[Legend] Jade Shudderwock Shaman

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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Jade Summoners + Double Battlecry Effect =


► General Strategy

Normally you want to complete the quest ASAP and overwhelm the opponent with the value, which your upgraded hero power will produce. In order to accelerate the quest completion process, you can copy the lackey generators with the Bog Sloshers and sometimes with Zola the Gorgon.

Regarding the three different playstyles:

  • Versus Aggro - Fight for the board using your cheap minions and spells. Try to survive and overwhelm the opponent with your hero power.
  •  Versus Control - Complete the quest ASAP. Save the jade generators for Heart of Vir'naal.
  •  Versus Combo - Play and copy Loatheb, so that you deny your opponent from dealing with your board. Shudderwock acts as a finisher.

Quote From No Author Specified
Something very important!

Going second will be very beneficial for you, if you face slow decks. If you play Loatheb, you can hero power and coin out Shudderwock.

► General Mulligan

Normally you want to find lackey generators and Questing Explorers/Novice Engineers.

Regarding the three different playstyles:

► Class Specific Strategies


Not a common encounter, but I've met three types of warriors in the following popularity order:
Quest Bolster - Kinda unfavourable, but it's winnable. You just have to hard mulligan for lackey generators and card draw. The sooner you fulfil your quest and start spamming jades, the better. Kill the opponent's taunts and limit the cards they will draw from Battle Rage. Against buffed threats, you have Devolve and Plague of Murlocs. The only removals they run are Brawls, Warpaths and Blood Razors, so try to play around them. Once the opponent uses both Brawls, making your jades stick will be easy.

Pirate - How well you will do in this MU depends on the starting hand. Look for Maelstrom Portal/Sandstorm Elemental, Questing Explorer and Devolve, in order to break the pirate synergy. Other than that, try to complete your quest fast and overwhelm the opponent with your value.

Standard Control/ Odd - Extremely favoured. If you've started the game with some lackey generators, your quest will be completed in no time and it will snowball out of hand. Be conservative with your jade swarms, i.e. don't play into Brawl. Find and play Loatheb and then completely shut down the warrior's defensive tools.


This class was really popular in the last expansion, but now I barely face it.

Mech - How well you will do in this MU depends on the starting hand. Look for Devolve!!!/Plague of Murlocs, Questing Explorer. If you went first and got Sludge Slurper in the mulligan stage, play it on turn 1. That way you contest Cogmaster and in case your opponent coins out Mechwarper, the generated lackey might help you deal with it. Nothing else much to say - just kill their mechs, in order to deny them from getting magnetized or buffed with Metaltooth Leaper.

Reno -  Favoured. They don't pressure us that much, so try to complete the quest fast and overwhelm the opponent with our value. Cards to watch out for - Pressure Plate, Sylvanas Windrunner (cast Devolve or Plague of Murlocs on her, you don't want to deal with Nine Lives), Houndmaster Shaw and Dinotamer Brann. It's a good idea to draw a lot of cards and find our jade summoners, Loatheb (in order to prevent Zephrys the Great from finding a useful AoE) and Shudderwock before the opponent builds horrific zombeasts.


This class is somewhat popular.

Odd - I think this MU is favoured, but you will lose the game, if your starting hand is bad. Look for Sandstorm Elemental, Maelstrom Portal and Questing Explorer. If the opponent has a secret, 99,99% of the times it will be Never Surrender!. Use the elemental in that scenario or Devolve and portal, if you only have the 2-mana AoE. Kill the dudes, cuz you don't want to see them getting buffed by Quartermaster. Establish board control and win from there.

Aggro Handbuff Mech - How well you will do in this MU depends on the starting hand. Mulligan hard for Devolve and/or Plague of Murlocs. The rest can be portals or lackey generators or card draw.

Tip the Scales - Look, this is a stupid highrolly deck. Either they play the 8-mana spell on turn 4 and you lose or they don't. Try to find Devolve, AoEs and cheap things to play. In the past I ran taunts and completely blocked the damage from the chargers, so hope you get Titanic Lackeys.


Rare encounter (at least for me).

Odd - How well you will do in this MU depends on the starting hand. Find AoEs for their turn 1 pirates, card draw and lackey generators. If you find Jade Lightning, you can use it to kill their Hench-Clan Thug, which is nice. Fight for board control at all cost. Play around Dark Iron Skulker.


