New Rogue Minion - Stowaway
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Rare Rogue Minion, Stowaway, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Rogue Minion, Stowaway, has been revealed!
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This might have real applications, but I don't care, this is going straight into my pogohopper deck.
Consistent draw and Tutors, exactly what Rogue needed : Nice!
Also, +1 for the Fluff ^^
Artwork is a bit plain tho ... not my favorite Gnome, to keep it diplomatic
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Nuts. Pogos, Espionage, Tog' scheme shenanigans... EZ 5 stars
This deck is cool. Play it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I want to pair this with Fal'dorei Strider. I don't know why I like the spiders so much, but I do. I want to play an Elise deck in Runeterra.
...I don't even like spiders IRL lol.
Anyway the card seems good. Not OP, but fun in the right deck.
Staple in all meme rogue decks pogo, espionage, Shadow of Death maybe with new flavor Waxadred
Nice effect, 5 mana 4/4 draw 2 is not bad. And when you think about how this can draw you two cards that were reduced to 1 through Academic Espionage, or draw 2 Pogo-Hoppers, or Summon two waxadreds this looks even better.
But why is this card worded so badly??? Why doesn't it just say "Battlecry: Draw two cards that didn't start in your deck". This would save like 2 and a half lines of text, and it would read a lot better.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
This card seems insane! the only possible downside is that you could draw Bombs if Bomb Warrior becomes a thing again, or those 1/1s from the new Albatross card
Seeing how it is a temporary name, I wouldn't be surprised if the text displayed above is an awkward word-by-word translation. Reveal wasn't in English - Updated version will follow and wording will hopefully be less convoluted
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Great card - easily worth more than the cost so long as you’re addingcards into your deck.
Rogue has plenty of ways of shuffling good cards into their deck, so this’ll fit right in
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Neat neat neat! Nothing is more exciting than adaptable card draw. This can enable so many fun decks.
Reminds me a bit of our old friend, Azure Drake. 5-mana 4-4 draw a card is quite alright.
Better call Thrall!
what's with this card art lol. the text certainly makes it worth playing
Not a broken card at all.... /s
This card can draw your Academic Espionage cards for a good tempo play, shuffled Pogo-Hoppers or even revive one or multiple Waxadreds. It gives more control over shuffled cards from Lab Recruiter, Shadow of Death and Togwaggle's Scheme and can help these cards see more play in constructed decks. It's a strong card that should bring more attention to shuffle shenanigans.
More dragons? Yes please!
Counter to Bad Luck Albatross too, for Highlander Rogue.
As a rogue its not a problem to have shuffled cards in the deck. And the stats are good for a 2-card draw. Will see play for sure.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
interesting card, and with more potential
i don't know why is not a pirate...
I fully support your reasoning but would even go further with the conclusion. This is a 5 star card, maybe even a nerf candidate. Think what you could do with a shark on board... 4 waxadreds? 4 pogo hoppers? All heistbaron cards? Consistent draw of the shuffled cards was all that was missing for pogo rogue. This is going to be bonkers.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
A tutor card see plays on every meta, and 5 mana 4/4 draw 2 cards are awesome.
4.5/5 card IMHO.
By The Holy Light!
"I'm a gnome, and you've been, GNOOOOMED" well this card will be played for memes most certainly, 10/10.
Should be quite good with cards like Waxadred, Shadow of Death or Togwaggle's Scheme.
Basically just think of any card which has this effect and this guy becomes good. Still quite a slow card however, needing to shuffle first before and then playing this guy. Compare it to Subject 9 where it just draws cards you have in your deck anyway and is much faster because of it.
This might actually make Shuffle Rogue viable finally.
Waxadred is the most obvious choice, but this is also good for stuff like Pogos and whatever meme you can cook up with Shadow of Death.
It is however going to be hard to just play this on curve...unless Pogos I guess.
I wonder if a Galakrond Shuffle Rogue might be the way to go. Or maybe Dragons wth Candlebreath
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Could also be pretty good in Reno-Rougue. It practically allows you to run Fal'dorei Strider or Shadow of Death.
ArtStation | Twitter
Fits many Rogue archetypes. But too bad stats.
Another high potential card.
Now we know its official name and card text, I like how it was written. It's not the most efficient, but it adds to the flavour of the card without introducing ambiguities.
