditional Hearthstone to complete daily quests, then I spend the rest of my playing time grinding out my Mercs. I still haven't finished Blackrock Mountain level though, I can't get past Rend Blackhand. Gotta find a guide on how to do that.
Excited for the upcoming expansion announcement! Any day now.
I just hit lvl 220 and my XP achievement count stopped at 85%. I´m still waiting for the DH and Rogue ones (along with the mystery ???), other than that I´m missing two Paladin, one Priest and two Shaman quests, because I don´t have required legenderies (and there is no way I can complete Snowball Fight! achievement, forever stuck at 8/10).
@Tetsuo Assuming you mean normal level, I´ve beaten Rend Blackhand with Mukla, Krush, Anacondra comp, I was lucky to pull "To the death" tho, which made it easy. Other than that, my other trio is the infamous Nature comp consisting of Malfurion, Guff and Bru´kan. With this build I´ve beaten all of the normal bosses and I´m half through the heroic Blackrock. Don´t know which comp do you use, but it might be worth a try :)
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
Tetsuo: There is a thread for that:
If I recall correctly, I beat Rend with a fire team. Loads of AoE and I sacrificed Gruul for his nasty ability. I also guess summoned minions are useful to eat up that ability but haven't tried it.
@Alleria & @allthehype: Thanks for the suggestions! Unfortunately I don't have some of the mercs you suggested (I've maxed out Bru'kan and Guff Runetotem, but I've yet to accumulate enough coins for Malfurion Stormrage lol), and I haven't been using Gruul at all so I'll need to level him up first. I nearly beat Rend Blackhand yesterday with a combination of Xyrella, Varden Dawngrasp, Blademaster Samuro, and some other orcs. What I did was keep buffing up Samuro's attack so he'll always be targeted by Rend's 200 damage ability, then using Whirling Blade on the same turn so he's immune when that 200 damage strikes. Unfortunately I mistimed a freeze by Varden so my Mercs died to a hailstorm of fire from those damn dragons.
But thanks for linking to that guide! I'll get more tips from there.
Beat Rend blackhand easily with diablo. Just a level 3 fire stomp and you're golden.
If you get the passive that deals fire damage for every enemy dead from a fire attack, then its just a OTK on turn 2.
Gotta max out Diablo then. Thanks for the tip!
I found a Rend Blackhand guide by OldGuardian on Youtube, and it looks like I had the right idea with the Samuro + Xyrella tandem, I just had the wrong mercs around them. He beat Rend with a budget team of Samuro, Xyrella, and Cariel as his main three, then Tavish, Millhouse, and Rokara on the bench.
Anyway, I'll update you guys once I've gotten past this obstacle. To keep this thread on topic though, I'm now at Level 159 on the track.
I´m at lvl 230 right now and at the same time managed to hit 1000 lvls total on Tavern Regular achievement - I chose Garrosh of Wrath as my 6th Tier 2 Hero skin. I´ve completed the last Rogue and DH XP achevements, but don´t know which % of completion I´m at, since the achievement counter is now broken (EDIT: after the fix it´s at 86% now). With mercenaries, I´m missing only two of them - Deathwing and Drek'Thar (and Leeroy Jenkins ofc), most of them are lvl 30, but only 8 of them are fully maxed out. I also finished Varden´s Book of Mercenaries, so I´m taking a little break until the new expansion - I´m at 8500 gold and hoarded 5 extra packs (2 Standard and three class packs), so I´m ready :D Good luck all, have fun! :)
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
I'm at level 185, and in progress on Varden's story. (Got a chuckle when Jaina told them: Pretty sure we'll be too busy dealing with the next catastrophe to hang out, but thanks for the invite.)
Alleria's comment reminded me to save the reward pack until after the new expansion drops. Any Tavern Brawl packs won't contain new cards, but class and Standard packs could.
I'm at Level 163. Same routine for me: I'm playing a lot of Mercenaries, only playing Standard to complete daily and weekly quests. I could've hit 165 but I failed to complete one weekly from last week.
I finally got through the Rend Blackhand bounty using the party that OldGuardian suggested: Cariel, Xyrella, Samuro, Rokara, Tavish, and Millhouse. I spent a couple of days farming coins for the mercs I needed and maxing out all of their equipment, so I was able to beat Rend easily. I'm now using the same team to blaze through Alterac Valley. I just finished the Lokholar bounty before taking a break from playing.
I still have 15 more levels to go before I can choose a Tier 2 hero skin. I'm still undecided on which one to pick between Priest, Mage, and DH. I'll cross that bridge when I get there, which should be in a couple of days!
I'm at Level 174. With the new weekly quests I'll be able to clear 180 within the week, but I'm worried the Battle Pass will reset before I can achieve my goal of reaching 200. Will the Battle Pass reset at the end of March or by the end of rotation? I've been burned before by something resetting before the new expansion even hit, I just can't remember if it's the battle pass or achievements.
I've finished the Alterac Valley level in Mercenaries, and I'm cleaning up the Leeroy Jenkins quests in Onyxia's Lair.
I believe the achievements reset (after patch on April 5th the old achievements will not provide XP but the new ones will provide it instead)
BTW, level 203 achieved today.
