New Rogue Minion - Waxadred
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Legendary Rogue Minion, Waxadred, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Rogue Minion, Waxadred, has been revealed!
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Waxadred seems pretty good, a 5 Mana 7/5 Dragon might be playable even without any additional effects, we've never seen a 5-drop with such high total stats and no downside before.
Good card but i wonder how it will interact with Necrium Vial.
"True mastery takes dedication."
Necrium Vial will shuffle two Candles in your deck and, if you draw them while Waxadred is still alive, they won't do anything.
Just like when you shuffle more than three Candles with The Darkness and your opponent draws them when it's already awakened.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
So if he dies, he will be idle and take up board space? That's the only disadvantage I can think of. I absolutely love the card and the concept, 5 mana and playable with Valeera the Hollow in Wild.
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Waxadred is cheap enough to seriously consider in an aggressive tempo rogue with Myra's Unstable Element.
Okay, on second thought he's probably still too slow even if he's effectively unkillable, but it's a cute rank 15 play at least.
Odd Rogue might try and fit him in the list, although the card could be unnecessarily slow for Odd gameplan.
Best target is definitely some kind of Miracle or Myracle Rogue.
That depends on how exactly the card works. If it is like Lucentbark and leaves behind a dormant version of itself, then yes, you would be correct. Considering it doesn't mention the phrase "go dormant", I'd assume you can actually multiply Waxadred with Necrium Vial
If the card summons a brand new copy when the candle is drawn, rather than Waxadred going dormant on death and reviving, then the card could be a lot of fun with copy effects like faceless manipulator as well. However, to me the word "resummon" suggests that Waxadred goes dormant, which would make these sorts of shenanigans a bit less enticing.
"resummon" because you always have to summon it at least once, before having the effect at hand.
And indeed, if that's the case, DR Rogue just got a nice new toy, not just Myracle.
But probably still insufficient to make it safe from Aggro. The archetype stays in check.
If it just summoned a new copy, why wouldn't they use the word "summons" instead? Dreadsteed doesn't use "resummon", it just "summons a dreadsteed". Likewise, resurrect effects use "summon a minion that died this game" even though these minions have all already been summoned at least once before.
If you ask me the different wording implies a different mechanic at play here.
Edit: to be clear, I don't think they changed the wording just so the candles would fizzle if (somehow) drawn before Waxadred dies (which wouldn't be the case if it just said "summon a Waxadred"). That seems like such an unlikely, fringe scenario to begin with that it wouldn't be a balance issue. If anything, that sort of wackiness seems to be encouraged in hearthstone. Like I said, I think the wording implies a different mechanic.
The best place to check the wording is on the candle token (which can be found by clicking on Waxadred here:
Waxadred's Candle reads: Casts when drawn. Summon Waxadred.
To me it sounds like it will summon a Waxadred regardless of what has happened before or whether Waxadred is still alive or not.
Wow, i think this is very good - almost every Rogue will play this! very strong!
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That just makes it all the more mystifying why they worded the card itself that way. But this certainly clarifies how the card interacts with copy effects and deathrattle triggers.
I doubt going all-in on copying Waxadred or triggering its deathrattle is the most effective way to use the card but it sure looks like fun.
As a digital card game HS has always been able to choose wording to be a little more thematic than precise (Doomerang was a great example of this). I personally quite like this approach because unlike physical card games, there is a given way it will work that is not open for interpretation (i.e. what the code thinks it does), so it only takes a little bit of testing to find an answer when the wording is ambiguous.
In the case of Waxadred, the theme is that he melts into a massive candle when he dies, which is then brought back to life (resummoned) when drawn. The wording portrays this theme succinctly, but in practice the card follows more conventional HS mechanics.
alright, this is actually really cool. Basically Sherazin reloaded, but with a better condition. Rogue also has no problem getting through the deck
Still no idea how multiple copies will interact?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
It looks to me like it was meant to be multiplied as it's a deathrattle effect in rogue. Necrium Blade and Necrium Vialcome to mind. Not to mention Shadow of Death. When the deathrattle triggers, a candle is shuffled. The candle says summon waxadred, so whenever you draw it, it will summon another one.
I can see this card seeing play the 7/5 statline is quite good it's very aggressive and probably demands a 4 mana + answer
the dragon and deathrattle synergies are relevant as well.
Disregarding all the questions about making copies, this card seems pretty good. It's likely not going to make it into any lists geared towards an aggressive playstyle, but a deck akin to the Miracle Rogue of KnC days may still be in the ballpark with this one. 5 mana is not too steep, and a 7/5 with an upside is pretty good. If nothing, it acts as trading fodder to enforce your board position. 7 attack trades nicely into a bunch of 6 or even 7 drops, and 5 health is not too shabby for surviving some trades and some removal spells like Vendetta, Flamestrike, Swipe, etc. I think this card acts as a threat that cannot be ignored, but due to its cost and ability makes it suited for a slower more tempo-oriented build as opposed to a more aggressive one.
That's a nicely stated Dragon with a decent deathrattle effect too.
