New Mage Minion - Chenvaala
Submitted 5 years, 3 months ago by
A new Legendary Mage Minion, Chenvaala, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Mage Minion, Chenvaala, has been revealed!
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Given the current styles of Mage we know this already has a home. Is making a bunch of 5/5 what you want to do? Probably. Is it generally save to play this on turn 3 on an empty board and expect to to live? Probably. That means you can easily start snowballing this. The elemental tag doesn't do much in standard, but does do a lot in wild potentially. I can see this being one of the highest winrate when played cards that has a much worse when drawn winrate because there will be times you just never get to play it for value and you hold onto it and lose.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
My first thought of this card: NOOOOOOO, NOOOOOO, God pls NOOOOOOO!!!
gosh, when [Hearthstone Card (Flame Waker) Not Found] isn't annoying enough.
This card will definitely be seen play with cheap spells from mage
Well Flamewaker will go away when the new expansion comes so they can only join forces in Wild. This card is pretty good; solid stats for a 3-drop and an abusable effect. Could fit some new sort of Quest Mage maybe? Nice to see some new Elementals in the set as well.
Shouldn't be too difficult to make use of. Mages love their 1-mana spells. Getting 12/15 in stats on turn 5 spread across 3 bodies doesn't sound too shabby. Seems to get a lot weaker the later you draw it though.
This card is excellent.
Mage dragon soul with a body. Jaina DK is pleased.
This can be elemental evocationed out which makes this scary goo
Dragon soul in the dragon expansion but it summons elementals instead. Bold move bold move.
Living like that.
This is an excellent card for Cyclone Mage - the effect is obviously very good, but the Elemental tag and low cost mean you will almost certainly see a ton of value off it while also presenting a "must remove" target for your opponents, leaving you room to tempo off even a single good turn. Expect this to be an anchor card moving forward in that deck.
Was the priest weapon any good? No, it was awful.
Is this better? Slightly but not that much. Easier to fullfill the requirement in casino mage yet easier to destroy than a weapon.
It's decent, but people tend to forget Cyclone Mage FUCKING DIED after they nerfed CC.
It has potential because Sandbinder can tutor it alongside Cyclone.
I'M assuming it only counts spells cast after it was played so no Elemental Evocation shenanigans.
The earliest Mage can really snowball with this is turn 5 and that's assuming they also drew Apprentice, Evocation, Cyclone and a couple other cheap spells....which just sounds like a worse version of current Flamewaker Mage (which is garbage)
I don't believe the hype, probably going to end up as a meme deck
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This is literally Flamewaker replacement. Instead of damage, it gives board. In a sense, It's more balance and can make the current mage playstyle much more consistent, especially with the sidequest that summons a dragon.
At first glance this looks kinda promising, but compare it to Dragon Soul, a card which does almost the same thing but is harder to kill: that card saw zero play even when pre-nerf Razakus priest was the deck to beat.
Another Flamewaker-style card.
Less impactful tho (and with a threshshold before synergy), and that's why it will be ok or maybe even good in Standard but off-meta (at best) in Wild.
[Hearthstone Card (Dragonsoul) Not Found] was never really good enough, but maybe attaching it to a 2/5 body and putting it into the Mage class (where Cyclone Mage is a playable deck) could make this useful. Unlike Priest, Mage has much more proactive/tempo-oriented spells, so this could be a much more powerful effect in that circumstance.
Cyclone Mage did die when they nerfed CC...and then it resurfaced when they brought Flamewaker back from the dead. The deck is generally still pretty strong (although fairly high-roll dependent) it just needs SOMETHING to give it a clear win condition. First it was CC, then Flamewaker, now potentially this.
I don't expect this will be a T1 deck (original Cyc Mage wasn't either) but I would bet it'll be somewhere between high T3/low T2 once someone who really wants to make it work tweaks out a viable decklist.
Also the new side quests works well with this card u can legit just DUMP HUGE stats on the board earl
most of the time you wont play this on curve, and if you are casting 3 spells, then you will need at least 3 mana (unless you happen to have a [Hearthstone Card (sorcerers apprentice) Not Found] on the field). So most of the time this will only come out on at least turn 6. At that point in the game a 2/5 probably won't survive more than a turn, especially when your opponent has so much incentive to kill it.
