Card reveals continue during day 4 for Hearthstone's Festival of Legends card reveals.
Today you can expect to see Priest, Shaman, Druid, and Paladin cards. Missed previous cards? Check out our expansion guide!
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Today's Card Reveal Countdowns
March 21 Festival of Legends Card Reveals
Here are all the cards that Blizzard have revealed today, March 21, 2023, for Festival of Legends.
Kangor, Dancing King. Ladies and gentlemen, the current best reason for Cover Artist to exist. This is far more dangerous and interesting to me than Annoy-o-Troupe, as the latter is nine mana, though the latter works in the same deck concept we're getting at here. The other key player is Starlight Groove.
For the low price of four cards -- Kangor, Cover Artist, and Starlight Groove -- Paladin can most likely easily survie into the lategame. This is the basis for a Control Paladin but, more terrifyingly, gives Tempo Paladin a huge amount of luxury. Hearthstone has basically killed value -- every tempo deck is basically value now -- and this is a great example of that phenomenon. Even if you manage to crush a Paladin board, there is tons of recursion and Lifesteal and Divine Shield giving them longevity.
And that combo can be used offensively. You don't have to sit around and let Divine Shield get picked off by opponents. If Paladin still has beefy weapons, such as the reliable Truesilver Champion, then you can facetank the biggest threats and value trade smaller ones with lifesteal minions.
What we're looking for now is big weapons, big in durability and attack, and cheap sources of Holy spells, preferrably handbuff ones.
Edit: We're assuming that Zola the Gorgon rotates out, otherwise that would have a place here as well.
This could be the makings of a bizarre and truly annoying recursion deck with Da Undatakah and Immortal Prelate in Wild where a Prelated Undatakah will want to go into your deck and hand both. Further, it should lose enchantments if it enters your hand but it explictly keeps enchantments if it goes into your deck. So there's your first day of testing.
Dont think Cover Artist will make it into a deck with Kangor, Dancing King in it. Just anti-synergy.
What paladin needs to make big pally a thing is stabilization (City Tax is rotating), and early game minions via spells. So far we haven't seen much of it yet.
Ideally, the special weapon for pally should be a deathrattle trigger, about 4 mana or below. Because Im getting a feeling that this entire deck is just one silence away from being completely destroyed.
Silence has been the answer to many decks -- it's almost the answer to everything -- but it isn't often the answer chosen. There's no guarantee that silence-sources are economical enough to play after rotation.
Silence answers many meta decks right now and isn't terribly meta right now. I don't think that lategame Paladin will be enough to pull it into the meta.
Another reason why the rotation should have been revealed first: it would put these cards in context.
Kangor, Dancing King is a nice card for big pally. A Blatant Decoy that pulls any minion from only your hand returns to your hand and offers a load of lifesteal.
Annoy-o-Troupe is the ultimate protective barrier. A Voidlord for Annoy-o-Trons instead of Voidwalkers which was for the longest time warlock favorite card to cheat into play until Enhanced Dreadlord debuted I’m pretty sure. Easily summoned by Lead Dancer it just seems like an obvious inclusion in big pally.
Lead Dancer is an okay card. It’s comparable to Cowardly Grunt and Possessed Lackey. It does hit specifically the 2 of the most defensive minions in big pally’s arsenal though
Druids cards are underwhelming, mostly because it seems like they're just midrange cards, with a particular focus on board. Seems too...normal, too balanced. Calm before the storm?
JIVE, INSECT! looks good, but in 2023 even multiple ragnaroses can't usually make up an entire deck. I think its more a win-con for control. All shaman needs now is a decent AoE that ideally doesn't have overload on it.
Paladin looks like focusing on deathrattles this time, so I guess its weapon would be something that triggers deathrattles? Looks like lots of focus on cheating out Annoy-o-Troupe, but that card is way too defensive to ever win the game for you. If paladin is to succeed in the next expansion, it needs more cards that pressure opponents, ideally with rush. Anything that's as slow as this needs major support cards to happen, and thus far Im not seeing it.
The entire Nathria expansion was basically just midrane carrds with a focus on board and it worked fine. Don't see why it can't work for Druid.
