Just revealed in the Blizzcon 2019 Opening Ceremony, the final Hearthstone expansion in the Year of the Dragon is Descent of Dragons!
- New Hero Cards: Galakrond! He upgrades using our brand new keyword...
- Invoke! Invoking upgrades Galakrond to stronger forms. Casting an Invoke card also grants an activation of Galakrond's Hero Power.
- All five EVIL classes will have their own versions of Galakrond, which players will receive for free upon logging in within 90 days of the expansion launch.
- After 90 days, you'll be given Galakrond upon obtaining your first Descent of Dragons card pack, similar to C'Thun.
- Galakrond is an extra Legendary for the EVIL classes - they will receive two normal Legendaries as well.
- There is a new mechanic called Sidequests; these work similarly to Quests, but don't start in your opening hand, and due to their lower rarity you can run two if you want!
- Each class will receive a Legendary Dragon, as well as a Dragon's Breath card which has an additional effect when you're holding a Dragon.
- All four Explorer classes will be getting an 'Explorer', all of which Discover a Dragon.
- There are two pre-orders available:
- Standard: 60 packs, new card back and a random golden Legendary; costs $50.
- Mega Bundle: 100 packs, new card back, random golden Legendary and new Deathwing Warrior Hero Skin; costs $80.
- Both pre-orders will also give you early access to Hearthstone Battlegrounds.
- Expansion launches December 10th; there will be a pre-release.
- The new Solo Content will launch in January.
- The next Arena rotation will be: Basic, Classic, Blackrock Mountain, The Grand Tournament, One Night in Karazhan, Knights of the Frozen Throne, Rastakhan's Rumble and Descent of Dragons.
New Cards
Here are all the new cards revealed for Expansion Name so far! We're working to get them added to our database as fast as possible.
*Please note that Draconic Lackey is our new token Lackey for the expansion*
Expansion Reveal Trailer
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apparently so. I wonder if they always intended to be that generous or if it's a last minute reaction to recent development (both the controversy and the emergence of competitors)
oh i have no doubts on that
The real game changer will be Galakrond's hero power with the other classes; we can't judge any of the invoke non-rogue cards until we know all of them
Discover a Lackey..
Blizzard: "We nerfed Wild Growth because it was pidgeonholing Druid into a single strategy"
Yes... but only in dragon heavy decks. With too few dragons having both in the first couple of turns is unlikely, making it an unreliable mana ramp and a bad draw card.
Besides, the issue with Wild Growth wasn't that it was pigeonholing the class, it's that every deck ran it regardless of archetype.
yeah, I'm aware, I was going for the memes here.
Still, seeing how this is supposed to be an incredibly dragon-heavy expansion I wouldn't find it hard to believe that there'S a decent dragon package to be included, either with the Quest or without
I imagine the dragon side of druid will have very little choose one in it (Ysera doesn't have choose one, and how many druid dragons can there really be?), so I would be surprised if it was worth combining the two.
If the two decks are well separated, then good. Quest druid is a bit same-y at this point.
I mean, it's not like Quest Druid runs an insane amount of Choose one cards. All you really need for the quest to be worth it is Oasis Surger, Hidden Oasis, Starfall and Nourish. Add Innervate and Crystal Merchant for consistency and that's the Quest Shell.
Everything else is easily replaced with a new win condition. Ysera, for instance seems like a great lategame card. Basically another Nomi with a bit of an RNG twist.
I don't think you can make a new Druid archetype that doesn't use the quest unless Dragon Druid gets support cards that are so good that you want to run as many dragons as humanly possible and there's just no space for a quest package. Because if not, why run a deck in which you pray to get Dream Breath in your mulligan so you can ramp efficiently instead of a deck where you'll always start with your "ramp" card in hand and powerspike much harder post turn 4/5.
Well, perhaps therein lies a problem with the design of the druid quest. You may be right that the quest will work with dragons, but I hope not, lest the only druids we see for the next year and a bit are quest druids.
oh the design of Quest Druid is absolutely flawed and is only balanced by the fact that it's incredibly vulnerable during the first few turns.
Honestly, if other Ramp Druid are to succeed they need to either have early game options that Quest can't use or have midgame options that are better than Oasis Surger into Nourish/Hidden Oasis.
because outside of that the only thing that could possibly remove Quest Druid from the pole position are nerfs that target the deck specifically....which wouuldn't really be justified since the deck is so heavily polarized and easily countered.
They brought back Inspire undercover, at least for Hunter so far.
Even/Odd will get fresh meat to feed upon.
in Wild
Wild Even Hunter is going to be bonkers
not sure if a legendary 4-drop is enough for that. Even if you combined it with garrison commander on an empty board, the most you can do before it gets removed is 14-damage, which isn't exactly impressive for Wild standards
If you could run two copies it would be a different story, but we're essentially talking about a relatively gimmicky Mini-Ragnaros. If that 5 damage doesn't go where you need it to you're in trouble.
Just a guess, but could it be that the final “plague” in the PWE adventure that summoned/resurrected old gods, is what they used to resurrect Galakrond?
It's been confirmed in a post that the "Plague of Undeath" is what they are using to resurrect him.
The power level of those cards... Druid got pre nerf wild groth that draws a card!!
The Dragon theme is crazy good to shake up the meta! Those cards create new archtypes and don’t just fit into old ones.
aaaand warlock gets the bad one again....
Random demons at turn 7 really doesn't strike me as a good way to spend mana....unless he gets a new hero power that wins the game from there...