If you only get one 5/5, then you still got a 5/5 and a 2/5 for 3 mana. That is a pretty good deal. Keep in mind that you can only generate one 5/5 each turn (nevermind, I was mistaken), and this will only happen on at least turn 6, and you will probably have to end up getting less than ideal value for your spells.
Overall, this is a 3 mana 7/10 that requires a lot of cards and setup. It isn't bad, or game breaking, it is interesting, and I am curious to see if we will end up getting a good miracle mage that this can fit in. We already have mana cyclone mage, but that isn't the best deck right now.
This card has potential, but there ha to be just the right deck for it.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I am calling it now: People on all forums will BEG that Sorcerer's Apprentice gets HoF'd
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Is that true? That's NOT how Dragon Soul worked (see the Disguised Toast vid below - he plays 6 spells on turn 5 and gets 2 dragons) so it would be weird for this to play differently...
Looks good... And sadly, it's just another tool for cyclone mage. Three expansions in a row there is support for one archetype...
This will work wonders with cyclone mage! Instead of relying on spells only, cyclone mage can have some physical minions to put more pressure. Good stuff!
Another good card for cyclone mage. It replaces a flamewaker, the effect is Strong and easy to activate.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
umm yeah u candefinitely summon more than one in a turn
I don't play Cyclone Mage, so this card isn't for me and I can't fully evaluate it. That being said Dragon Soul was a failure, and I feel like putting it on a temporary body - even for a class that cycle their spells better - is another recipe for failure. I gave it 3 stars in case things turn out okay.
Insanely good with Sorcerer Apprentice and mana cyclone. This might get cyclone mage back on track
Thank you both for clarifying this.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Cyclone Mage gets another win condition. Nice.
This can fill the board in a swing turn, looks nice :)
Nice one. It can be almost like Alara and give you a huge board in one turn.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Spending 4 cards for a 5/5 makes sense maybe in a t4-5 deck. You need kangor vs to this work in a meaningful way, good luck memers.
best comparison is priest weapon, i dont think this will be great. i dont think highlander mage will take many small spells and that seems to be the best route for mage at this point
Cool card but only works in the Cyclone Mage deck and that one is not doing to good right now. Might see play if that deck gets some support. Probably to balanced.
Ironic that a card like Dragon Soul is part of this set. Still pretty insane with cards like Apprentice and Ray of Frost.
This does not way "discard 4 cards to summon a 5/5"
You are casting all of these spells, so really, it says "discard 4 cards, summon a 2/5, Freeze 2 minions, and deal 1 damage to 3 random targets and summon a 5/5." Then you can get it all back with Mana Cyclone.
Also, why do you say "memers" like it is an insult? Maybe you didn't mean it like that, but there is nothing wrong with trying to homebrew somethin' janky.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Very similar card to Dragon Soul which never found a good spot in priest decks. I don't think this card will be different. It is easier to remove from the board than a weapon, same cost, same effect. I honestly think this is quite bad and may only be used to have some sort of combo.
I can see it in decks with mana cyclone. But overall seems pretty bad. Dragon soul was bareley playable, and this card is basically "dragon soul" minion.
The dream team of dropping this on 3 to follow up with Sorcerer's Apprentice and Ray of Frost / Magic Trick / Mana Cyclone shenanigans is just too many pieces to reliably pull off. I think people will try to make it work, but end up disappointed.
Looks pretty solid in low cost spell mage decks, specially with sorcerer, flamewaker and cyclone .. even in quest mage I guess, a second win condition (?)
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Dragon Soul Chenvaala will sure be tried out in spell priest mage to summon a lot of 5/5 Dragons Elementals.
This card is better than Dragon Soul since you can draw it with Sandbinder, mage is better at generating spells and it already fits rather well in cyclone mage.
The question would be if creating a bunch of 5/5 tokens on one turn is effective or not. Flamewaker was effective in cyclone mage since you ended up destroying your opponents board, dealing a large amount of damage to their face and the payout was immediate. This card has the potential of building a large board of minions, but since you are playing a deck that mostly runs spells, your opponent should have enough removal to deal with those 5/5 elementals like with a Brawl and you have to wait a turn before being able to attack.