Druids gets a free pass from that, because more often than not their entire gameplan revolves around ramp, stabilizing, and then blowing their opponents up. We have seen it time and time again, that predominantly druids simply dont care about building board. Its all about getting to their win-con without dying. Any board made is simply bonuses.
Im not optimistic about these druid cards so far, but open (and pleading) to being wrong, because I much rather face midrange/big druid than the slew of scam druids we have seen over the years.
Why am I getting vibes from Voidlord by looking at Annoy-o-Troupe? Or is it just me 😅
Not only you. This card is gonna be hellava annoying for aggro to deal with. Good thing we now have a side board for everyone to tech in a silence :)
Blizzard really has a knack for starting an archetype and only supporting it after it already rotated.
That being said Kangor looks pretty nutty if you don't get silenced. He just keeps coming back and pulling more stuff and you can't even race him because of all the Lifesteal.
Are we actually just doing Cube Paladin now? Because Lead Dancer and Annoy-o-Troupe gives me Voidlord flashbacks and I don't like it.
I honestly love a good Tree Druid deck!
Druid cards seem nice. No crazy combo that flips the table and kicks your opponent in the balls, just good and honest stats that you pile on one by one.
Since Brann is probably not staying in Core Druid will need something else to finish games with and I think just summoning a bunch of big lads and buffing them up could be good enough (and in the end there's always Astalor)
Drum Circle is a really nice big spell. Offers a wide board buff that makes Gift of the Wild and Wisps of the Old Gods look like jokes (which they kinda are). its summon effect is [Hearthstone Card (The Forest’s Aid) Not Found] without twinspell. Also it’s practically corruped Carnival Clown when you choose both. Not sure where else it’d see play though.
Timber Tambourine can be a really scary board dump. It seems pretty good if it’s not too slow.
Summer Flowerchild is a decent draw card for druid. It being a 5 drop is the only problem I could imagine with it.
Btw, this is a Blizz video from 3 months ago. No one see it coming
Now I just need to afford Criminal Lineup in the same turn...oh wait, Jazz Bass exists! I can see it now...
Alright now I'm really confused. Why would they not reveal this together with the Shaman set from yesterday? It clearly synergizes with the Overload package, specifically the weapon and Inzah (as well as Criminal Lineup, which sounds like very fun way to close out the game if you can assemble it early enough).
I thought the entire point of these clustered reveals was to show every synergistic package at once instead of drip-feeding disconnected cards (never forget Relic Vault)
Are you implying the great Ragnaros the Firelord deserves to be clustered together with some other pathetic cards? DIE, INSECT!
... Seriously, though, I have no idea.
JIVE, INSECT! seems pretty good. Technically an overload card and the number of other options all but guarantees this makes the cut there. Honestly just seems like a great card for aggressive decks. Also I think this alongside Brass Elemental suggests that shaman’s other archetype this expansion is elementals in which I think this also makes the cut.
Jive Insect might be my favourite card in the game now
I'm gonna call it now, and I'd be happy the be wrong, but I think overheal will be a failure and Priest will remain a class without a keyword. Overheal only does something IF you have minons that stick around on the board and IF you have a way and the mana to not just heal them but overheal them. That's a lot of fucking ifs. You play against a control deck that just wipes anything you play and overheal does what exactly? You play against an aggro or zoo deck that's just consistently faster on the board than you are (and you're a Priest so EVERYBODY is faster than you) and there will be nothing on the board to heal cause you can't get a foothold. Every overheal minion will be coming in with an extra tax of either mana so you can overheal it the moment it hits play, or with the requirement of an extra card already on the board that heals it for you. I suspect a good portion of overheal gameplay will be sitting with an empty board and a bunch of heal effects in hand, or with a board of some low impact overheal minions with just your hero power to heal them, or with not enough healing to overheal them if your opponent is contesting you. As much as I'd like board centric Priest to be a real thing, the class is simply too oppressive when that works (cause they just value trade into everything and heal it up so no board presence was lost) and so they've been made intentionally fairly slow and low-impact in developing their board outside of Aggro Shadow Priest.