Great news everyone! Hearthstone is getting patch notes this Thursday, October 13, and we'll be seeing card balance changes, and Blizzard has already name dropped some targets!
We don't know the full extent of the patch yet, but it looks like at least four cards are going to be the target of balance. They are:
What changes would you like to see in the balance update? Make your predictions in the comments below.
Quote From PlayHearthstone Patch Notes are coming this Thursday!
Look forward to updates on cards like Theotar, the Mad Duke, Stag Spirit Wildseed, Bear Spirit Wildseed, and Harpoon Gun
I hope they don't kill Harpoon Gun. I'd be happy with a nerf to the cost discount or to its durability, it would make it less impactful but keep its basic function valid.
It will be interesting to see if Wild gets some attention as well. I reached legend yesterday and the number of Big Priest encounters heavily decreased once I had passed Diamond 4ish. The deck is still a pain in the ass and Neptulon is a broken card. I'd advocate for removing the Windfury from the main body or the Immune while attacking from its hands. Other than that I'm not the biggest fan of the meta right now but it doesn't feel unhealthy. Secret Mage is a super disgusting deck to play against but it's probably not broken enough to deserve a nerf (yet?). Mill Druid is doing its thing too easily for my taste but it gets countered by hyper aggressive decks (Demon Hunter, Rogue, maybe even Shaman [pun intended]) and mana cheaters (Secret Mage). Finally I do hope they don't completely nuke Harpoon Gun because JambaJooze's Beast Hunter with Knuckles is a ton of fun to play :)
Neptulon isnt a broken card at all, the issue is liek hig rogue/shaman how easlya dn EARLY he coems on online (like they sued to eb able to do it turn 1), if wanna address it youd hit illuminate/essence/palm reading the main cost reducers/card that cheats it out early
Neptulon when actully pay mana for him/get him out Lategame as a lategame minion, is completly fine.
I think the current Big Priest problem would already be somewhat acceptable/managable if Illuminate only can reduce spells which cost up to 5 mana and thus exclude Shadow Essence.
Theotar, the Mad Duke was always going to be nerfed, it was a case of when not if. The fact is, that this 'disruption' card has inadvertently become a win-con on its own, which surprised no one. Depending on how far team5 is willing to push this, but very likely it'll be 5 mana, unless they have their own reasons to kill it completely, in which case it'll be nerfed to 6, ensuring that this card will never be played again unless we get a combo meta.
Wildseeds are just good. Basically powercreeps hunter cards to such an extent I cant ever see them not playing it. Its not like relics in dhunter, with inherent synergies, wildseeds are standalone good and therefore infinitely flexible. Team5 nerfing this twice is testimony to that. Expecting bear to be a 2/4 taunt, while stag to get a stat nerf to 4/4. A reasonable change, which incidentally refunds us all the related cards again, very nice.
Harpoon Gun has been stealing a living, so no surprises there. But will it be a revert, or straight up nerf to 4 mana? I think the latter would be more impactful, but the former is more likely.
Winners here is definitely dhunter. Im expecting to see plenty of aggro and relic dhunter post patch. Hunter still has a chance, because these nerfs, while significant, may only change the build more towards what we've seen before nathria.
IMO, nerfing Theotar will not help fix the issue of everyone playing same-ish Denathrius decks
In fact, if his nerf makes it harder to consistently steal a card like Denathrius from the opponent, players will be even more inclined to play Daddy D decks, feeling he’s safer in their hands now!
Seems reasonable although I'm very concerned about Imp Warlock just being ignored here. That deck is only waiting to just take over the meta after Hunter.
Then again, with Hunter out of the picture maybe there's room to actually counter Implock either with aggro or just old-fashioned control.
I'd change Theotar to a 6-mana 4/4. Only the controlliest of control decks would run it at that cost.
I assume Harpoon Gun will be reverted, and I'm guessing the wild seeds each lose a stat point, Bear goes to 2/4 and Stag goes to 4/4.
The only other change I'd make to Hunter, that I don't expect to happen whatsoever, is change Tavish's Hero Power to 3-mana. It's already infinite Always Huffer. No need for it to be discounted at 2-mana.
One other neutral card that I think should be nerfed is Vicious Slitherspear. Make it a 1/2. It would slightly tone down the power of aggro-Druid, Naga Priest, and some Hunter decks.
Finally, if people are worried about Warlock dominance they should finally go ahead and nerf Impending Catastrophe. It should be "Draw a card for each imp you control.", especially because it's a Shadow spell. I had someone go fishing with it with Tamsin Roame on board with no imps, and it didn't feel great to lose to that.
I dont relaly care to much how theotar gets hit, i just hope it gets hit HARD, if would turn out unplayable that be compelltly ok by me.
BUt i aslo hope isnt just those cards and isnt just nerfs, just hunter (escpailyl fi gets hit really hard) and theotar but nto stuff he (somewhat) keeps in check could be very problematic, and id like few Good buffs (not to alreayd the best/most broken cards ina struggling deck/class beign made more reliant upon those to win).
Mainly warrior/pally, and their limited draw (buff service belll to 2 already, espcialyl when mmoonlight excists at 2, which if was 3mana and bell 2,moonlight still would be much better card) and for rogue secret package, so it isnt abosutly terrible. Kidnap could stop the battlecry of the minion then maybe d be worth using ever at all and not be helping your oponent more often then not by playing it
I'd like Theotar, the Mad Duke to discard the two cards instead of swapping them. It would retain the disruption ability but no more being killed by your own card.
As for Harpoon Gun, anything that makes it a meme card. I dislike such high-roll cards. There is no counter-play. Just hope they don't have it on curve, and if they do, hope they don't have a 7-mana beast at the bottom of their deck.
I would accept a change like this for Theo, the worst part is not even losing your card but your opponent having the opportunity to use against you
Yes please, it can be discard but get rid of this consistent turn 4+ swap. I literally ragequitted few mins ago becuase Druid played Theotar with Brann and Mutanus on same turn
Curse Warlock will replace Hunter as to Tier 1 deck
Happy to hear this. Certainly felt needed.