Very common encounter. There is a big variety here, so let's check the different matchups one by one:

Even Overload - kinda unfavoured, but it's still winnable. Look for Plague of Murlocs (you can counter their wide gigantic board with it), lackey generators and card draw. Count how many minions there are on the board and try to delay the opponent's Sea Giant. If you manage to achieve board control, it will be gg.

Highlander Even Overload - similar as above, you will win if you manage to gain board control. Find Jade Claws, Devolve and either lackey generators or card draw.

Murloc (quest or questless) - I consider this MU being favoured. Find Devolve, Jade Claws and AoEs. Prevent the opponent's board from going wide, else expect a lot of burst from Everyfin is Awesome and Bloodlust.

Shudderwock TTK - favoured, but you have to be aggressive. Complete the quest fast, play Loatheb and Shudderwock.


A somewhat rare encounter.

Jade - favoured. Complete the quest fast and outjade your opponent. Play around things like Spreading Plague and Poison Seeds. Devolve must be used against Spreading Plague; Plague of Murlocs must be used against Archmage Vargoth (if he is hiding behind taunts and you can't kill him). Watch out for Naturalize.


A somewhat common encounter. There is a big variety here, so let's check the different matchups one by one:

Reno Warlock - favoured, but it's still losable. This can happen if the opponent Dirty Rats Shudderwock or beats you with their demonic board. Cast Devolve on Voidcaller, Plague of Murlocs on Voidlord. Find your lackey generators, complete the quest fast and overwhelm the opponent with the jades. That said, you should be conservative and play around some AoEs - Defile, Hellfire, Despicable Dreadlord, Twisting Nether, Zephrys the Great, Kazakus.

Mecha'thun Warlock - favoured, unless the opponent plays Hemet, Jungle Hunter relatively early. Find all of your card draw tools, find Loatheb, Zola the Gorgon (she should copy him) and Shudderwock. Cast Devolve on Voidcaller, Plague of Murlocs on Voidlord (unless you have a threatening board).

Zoo Warlock - How well you will do in this MU depends on the starting hand. Find Devolve, Jade Claws and lackey generators. Fight for control over the board and win from there.

Darkest Hour Warlock - Look, this is a stupid highrolly deck. Either they summon a threatening board by turn 4-6 or they don't. You will probably mulligan for the other matchups, but if you find Plague of Murlocs and you can play it, you will win.

Even Warlock - unfavoured, but winnable. Find lackey generators, so that you have ways to deal with a turn 3/4 Mountain Giant. Don't harm the opponent, else they will play an early Molten Giant/Hooked Reaver. Devolve should hit Diseased Vulture or the reaver. Try to play around Defile and Hellfire.

Sn1p-Sn4p Warlock - How well you will do in this MU depends on the starting hand. Find Devolve/Plague of Murlocs, lackey generators and card draw. Complete the quest fast and hope you get Titanic Lackeys.

Cruel Dinomancer Warlock - How well you will do in this MU depends on the starting hand. The MVPs here are Devolve against Expired Merchant and Plague of Murlocs against a big board full of Cruel Dinomancers. The deck runs Defile and Plague of Flames, so don't overextend.


Well, if isn't this a common encounter?

Burn Mage - I consider it to be very unfavoured, because the opponent is way too aggressive. Mulligan hard for Eater of Secrets, Questing Explorer and lackey generators. If you get the opportunity to copy the secret tech, do it, as you will increase the likelyhood of winning the game. Sometimes it will be a good idea to trigger secrets, in order to deny the burn from Medivh's Valet and Cloud Prince, so throw away cheap spells to remove Counterspell, hit the face before you summon minions (Flame Ward), kill the weakest minions (in case the opponent runs Duplicate).

While I'm on this topic, I might as well rant about this deck for a bit. I've ALWAYS hated playing against it, even when it was still in standard back in K&C. It's such a gamble to predict what kind of secrets the opponent plays against you - sometimes it's logical to assume, that they have Explosive Runes to deny your tempo or Counterspell to protect one of their minions, but other times you can't know for sure, because they want to activate Medivh's Valet and Cloud Prince, and playing around both secrets by not doing anything will put you in a bad position. I've always hated how Counterspell consumes the mana I spend on the spell I planned to cast and how I can't do anything else on the same turn, while the opponent gains free face damage and gets to develop even more threats. Rant over.

