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Yeah but there are quite a few differences: first of all, Lady in White is not a Neutral card. I'm not saying it would have seen play if it were available for all classes, but it would have had 9 nine shots instead of one.
Secondly, Lady in White needs you to build your deck with a pretty restrictive condition: in other words, you can't run minions with an aggressive stat line, which means that if you don't draw her you won't be able to play your deck for the reason you built it.
In Frizz Kindleroost's case you have a non-tempo-loss 4 drop (6 mana 5/5 is generally bad, while 4 mana 5/4 is vanilla-wise decent) whose only condition is "put some dragons in your deck".
Maybe you're right and maybe we're overestimating this card, but the comparison with Lady in White isn't really appropriate.
This card is absolutely busted. No drawbacks, can be played on tempo, mana cheats some of the strongest cards in the game--absolutely ridiculously strong card.
At first I was like "there's no way they printed this card: it's totally broken and it's not even a tempo loss since it's a 5/4".
Then I read that the effect would apply only to Dragons in the deck and my opinion changed a bit: I still think this card is really good and might be polarizing for the next metas, but at least it doesn't effect minions in hand.
Imagine handbuffs like Glowstone Technician or Dragon Speaker right after this card: it would lead to an insane followup turn that may break most of the games.
I think that I would normally put a 1 mana discount of this card, but since they put 2 it means that
Yeah I really hope I'm overestimating this card
Regarding testing - Blizzard discovered SN1P-SN4P - Reckless Experimenter combo only after pointed out by players.
I still remember Shadowreaper Anduin. Literally everyone's first reaction to the card was "wow, imagine this with Raza the Chained, it would be so busted!" and sure enough, that deck was totally busted.
That little cacophony made me question whether or not the devs even tested cards at all. That interaction seemed pretty obvious, even to people who didn't spend the majority of their waking hours thinking about hearthstone.
Well yes no one can say that you're wrong: the Devs incredibly missed that interaction (it wasn't easy to find it, but damn it's their job right?).
However, this time the discount effect hits a WHOLE expansion built around a tribe tag: there's not way there wouldn't see it coming.
it wasnt easy to find? ppl that work for a living on the game didnt find that out. random ppl on the internet found it in less than 30 min after the card was revealed. what conclusions do you take from these facts?
I prefer to dug my head in the sand and not think about those conclusions, because we both now the answer.
I just want to hope that they really thought it out this time.
This card is a safe day 1 craft. Possibly broken. Nerf incoming?
Totally agree :O
Given that a lot of dragons are pretty expensive, I wonder if there's a greedy build out there that could run this with some low cost spells to survive the early game, making this and Witchwood Piper the cheapest minions in your deck. Tutoring this out fairly consistently could be rather spicy
This makes basically every Dragon deck playable. Hardmulligan for this, probably win the game afterwards. Why is this a 5/4? this should at best be a 4/4.
All you need is a large enough amount of dragons in your deck and this will ALWAYS be huge.
You don't even need some crazy combos. Just having access to something like a 3-mana Crazed Netherwing is already nuts.
Other fun stuff: 3-mana Waxadred for combo shenanigans, Dragonqueen Alex on 7, Ysera Unleashed on 7, Zerakku on 6,
and of course, the most important of all: 0-mana Faerie Dragon
I'm really pissed off, this is higrolling mana-cheating again, if it's on curve it's gonna be really obnoxious, just like Prince Keleseth or Luna's Pocket Galaxy. Also, I started a year ago - my collection fcuking sucked until the rotation, because in no way could I affor all those high-power level cards like deathknights and so on; this is just that in a way that you cannot replace it with anything in a budget deck. I hope I am panicking and it's not gonna be so strong.
You can still craft it, it's neutral and possibly multiclass viable card, so why not.
I have the dust to craft it now, that's ok; my point was that the design is bad for a legendary - it's highrolly on curve in a tempo deck and you just have to have it, it can hardly be replaced. The rest of the comment was more a concern for new players - powercreep also causes that you MUST have more of those powerful cards with unique effect. If you play a budget deck and somebody pulls this on you on curve, you've lost. I understand that you have to have powerful cards and I'm not arguing in favour of abolishing all strong legendary cards, but they shouldn't affect the whole game. It's not like [Hearthstone Card (Ziliax) Not Found] on curve, where even though it can stabilize the defender, the attacker can prepare for it, use burn or whatever; this card on curve causes you to slowly lose on each turn (yeah, in this case you only lose as midrange or controlly-midrange, as aggro shouldn't mind). And it's not like the Ziliax in the other regard, that if you don' have it, you can replace it with extra healing or extra taunt, it's just slightly less flexible.
Keep in mind guys it only affects dragons in the DECK. It can be drawn last in the game so it's highly inconsistent to base some wacky combo deck on this discount cause you'll mist likely draw the combo pieces before this.
That said you know you gonna lose to some lucky Maly combo at some point.
The pros of this card far outweigh the cons. There's a reason every tempo oriented deck played Prince Keleseth, even if it meant potentially drawing him later on every now and then. And this card doesn't even restrict your deck like Keleseth does.
Card's busted, much like the rest of the cards this expansion. I don't know what Blizzard are doing.
I agree on the tempo aspect of it, just pointing out a combo deck based on discounting Maly wouldn't be that good.
Jepetto Joybuzz would like to have a word with you.
Must have for the set....prediction: will be nerfed by increasin mana cost