No-Spell Highlander

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
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They said it couldn't be done but it can be done!

Straying further from the standard.

What changed from the last "No Spell Mage"? Well obviousely a lot. 

It's now highlander and that gives you two great tools:

Reno is really what helps you out the most. You lack boardclears and he is a great one that doesn't only kill lots of small minions but also some big ones. And he works great with the minion base we want to use.

Zeph just does what ever you want. Gives you the last fireball you need, a boardclear when it's tight or just some value. Remember that [Hearthstone Card (High Inquisitor Whitemane) Not Found] is also a card now and trading in your stuff, playing a 1 mana Zeph and getting this is BIG.

Other than that the deck uses some more removal tools against small stuff (eg Murlocs or Battlecries), gives you more value with more discover effects and has some well working minions.

Went from rank 5 to 4 with a ~60 Winrate with a slightly different deck: Ysera instead of Archivist Elysiana since I sadly don't have her.


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