I'm still skeptical with this whole Dragon-Rogue thing, but hey, maybe it can be real good
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I smell some fun potential with deathrattle abuse! With Unearthed Raptor, Necrium Blade, and Necrium Vial, you could get a bunch of candles in your deck, so you just keep getting a free board full of 7/5s!
Oh yeah, these Forum Signatures are a thing.
Shadow of Death is pretty much objectively better than vial for this purpose, as it effectively shuffles 3 (rather than 2) candles into your deck for 1 less mana. It's only worse when cast on an Unearthed Raptor, but I think it will win out overall, especially in Standard where the raptor complications don't exist.
I'm excited for this guy. Based on some of the discussion here and looking at other cards, I think you can get multiple Waxadreds every time you draw his candle, regardless of whether he died or not. I do not expect him to "go dormant" like others. Win condition? Maybe not. But reasonably powerful and fun.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Added Waxadred's Candle to the OP.
Based on its wording it heavilly implies that it summons a fresh copy. Also every minion that goes dormant said so in the past. Waxadred does not, further supporting this theory.
It definitely seems like a very strong card that will 100% see play, one way or another imho. And since N'zoth is still going to be in Standard when this releases, i'd imagine we will see some new deathrattle rogue variations. How competitive those will be, i guess we'll see :)
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Really nice for DR Rogue, I hope I'll get this card. Might also try it out in wild.
And then there's meme potential galore in there: play Waxadred, trigger its deathrattle as often as possible with Necrium Blade and Necrium Vial (prep says hi), Shadow of Death it for good measure and then hit Myra's Unstable Element. Should end up with a Chef Nomi like board state without having to worry about fatigue, the only hard counter being Plague of Death.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
The way I read how the candles work is they trigger and summon waxxadred once drawn. Then they draw the next card. Just like the 4/4 spiders from KnC. So in the end you always draw a card after Myras. So this play wouldn't be fatigue proof imo.
You're right, I got a little overconfident there. What I meant was that after playing Myra's and hopefully filling our board with waxadreds, our deck may be empty but every killed waxadred shuffles another Candle in our deck which resummons a waxadred. So we technically suffer one fatigue per turn but otherwise go infinite, while Nomi only fills the board only once.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Mass Dispel + Mass Hysteria = Mass Concede :D (or less fun, Plague of Death)
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This is probably very good.
Currently (and classically) Rogue had issues closing games against classes with a lot of removal/sustain. I remember back when you hoped to find Anub'arak off of Journey from Below to beat warrior.
This is basically just a much better version of that since it's actually a stand alone playable card.
If you fill your hand to ten before adding the candles you burn them one at a time instead of drawing through the lot.
But that's a very fringe scenario, hardly something worth pursuing as a win condition. Sometimes relevant against bomb warrior though.
too slow, but still better than malorne and astral tiger
Its just sooooo good. Great stats with an upside. I dont get it.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
very strong card with good sinergy with other collections cards like Myra's Unstable Element and with Necrium Blade or Necrium Vial
7/5 for 5 mana sounds nice statwise, it also has an interesting deathrattle that can be the theme of the deathrattle rogue list. I can't say if it will be t1 or t2 but it will be fun for sure.
I dont care about Meta-Viability
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Really like it, let's hope Control Rogue becomes a thing, even without N'Zoth.
The memes - inject them into my veins.
There are so many ridiculous shenanigans I can think of with this - and with Silence being the only real way to stop it.
Like the rest of this forum, I am divided with what to think of this card. On one hand, INFINITE VALUE! On the other hand, silence exists, you won't always draw this a second time, with 5 health it dies easily. But again: INFINITE VALUE!
Time will tell, but I will make my miracle dragon deck.
Going straight into my Wild Deathrattle Rogue. Great stats for the cost, and a constant threat hanging over the game with one key weakness. Especially fun with Necrium Blade and Necrium Vial.
If nothing else, this card will eat the polymorphs and hexes, otherwise it could be really annoying to deal with. Quite cheap also, I see some potential in it.
This unlike Malorne doesn't require to be played from hand again after it dies. Gonna be fun with Necrium Blade and Vial while they are still in standard.
This is going to be fun with Necrium Vial, Necrium Blade, etc. Rogue is getting a so many fun cards!
Very good! Good strong statline and it's immortal! (of course silence or transform can end this but still)
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
I surely don't want to see it appears from random effects for my opponent.
This kind of cards always makes me think and hate Evolve again and again and again.
It is really a nightmare.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I think this is a decent card in my theorycrafted Miracle Rogue, even without any other Dragon support. It's like Sherazin, Corpse Flower (which saw play) that's arguably easier to activate and it has decent stats. I'd run it for sure! Nice flavor too xd
This card is fun and cool and not that crazy. All things I like. Obviously atm it seems like Silence could be very popular in this expansion and so the power level of this card will vary drastically as a result, but it will be cool to play.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Infinite dragon if not silenced. Might see play in arena...
Being a Legendary it seems hard to build your entire deck around this card, but Wax Rager was a solid card and this one seems slower but similar. I don't think dragon Rogue is going to be a thing, but this card is flexible enough to be put in any deck.