Reno Mage - favoured. Complete the quest fast and overwhelm the opponent with your jades. Save Devolve against their Doomsayer, play around Skillstrike, Blizzard and Reno the Relicologist. Try to minimize the value from Icy Touch by bumping your 1-health minions into the opponent's threats. I would advise you to kill Kazakus and Zephrys the Great, if the mage played them to find an AoE, in order to deny those cards from getting copied with Zola the Gorgon. Beware of Dirty Rat.

Miracle Mage - How well you will do in this MU depends on the starting hand. Try to develop a sticky board early on, so you make Flamewaker worse. We have Jade Lightning and Devolve for him, so dealing with him shouldn't be an issue. If the opponent's quest completion is almost finished or it's already completed, I would suggest to heal yourself, to taunt your minions and be aggressive. Oftentimes I just try to be aggressive w/o doing the other things first, but the opponent always surprises me with two Arcane Giants.


Due to Burn Mage's popularity, Big Priest is a rare encounter. You might face it more often on the milestone ranks.

Big Priest - I consider this MU to be favourable, unless the opponent pulls off some BS turns early on. The MVPs here are Plague of Murlocs and Devolve, so mulligan hard for those cards. Find lackey generators, Bog Slosher and complete the quest fast. Devolve must be used against Archmage Vargoth, Plague of Murlocs against the big bois (Y'shaarj, Rag and LK). Find more copies of those spells from the Ethereal Lackeys. Overwhelm the opponent with your jades and Shudderwock (hopefully you will have played Loatheb by then).

Against the quest version of big priest - just don't hit them, if your minions are weak.

► Proof for Legend

I started climbing from rank 6.

► Card Recommendations

- Zilliax - many people advised me to add him, since he fulfils multiple roles at the same time. If you want, you can add him, but I can't really tell what cards you should cut in favour for him. Probably a Bog Slosher. Eater of Secrets is way too valuable in this meta, so he shouldn't be cut.

- Second Eater of Secrets if you really, really face that many burn mages. When I was on rank 2, I've queued up against 6 or 7 in a roll, but once I reached rank 1, I've played against 5 in total.

- Second Devolve - if you face a lot of swarm decks.

- Second Plague of Murlocs - if you face a lot of Big Priests (for some reason).

- 2x Rummaging Kobolds - if you want to have fun.



Big thanks to Yusuke and the people from the Jade Shaman thread for their help on my decklist.

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  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    The guide is a bit outdated, but I wanted to change the decklist, because the previous one didn't address the meta after the nerfs. I will try to update the guide in the following days.

    [edit] For those, who aren't aware - I've cut 2x Maelstrom Portals, 1x Eater of Secrets and 1x Plague of Murlocs for 2x Crackle, 1x Zilliax and a second Devolve. After the nerf patch I barely face swarm decks in wild, so imho the portals are useless. Crackle helps us deal with larger threats and can be used as burst. I've made the deck more vulnerable to burn mage with the removal of the secret tech, but in my games playing as Thief Priest I rarely faced that archtype. I prefer to run something flexible and generally useful. Big Priest isn't popular anymore, so there's no real need for the plague. If you need to transform buffed stuff, Devolve will be more helpful. The plague is better against Kabal Crystal Runners, Giants, Voidlords or other big minions, but it's really bad against aggro decks. I also prefer having a board, which can trade into the opponent's weakened minions than to hope RNG saves my life and gives my enemy weak murlocs.

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I will be able to craft two legendaries with the nerfs, I will 100% craft the shaman quest and try this deck out! wish me luck!

    • Kovachut's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
      Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
      Quote From MalcolmReynolds

      I will be able to craft two legendaries with the nerfs, I will 100% craft the shaman quest and try this deck out! wish me luck!

      GL. What legendaries do you need to craft beside the shaman quest?

      • KANSAS's Avatar
        Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
        Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

        just the shaman quest, aside from that I already have all the cards.

        my other legendary will be dinotamer brann.

        • Kovachut's Avatar
          HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
          Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
          Quote From MalcolmReynolds

          just the shaman quest, aside from that I already have all the cards.

          my other legendary will be dinotamer brann.

          I see, Brann is a good legendary. Anyway before you jump on the ladder with my deck, I would advise you to check some of people's posts in the Quest Jade shaman thread first. I've mentioned there, that my current list doesn't do well against burn mages; it runs some tech cards, but it can't achieve victories consistently. The reason why I am advising you to go there is because you might get an inspiration to try out different builds/packages.