I am more pessimistic about the card's competitive potential than most (over the years I've seen way too many slow cards in rogue that are great on paper but never see any competitive play), but for those of us that play shuffle rogue decks anyway it is undoubtedly a welcome addition to the game.
Drawing the 1/1 albatrosses will let you draw good cards for normal draw so still a good bargai
5 mana 4/4 draw two SPECIFIC cards? What stats would you want?
Academic espionage kinda fell off the radar. I don't know if that card will be enough to bring it back on.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
great addition to rogue, able to draw many cards that works. also could draw bombs and kill you lol
It's a 5 4/4 which draws two cards! It think it will be played on some archetype
Pretty good for drawing clones..a bit costly but 2 additional draws for usage in next turn is definitely op..
Tons of great uses for this, from Shadow of Death and Waxadred to fill the board, Togwaggle's scheme for value / combo potential, and Academic Espionage for general burgle fun.
Very versatile card. It can go in your academic espionage deck, it can draw pogos shuffled in your deck, it can draw trigger cards for new dragon rogue legendary (waxadred I think). It definitely requires a specific deck but if you put it in the right deck it's insane. It's 5 mana 4/4 that tutors for 2 cards
How exactly do you draw them? In the normal way (Fal'dorei Striders and Shadows of Death appear on the board) or to your hand? I do not know what card caused it, but I once drew some bombs which stayed in may hand without doing anything.
This card is decent, obviously it isn't good on its own and it needs to be used in a deck build around it, but drawing is always super strong. I think 1 copy can fits most Rogue archetype, and its stats aren't so bad that it's awful without its effect.
Seems like it could fit a few niche uses, mainly pogo rogue. Also, why couldn't the wording just say draw 2 cards that didn't start in your deck?
Cool effect but a little slow for the standard ladder. In Wild can be more powerful. The art is one of the worst ever seen
Curves nicely after academic espionage which could be high tempo the turn after
Finally some love for Academic espionnage! Tutoring is one of the best effects you can get in the game and there is numerous possibilities this card allows. Draw 2 of your choice and leave a 4/4 body for 5 mana seems pretty strong to me. I can't wait to play with this. Meta or not, it's a five star card to me.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Love the design of this card. It fits many roles simultaneously:
Design is 5 stars! Card itself just 4 in my opinion.
IMO, that's exactly the opposite!!
Slower Rogue decks barely survive in wild due to its lack of good defensive tools. Just take a look at today's meta: only odd rogue, which is an aggro deck. Shuffle/miracle shenanigans are nonexistant...
I think this card will only be playable in standard. But even then, I have my doubts if it is going to be viable. Remember that one great defensive tool, that is Vanish, was HoFd.
A very strong card for some specific decks but i'm not sure if these specific decks will be able to survive on ladder. So it's potentially strong but the real power is unpredictable right now.
In wild you can play this after a feldorey on turn 4.. in standard ?? Maybe after you shuffle some pogo with a perfect hand.. than all thw copy died to the new legendary. this can help accademic espionage rogue a little bit but not much more
I don't know, not a huge fan of these type of cards.
I know you can do broken combos but it feels like in the actual game, where there is an opponent that is trying to kill you, they are too impractical.
Just let's say you want to do waxadred things with it, first you have to play waxadred, then activate is deathrattle with a cards like the necrium weapon or vial, after that you play this and finally profit.
Maybe if the meta will be heavy control, but i'm not sure it would even works there.
In wild i think card like these can be very problematic.
For pogos, may be good or some academic espionage decks. Otherwise pretty bad card :/
I'm gonna draw ALL THE N'ZOTHS!
Rogue can have good benefits with this.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Such a weird card to rate. Obviously this card sucks if you don't run any cards to support it, which makes it less then 4 stars already. But when added to a deck that it fits in, drawing 2 card is very strong. Interested to see how this deck fits the meta.
This might be good in wild with Fal'dorei Strider, while in standard could be a decent inclusion in Pogo rogue or in combination with the new rogue dragon if you are able to multiply its deathrattle.
I have to admit with some degree of shame that I did not immediately think of Pogo Hoppers when I saw this. My immediate thought was Faldorei Strider and Academic Espionage, neither of which is exactly relevant to Standard. But yeah, with Pogos, this is preeeeettty good.
