The giveaway has concluded. You can still take part in the Tavern Crawl to unlock on-site cosmetics!

We're hosting a Hearthstone card pack giveaway courtesy of.. ourselves! Read on for all the details.

Giveaway Over

Giveaway Prizes

  • There are three card pack bundles up for grabs for the upcoming Whizbang's Workshop expansion. (See Bundle Page)
  • The Whizbang’s Workshop Bundle (Pre-Purchase) includes 60 packs and 2 Legendary cards from Whizbang’s Workshop; the Patches the Pirate Hero Card Back; and 2 copies of the Corridor Sleeper early access Epic card!
  • Three people will each be randomly selected to win one bundle each.

What You Need to Know

  • We'll be gifting these bundles via, so you will need a account and be willing to add us as a friend.
  • We can gift to any region that can accept gifts on
  • The contest entry period begins when this article goes live, and ends on March13, 2024 at 20:00 Eastern.
    • If you have previously commented on a thread, you will receive credit.
  • No purchase necessary to enter, but you must have an Out of Games account.
  • Winners will be contacted via private message on Out of Games and via email.
  • If you have already pre-ordered the bundle, we will substitute a prize of a roughly equivalent value.

How to Enter the Whizbang's Workshop Giveaway

There are three ways you can enter our giveaway. Choose as many as you would like!

  • Participate in our Whizbang's Workshop Tavern Crawl.
    • You will earn 1 entry for every card reveal discussion thread you leave a non-spam comment on. (Total: 145 Entries)
    • You will earn 25 entries for voting on every card.
  • Opening 10 Years of Hearthstone Card Packs in our simulator.
    • You will earn 1 entry for every 10 card packs opened.
    • You can earn a maximum of 25 entries (250 card packs opened) for opening simulated card packs.
  • Joining the Hearthstone Realm.
    • You will earn 5 entries for joining the Hearthstone Realm.
    • You can join the Hearthstone Realm by visiting the linked page and clicking the "Join" button while logged-in.
    • Remember, the Hearthstone Realm on Out of Games is the best place to go for all of our Hearthstone content and community!

Regarding "non-spam comments", we reserve the right to reject comments which show minimal effort, are direct copies of other people's comments (copy paste), or contain the same message across other comments. Be a part of a discussion and let everyone know how you feel about each card, don't be a spammer because that's how you end up banned.

How Winners Will be Picked & Announced

  • Winners will be chosen randomly from all valid entries provided their Out of Games account is in good standing and their email address is verified.
    • Accounts in good standing are not banned.
    • Anyone that can login to the website and create comments as a verified email address.
  • We will announce the winners in a dedicated thread on the Hearthstone Realm on Out of Games.
    • They will also be posted in an update on this news article.

If you wish to opt-out of winning the giveaway, please leave a comment on this news article, or send a direct message to Fluxflashor on the website indicating your choice.