  • W0lfr1c's Avatar
    210 128 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    You made me dig the deck out and craft Aja. Shaman and paladin are my main classe and shaman was my only classfor the first year. :-).  For wild i moved to an even version but battlecry decks are my favorites. So an upvote from me. Top deck but i keep playing my version ;-). The forum thread made me use healbots. I usually run less healing with zilliax and other lifestealers. I also play BC shaman in standard. There it´s lackeys and tunderheads.

  • Savron's Avatar
    Malfurion 155 44 Posts Joined 06/10/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago


    I don't have Zola the Gorgon and Loatheb but I consider crafting them. Currently I started playing more and more Wild and got to Rank 6 with just casual play using Jade Druid and Even Shaman. Now I consider your list. Maybe after the nerfs on Barnes and Luna's Pocket Galaxy I will craft those two...

    What do you think? Would you consider these as safe crafts?

    Thanks for the great idea, the list and the guide.

    • Kovachut's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
      Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
      Quote From Savron

      Hi. Welcome to wild. :)

      Now, in order for me to answer your question as best as possible, I would like to share two different crafting guides with you, so that you can get an objective opition on the aforementioned legendaries:



      (both lists haven't been updated yet, but they still correctly show the power of some cards)

      Loatheb sees a tremendous amount of play in a variety of decks in the current meta:

      • Odd Rogue
      • Odd Paladin
      • Reno Warlock
      • Reno Mage
      • Reno Hunter
      • Shudderwock Shaman
      • Burn Mage


      And in previous ones aggro decks included him as a tech choice against control (e.g. Pirate Warrior, Odd Hunter, Mid-range Hunter, Aggro Anyfin Paladin, Secret Paladin, Aggro Overload Shaman). Last expansion Loatheb rose even more in popularity, in order to counter the numerous miracle mages on the ladder. Now he serves the same purpose, but against the infamous burn mage.

      Zola on the other hand is used in fewer decklists:

      • Reno Warlock
      • Reno Mage
      • Shudderwock Shaman

      But with the increase of burn mages on the ladder, healing decks stood as their biggest counter and imho Zola the Gorgon is essential in there.

      So if our discussion regarded the utility of those legendaries, I would say that both of them are safe crafts in this meta, but Loatheb is the best candidate overall. Now, if I have to regard my deck, I would say that Zola isn't really mandatory, though she offers a big help in outvaluing our opponent or copying vital cards (Eater of Secrets, Antique Healbot, Sandstorm Elemental, Loatheb and sometimes Shudderwock). The Bog Sloshers should be enough for you for now. I'm still experimenting with the deck, so I can't give you any proper tips on how to refine it, but I think that Zilliax will fill this gap.

      • Savron's Avatar
        Malfurion 155 44 Posts Joined 06/10/2019
        Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

        Hey! Thanks for the complete answer. Much appreciated :)


        Will try it out and will get back to you. Cheers!


        P.S. Is there a chance that you live in Eastern Europe?

        • Kovachut's Avatar
          HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
          Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
          Quote From Savron

          Good luck.

          Yes, I do live in Eastern Europe. I'm from Bulgaria.

          • Savron's Avatar
            Malfurion 155 44 Posts Joined 06/10/2019
            Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

            Хайде здрасти тогава ^^

            • Kovachut's Avatar
              HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
              Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

              Здравей! Знаех си, че си българин. :P

  • Hydralisk's Avatar
    Mountain 540 356 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    1st game I destroyed a Big Priest - So I'm happy :)

    • Kovachut's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
      Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
      Quote From Hydralisk

      1st game I destroyed a Big Priest - So I'm happy :)


  • Hydralisk's Avatar
    Mountain 540 356 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Very Detailed guide! thanks!

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago


    • Kovachut's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
      Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
      Quote From Alfi


      I assume you want to express your contempt with this mechanic, right? Well, it's no surprise that it's broken and it will continue to see massive play in wild.

  • JFK's Avatar
    Curious Pair 1070 621 Posts Joined 07/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Love how the crafting cost is a clean 10000.

    • Kovachut's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
      Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
      Quote From JFK

      Love how the crafting cost is a clean 10000.

      Yeah, I've noticed it too. Very satisfying.


  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Congrats on legend! I have not been having the same success with this deck. I'm running approx 25% win rate. 


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