I think this will be huge for rogue.. I wouldn't call it the sleeper of the expansion, but it certainly is for rogue. There are TONS of things you can do with this card. This card isn't slow if you build your deck correctly. There is still one more card to be revealed for this class and also several more for neutral
This is a very very good card in an academic espionage deck especially with a spirit of the shark
A card that supports fun great decks!
EDIT: It also draws the specific cards?!? This card is going to be a top-tier carry in the game.
Finally a card to make my Academic Espionage deck more consistent! I like it!
Heh, I like the card flavor. Get those stowaway bombs or Albatrosses out of my deck! But of course, duplicating cards and putting those duplicates into your deck is a thing that Rogue does. Pogo Hopper shenanigans, here I come...
Drawing is good, and tutor cards always had a special place in meta, so as long as a shuffle strategy is used by rogue, this card will definitely be viable.
Looks like fun! A nice addition to shuffle/espionage/spider decks although not #supernessecary.
If i open Waxadred I will remember this for the deck.
Looks like the text has been updated now for the English version, and it is a bit simpler.
Hearthstone fan. Arch-nemesis: wifi drop-outs.
Very good for any deck that shuffles, which is a lot of them. I'm sure this will become a staple like Elven Minstrel was.
good tutor card? but the new rogue legendary makes this look less enticing.
Not sure about this card. Could be good for pogo-hopper and Sthrovar synergies, other than that I don't think it is too powerful.
At first I thought this was trash, buuuuuut it could have some real power
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
As good as this effect can be, the fact that it requires as much additional effort as it does makes it less good than most people think. It is extremely powerful at doing what it does, as long as your opponent isn't playing Bombs.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Pretty much insane with cards like Pogo-Hopper, Shadow of Death, and even Waxadred. Sucks when it draws bombs tho.
Goes in Galakrond Rogue. Play it after you’ve shuffled extra Kronxs into your deck.
Stable with Waxadred
This card enable some combo (Shadow of Death, Baleful Banker, Togwaggle's Scheme, Lab Recruiter, Academic Espionage, Fal'dorei Strider ). In the right deck can be a strong tutor...or he can just use to draw the candle of Waxadred
Could be extremely powerful with those Shade cards, that summon a minion copy when drawn.
Seems like a pretty strong tutor.
Could develop some scary tempo with cards like [Hearthstone Card (Faldorei Strider) Not Found] or enable scary combos.
Very good draw defect, works with Academic Espionage in Theif Rogue, works with Waxadred in Deathrattle Rogue and even with Pogo-Hopper.
Lots of Applications, good stats for it's effect, really looking foward, this card seems really good for Thief, Poggo, or any kind of weird combo Rogue
This is my favorite card so far in this expansion even though I love dragon archetypes in hearthstone so much.
It fits rogue's class identify greatly, enables some useful but didn't see play cards etc.
That is really all I want from this expansion so far. Ok, I want some dragons too but this card is excellent for me.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
easy way to disarm bombs
Great support for Waxadred, but I still think it will be too slow
The wording is so much longer than it has to be but that aside its a good card draws waxdreds and could be used with violet illusionist to disarm bombs I guess I cant see this being run too much though
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
The stats and the effect are coparable to Azure Drake. This card might fit into an Academic Espionage deck or a deck that is built around Waxadred.
Super powerful effect, but it requires you to run some cards that havn't been extremely popular in rogue so far.
Obvious Waxadred cantrip, potentially works with Togwaggle’s Scheme or Lab Recruiter and Gang Up in Wild. Really strong for those particular decks.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Love that we finally got a card that draws shuffled stuff! Overall, probably won't help Shuffle Rogue much as a whole, but the consistency is becoming real.
A welcomed addition to pogo decks. Should be fun to play.
Amazing card. It fits in every Rogue deck. Very flexible and it allows lots of crazy combos. One of the best cards revealed so far.
Possibly suicidal against bomb warrior or Hakkar, the Soulflayer, otherwise strong tutoring card (maybe bit slow).
Fun and interactive game.
Anti-Tech Tech? I guess there are a million cases where this card could be useful to have but not a single reason to actually include it in the deck :/