Its a nice card to try out in a cyclone mage deck, but not one that should see much competitive play.
More dragons? Yes please!
Definitely something to worry about when your opponent plays it, can pretty easily win them the game if not dealt with quickly
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Yeah, this will be huge support for Cyclone/Miracle Mage. Will definitely have a deck. However, with the 2-attack statline, it could easily die to a turn 4 zephrys (by fetching a Shadow Word Pain), so it would not be possible to have as the only wincon in the deck.
Reading this card text, I'm already having some PTSD from the future cyclone-mages ...
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Thank God there's no cheap Twinspell stuff added. Yet.
i think this card is not as good as it seems
not a win condinition for me
Card screaming "win more". Can't remember ever having met a Dragon Soul on ranked play, and this is worse (weapons are harder to remove than 2/5 minions)
So its similar to the Priest card Dragon Soul, could be more useful in mage however due to cards like Ray of Frost and Elemental Evocation.
This could potentially be a very powerful card, Mage has so much access to cheap and efficient spells.
This will be such a cancer card in wild . As if Flamewaker was not enough of a pain
4 stars
Not that easy to setup, you'll rarely want this on curve. Needs to be a part of cyclone turn, together with apprentice, so it's 5 mana to start with. Then it's reasonable to get 2 dragons for this to be really worth it, but against classes that lack removal, one 5/5 earlier should be good enough.
I think it's not enough to get Cyclone back, especially having in mind that power level will rise tremendously. It fits just one specific deck too. I hope I don't get this.
I have to say that as a mage main I am a bit disappointed by this card. I expected something more flavourful for the expansion and also something inovative, not the same effect as the priest legendary weapon that never saw almost any play. I would love to be proven wrong and see Cyclone mage power up using this card, but I don´t believe in it yet.
This card looks good in paper but we all know tempo Mage lacks the constinuous board presure other aggro decks can pull. I'm sckeptical about it
Cool card, and Mage will have much easier to trigger the effect than priest with Dragon Soul. I won't draft it, but if I open it I will put this right into my cyclone deck.
A one more strong card! Even without the effect its a 2-5 body for 3 mana which is good. Will work like a taunt vs aggro because no one will want to leve this thing on board. Not sure how strong it is without Thaurissan and Flamewaker but i guess Chenvaala will take it's place in some fast cyclone/tempo mage. And this card will become a real threat in Wild, giving a new option for a tempo mage.
New cheap spells that generate more cheap spells means that this card will be really good.
just because of the potential it is a 4/5 , Elemental Evocation alone make this card insane, 5/5 GREAT CARD
A slightly better Dragon Soul, could find a way in Typhoon mages.
Cheap mage spells are quite easy to find and this card will be broken and probably the sleeper of the set.
As someone who tried to make dragon soul works i find this card interesting.
Is basically dragon soul in a minion form, this means that is easier to remove. The key difference is that this card is in mage, and in the current rotation we have a lot of low mana cost spells that already created a strong deck in the past. Now the deck doesn't work anymore because of the nerfs, but i think if enough things that give this archetype good powerspike turns are printed it can come back to the meta.
This card is one of those things, but maybe it isn't enough. We'll see
it's really hard for me to see where this goes. cyclone mage isnt exactly competitive rn
This can be good in a tempo mage deck. If played on curve after a apprentice survived on turn 2, you can play some 0-mana spells to also get you a 5-5. If played later, say on turn 5 in flamewaker style, I am more doubtful of its effectiveness. Sure, if you are lucky and you can get a big train of spells (like more than 9) then you suddenly have 3 5-5s as bonus instead of the 18 direct damage from your flamewaker.
If you can make this all happen before turn 8, I think you are doing great. Later the odds are that opponent has some board clear ready and then you need another plan.
So, basically I dont know only have one copy so how effective will it be in your deck. Unclear for me.