I really like this and I see a lot of potential experimentation. Miracle builds with a lot af draw will summon this again and again. Deathrattle shenanigans are coming!
Bring in the Cubes and Trigger Deathrattles and N'zoths!
Weak card, I would play only on the arena because it has nice stats
It's good enough to see play in Standard. It will surely lead to some crazy combos with abusing deathrattle, but I like that he's one more enabler for dragon synergy in Rogue, with a nice stats and useful effect for 5 mana. Dragon Rogue with Galakrond sounds fun to try, especially since his hero power draws them as 0, plus it can easily pull out shuffled Waxadred candle along with them. If Galakrond Rogue makes the meta, this card will be a part if it.
The deathrattle aspect makes it a little tricky, but still worth trying.
Someone is gonna make some crazy trolden moment day 1. I can already feel it
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
Slow but interesting. Perhaps with Deathrattle synergies and copy effects, this might be good.
OP Card..similar to Pally's buff on death..this will need some silence in the meta to counter.
This card looks very powerful. Even if you are not able to resummon it immediately, you are getting a 5 mana 7/5. It has synergie with rogues deathrattle cards like Necrium Blade and Necrium Vial. It goes great with Galakrond, the Nightmare and other card draw cards. And with cards like Candle Breath, It might even create some dragon rogue decks.
This card has a lot of potential.
More dragons? Yes please!
This one’s definitely one to look forward to, even more so if it doesn’t just go dormant when it dies, since that’ll open it to up all sorts of deathrattle abuse
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
think this will see some play, don´t know if competitive, but for sure it will see play
There's a lot of ways to active, multiply and generate its deathrattle in rogue
Insane value. Synergies well with rouge's "breath" card that draws 3 cards. Deathrattle Rogue might finally become viable archetype
This card together with Necrium Vial and Necrium Apothecary will give a lot of value to deathrattle rogue.
Waxadred became much more interesting to me after Necrium Apothecary was released. This card might be too slow even with all the ways to activate it. Seems playable now but we'll see exactly only after the expansion goes live.
Well look...The Waxadred says "resummon". Take a look at the candle "Summon Waxadred". If it was ressurect it wont summon him again. But you are building strong board by shuffling candles then drawing them.
Wow so its 1 mana more expensive Vilespine Slayer without needing the combo AND it is a counter to any strategies revolving around playing multiples of a single minion like Pogo-Hopper or Togwaggle's Scheme.
This card seems like insanely high tempo and power level, could be a staple in just about every Rogue deck going forward. Should also have a huge impact within every game format, excellent card.
The only card I have given 1 star in this expansion. Rogue had similar cards in the past but never really worked. I hope to be wrong because I always end up getting them in my packs... xD
i'm never a fan of cards like this, it's always seems that is not worth the efforts.
Even if rogue has deathrattles activators is always better to use them on something that impact the board right away than on something that doesn't.
I'm very sad that i misclicked this card and voted it 3 star, i wanted to give it a 2 (i consider this a 1, but i give it the benefit of the doubt)
It won't probably see any play, still I love those virtually-infinite-value concept cards.
it's interesting that this is pretty strong against the other rogue legendary
Oh boy, time to re-include all those polymorphs and silence effects.
This is a value card. In short game where we never draw the Candle it's not that great, but in long game it will shine.
For sure it's sensible to silence effect, but Rouge have a lot tools to trigger the deathrattle! So we will see a lot of game where rouge will have 3/4/5 of this dragon XD
Seems like a really clunky implementation of what is basically a delayed Reborn effect.
This isavery good on-curve dragon that fits the dragon requirements for somecardand hasa very nasty effect for continous resilance, a good card, not broken, but good
5 mana for slightly above vanilla stats and a card that keeps coming back. Seems very good.
Someone is having ear wax problem.
Looks good, 1 card that could, in theory, provides infinite value, also has dragon synergy.
Has good aggressive stats and demands an answer (such as a silence), or it will keep coming back over the course of a match.
Combine that with copy effects and Deathrattle synergy stuff and you have yourself some shenanigans.
Looking at some of the potential aggro decks, I think this will be too slow sadly
I love this infiniteish value and with rouge's shuffle cards you can keep your deck full while spawning him and with the other draw cards it'll be a blast.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Nice Synergy with Necrium Blade. This card might result in some weird infinite deck that summons lots of Waxadreds each turn.
Are you sure about that interaction? The card shuffled in just says to summon Waxadred, so I don't see why it couldn't make a new copy.
Obviously intended as a build-around card. Needs a lot of support to shine and kind of slow since it has no Rush/Charge and no Taunt. Success will be very dependent on the type of meta that forms.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Made a deck for this one as soon as I saw it!
Even without copying it, it's still good in Miracle Rogue because you'll be summoning it a lot throughout the game. But if Pirates and Treants take over, it will definitely be too slow.
Very good stats for its cost and strong death rattle to allow some cool combo decks.
A perfect legendary for a Galakrond deck. Combined with Shadow of Death, Togwaggle's Scheme and Necrium Vial you can do some pretty cool things.
This card is good in long run and as such there is not a place for it in the meta. Playing it can be entertaing though.
Fun and interactive game.