Level 212: Might get a bit more but seems like a good stopping point for progression. Got about 18 legendaries (with pass and spending gold on miniset). About the same as stormwind, a few more levels I believe. Not bad. Looking forward to the core set change and of course the new set. Think we got one more Colossal to see, love these big boys! Can't wait for Tuesday.
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
I am one game away from the XP needed to reach Level 299 on the track. Will be well over 300 once the track resets for Sunken City. I can't wait for the new expansion(!) - my plan is to grind standard and wild ladder until then to try and reach Diamond 5 before I play garbage decks and achievement farm in the new track.
One more week to go until rotation hits. W00t!
As usual, do not forget to save up some daily and/or weekly quests for the next Rewards Track to get a nice jumpstart.
I am currently struggling with the (near) impossible YoggChamp! achievement in ranked Wild for the past few days now. So far, literally none of my opponents are aware that I am trying to complete it. How I wish it did not exist at all (sigh).
Good luck with the final stretch y'all! See you on the other side 👋🔱🌊
I'm at Level 186. I have 9,655 gold in the bank, and I would've had 10k+ if I didn't buy some Mercs packs a couple of days ago. I'm seriously thinking whether to splurge my gold for the new expansion or buy Mercenaries packs. The new expansion doesn't excite me, honestly.
Only a week to go until rotation hits and the rewards track resets, so I think I'll be able to accomplish my personal goal of reaching Level 200. I just need to squeeze in time to actually play, because work is coming down on me like a ton of bricks.
Hope everyone else is happy with their progress!
Merc packs aren't really value for money though. Its way easier to just grind up for the merc you want than chancing it on packs. Besides, we're due to get three packs from beating Mi'da on April 5th anyway.
Sunken city may not look good, but its still the first expansion so its cards are likely to see play. Still better than spending it on mercs anyday.
Well, getting close to the end of this recent RT I´m at 265 lvl, expecting to end at 270, which is my highest yet (from previous 251, 255 and 268). I´m saving all my next Mondays Weeklies and three Daylies for the new RT. Knowing myself, I´ll probably buy TP again from day one. My XP achievement stopped at 86% done, and I´m more than ready for the next ones! :)
So how did it all went for you? Will you use all your quests to get higher or will you save them for next? Did you get higher or lower than the last time? Any other thoughts? Hope to see you in the next RTP 5.0 :D
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
Lvl 211 and my lowest level so far. all quest done now and will probably end at 213 or 214.
saving my weekly until tuesday with 3 daily lined up as usual and buying new reward track to support the game.
I really hope in the future that i can pick gold instead of packs in arena so i have a chance to buy cosmetic once in a while. but probably wont happen since blizzard is trying to force you to play standard
I've accomplished my goal of reaching rank 200. I'm gonna end this rewards track at Level 202. I could have reached as high as 208 based on the remaining quests I have, but I decided to save those so I can zoom up the next rewards track. I currently have 10,555 gold, which I'll spend on Sunken City packs.
How did everyone else do for this rewards track? I hope everyone was satisfied with their performance for this cycle, and most importantly, had fun doing it. See you all on the next progress thread!
My final level of Alterac Valley is 220 and I've got ~9k gold banked. Would be like 11k if I didn't try to get one last legendary out of the AV packs... and then ended up hitting the pity timer.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Ended up with level 225, achievments at 38% - it is not fun to grind achievments with weak cards.
But I'm excited for the new expansion, only cloud on the horizon is that the badly designed Stormwind quests are not being nerfed. It is very boring to play against them and especially in wild I encounter them A LOT. Like a LOT LOT, especially Warrior and Hunter ones.
In the end I´ve stopped at lvl 278, one point above exactly heh. Just like Tetsuo, I´m at 10k+ gold (damn that 5g :D) and leaving my quest log full for the new RT. I´m sooo ready and excited for the new expansion! Hope you guys have fun and lets meet in the new RT thread :) Wish you loads of legendaries upon pack opening and mostly those you really want. Cheers!
♡ u 4ever
2008 - 2022
I ended up tonight at level 325. I think it might be the farthest (by just a few levels) that I have ever made it on the Rewards Track!
I have only the newest Daily quest to work with tomorrow once the expansion drops, but that's fine with me - I made it D5 in standard tonight (which is my typical monthly "goal") and will begin grinding achievements stress-free and cracking open packs tomorrow after work. I opted to leverage my 20% XP bonus on the tail end of this rewards track for more gold pre-expansion (versus saving quests for the new track) in case I want to get more packs if my pre-orders don't go super well. I have ~35,000+ gold saved up, with plans to only use some of it to fill out my Voyage to the Sunken City collection. I didn't end up getting a complete collection for FiAV (I am missing 3 legendaries), but I figure I will get the last ones through "Year of the Gryphon" packs in Tavern Brawls over the next 12 months.
Good luck on ladder everyone, and good luck with your pack openings!
I'm at level 259 which is exactly the same level that I ended up with on Stormwind track funnily. I still might play a few more games and hit 260 though.
On the next track it will be lower because I won't be able to buy battle pass this time.
I'm at 236 and my quest log is full, ready to dive into the deep!