Ah! But I forgot about Khadgar! That doubles the potential. Definitely interesting. And I also did not consider a combo with a free spell like Puzzle Box with the new dragon in hand free spell card. Ok, you are talking about a 9-mana combo, but hey, you get a free puzzle box, and 3 5-5s (which hopefully survive your box) and 2 more minions. That will be a fun turn at least :)
Dragon Soul was not removed with AoE, this does. I don't know if this will see a lot of play.
Mage is not the a Dragon Soul for mage can be very scarry. However I'm asking myslef if Cyclone Mage need this card as additional victory condition...
Seems like a pretty difficult condition to fulfill.
Could be good in cyclone mage and in wild with the Jaina DK.
After Flamewaker's leave, this might find a place in mage lists but I don't think it will be Flamewaker level-of frustrating. It seems it will be a fair card that can destroy you if you are not able to remove it asap.
You can't answer those Flamewakers because they are finishing you off when you see them. Chenvaala is a fair card for a fair mechanic imo.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
AT 1st i though it's bad but after thinking about it it definitely better than dragon soul might even be playable.
With mage's already powerful cheap spell-slinging powers, this is going to be insane best thing would be 5 elementals with a apprentice and this on board and than maybe trading her out for a cyclone
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Awesome card for Cyclon Mage :D
I don't think that this card will be a good inclusion to Cyclone Mage. Compared to Dragon Soul, this card is very vulnerable, so you want to pull off the combo in one turn, which will be somewhere around turn 6. However, summoning 7/10 of stats by casting some spells seems rather weak.
Reminds me of dragon soul. The effects and stats are decent, but it is very hard to gain a lot of value out of it.
Dragon Soul could be really good in mage considering all the small spells, especially combined with Cyclone support
I see alot of comparisons to flame waker but this just seems worse in most ways. Only can run 1 copy, and you NEED to cast 3 spells, 1 or 2 gives you no benefit.
Obvious synergy with Sorceror’s Apprentice and any 1-cost spells, especially if those spells generate additional spells or otherwise benefit from playing spells. Obvious firsts are Magic Trick and Ray of Frost but also the new Arcane Breath and Violet Spellwing (providing an extra Arcane Missiles) come to mind as ways to more consistently get cheap spells in hand. The fact that Chenvaala is an elemental has synergy with Elemental Evocation, meaning this could come out as early as turn 1 if you really want to aggressively set up for a follow-up turn 2 Sorceror’s Apprentice plus spells. I think this is a really good card, worthy of building around even.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
This could really go both ways. It will be crazy powerful if mage manages to pull it off. However it feels a little inconsistent as its not always gonna survive, you'll have to be able to play 3 spells same round as playing the minion (preferable as early as possible) and often will need Sorcerer's Apprentice to survive as well.
Mage do have a large number of low cost spells and getting just one 5/5 out of this is gonna be an insane pay off, so this could very well be a ruthless game ending card
I don't know how useful it will be in standard. I see it as a mid late game card when you can make your spells cheaper and summon 2 or more elementals. In wild it'll be very powerful.
It looks great on paper, but in reality it might be just like Dragon Soul. Depends how good Cyclone Mage will be.
Hard to evaluate in some ways, as it's hard to judge the extent to which Mages will be able to get off lots of small spells in a small space of time. Definitely works well with the new cards Violet Spellwing and Cobalt Spellkin, though, and even just summoning one 5/5 elemental is really great value - 3 mana for 7/10 in stats!!
Priest had Dragon Soul which was harder to remove, but Mage has at the moment insane amount of cheap spells (and Sorcerer's Apprentice on top of it), so it can lead to very spectacular turns. I have high hopes towards this card.
Fun and interactive game.
has good amount of hp for a 3-cost minion and if it's not removed quickly it can cause serious trouble for opponent
I think this card can lead to serious mid-game pressure starting from turn 5. Then mage should be able to land it with at least 2 spells, giving the opponent 3 5-mana minions to deal with. If he is not removed, more will follow the next turn (or another power play is possible) on 6. When Thaurissan was active and played on 5, opponent had to remove it or suffer. And this coupled with 2 5-5s will generate a lot of threat. In a cyclone turn coupled with Apprentice and more than 2 spells this will be insane.