New Neutral Minion - Depth Charge
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A new Rare Neutral Minion, Depth Charge, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Neutral Minion, Depth Charge, has been revealed!
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Wow, they really don't want aggro to be a thing this expansion :)
Someone says worse Doomsayer, but I say it is better. It is half prize. And you can't evolve into it. I mean c'mon, who is playing 0 drop to evolve it:) I hope it will see play.
I do what I must, when I must. Know this well.
Smaller Doomsayer. Seems reliable.
Knock off Doomsayer? Good for new players, but seems like it will be just a worse version of Doomsayer in all aspects.
Well this is interesting, similar to the card Gurubashi Offering but much harder to kill and with a much greater payoff.
It's similar to Doomsayer in its usage, another tool to slow down aggro decks if they become problematic. Whether this card sees any play is entirely meta dependant, would require a super heavy aggro meta to consider having this take a deck slot.
Its just a tool to slow down aggro decks, at worst is a 1 mana restore 5 health and at best is 1 mana deal 5 dmg to all minions.
By The Holy Light!
It's a great 1-Drop against aggro for sure. Costing 1 mana less than Doomsayer makes A LOT of difference. One the other Hand, it's not that great in the mid-game. Doesn't guarantee a clear and gets easily removed.
ArtStation | Twitter
Compares favourable to Doomsayer i think. It may be dropped a turn earlier- which is useful against hyper aggressive decks, in the early game the two health less won't be much of problem, and in the late game it dies as fast as Doomsayer. 5 damage to all minions will suffice against any board before turn 4. It is a soft taunt either way, which locks up the board. The biggest upside is the potential reusability, with Power Word: Shield or Sand Breath control or dragon decks can keep the board free for two consecutive rounds.
Mini doomsayer. I dont think its competitive enough (i dont like doomsayer either). Maybe its good against super aggressive decks on turn one, but later... If you are in a postition where the opponent is zerging you down, a 5-health doomsayer always comes too late by turn 2. And feels like a waste of a card and mana on turn 1.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Well in mage you can now run your 3rd and 4th doom sayer if you need to it makes board clears more consistent.. Or also the 2ns one in highlander so frost nova has more uses..
This might as well be a mage card.
Another upside is that you can do the combo for 4 mana, the downside is that's it's easier to deal with, and that it can't deal with big minions..
But 5 damage is a lot.
(sorry for not quoting cards it's annoying to do that while on mobile)
I guess Doomsayer is going to hall of fame. Time to craft them golden...
Great anti-aggro tool. It's not better than Doomsayer since some minions could survive 5 damage, but this is still a fantastic control tool for the early game.
It can be a nice tool to disrupt your opponent tempo, you can drop it on turn 1 versus aggro decks and it will work most of the time, killing a 1 drop and stopping your opponent second turn can be huge versus decks like zoo or murloc shaman.
Maybe the fact that cost 1 less than doomsayer will make it viable even if is more fragile and isn't as strong?
Later in the game, you can freeze the board and play this; dealing 5 damage is like killing all minions versus aggro most of the time, so not a huge difference there, but maybe will be too easy for an aggro deck to deal 5 damage from hand at that stage of the game and in the end doomsayer will still be the preferred choice.
Or maybe a deck would run both?
nice card design, i like it
anti aggro cool tool
I can this being played in some kind of control highlander deck, that cannot run 2 doomsayers. Other then that, it is a budget doomsayer, which is nice. Will not replace original one for the players that already have them, as 2 more hp and destroy minions vs deal 5 are significantly diffrent (better for the OG Doomy)
Well, consider it yet another tech card. If aggro rules the meta, which is possible because as strong as all the Dragons are they are also a tad slow and pricey, then this card will see play. Obviously if you fill your deck with nothing but tech cards your deck will have no win condition of its own. So choose your tech cards wisely and sparingly.
well, its basically a continuous aoe with priest quest completed, am i correct?
This card should be played before an opponet sets up his board or it should be protected by taunt for a turn. In theory this might ses play if there will be a lot of aggro. It's could be better than Doomsayer at some point because it can hold the board for multiple turns instead of just 1 if it's buffed somehow. I like we got this kind of tech card.
It may be, as long as it is your only minion. And most opponents will stop throwing boards down rather soon, and search for hard removal or silence.
This is just insane anti aggro card if you play it on turn 1/2. However it serves only that purpose so I can see it being a tech in few decks
Did anyone said Doomsayer, this card loos like Doomsayer get it? mini Doomsayer scuffed Doomsayer knock off Doomsayer Doomsayer Doomsayer Doomsayer Doomsayer
All thread is
Priest quest complete HP only gives 3 extra health per turn and you need 5 per turn so it is not continuous.
No, it also gives minion +3/+3, which translates to: +3/+1 on this minion.
It can be buffed for multiple turns of going of
t1 plus coin power word shield
Good anti-Aggro card, I think this will see play if Aggro becomes to strong. If you buff its health this card can stay around for longer, which is funny.
True that it is a smaller doomsayer, but this has some other synergies as well. One thing off the top of my head is giving this lifesteal with Lightforged Blessing, potentially healing yourself to full while clearing the board on your next turn.
Cheaper version of doomsayer.
The fact it can be dropped on (1) is HUGE.
Comparable to Zombie Chow. But better.
This card is actually insane, as it covers a blind spot of classes without AoE, at least during the first turns.
Lesser doomsayer. Good anti aggro card for early game
This is a very interesting point. Very interesting indeed. If it can be healed and/or get extra health, it doesn't go away like doomsayer does.
A weak Doomsayer, but it can efficiently prevent aggro decks from developing their board in the first turns so it could see play..
Interesting one. It will push highlander decks especially.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Cool card, I like it! A cheaper (and worse) Doomsayer in the early game. Potential as anti-aggro tech but I doubt we'll see much of it.
it's just not as good as Doomsayer.
The main thing is that Doomsayer is more useful later on, when you play him after a boardclear to set up an empty board for the next turn. This however only deals 5 damage, which some decks can still play into.
Not to mention this is much hard to just play as is later on against aggro decks, because dealing 5 damage is usually easier for them.
It does have some use in Mage though, as an extra Doomsayer for a Freeze combo.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
The comparison to Doomsayer is certainly apt - Depth Charge is a nice AOE that goes off on the start of your turn, and kills your opponents minions assuming this comes down early in the game. Clearly this is a great neutral anti-aggro tool.
The tough thing about this is that it's way worse than Doomsayer in the mid to late game, when your opponent may have big enough minions to survive this. I think whether or not it sees play over (or in addition to) Doomsayer is going to be determined entirely by how aggressive the metagame is.
nice aggro remover at a low cost and fair stats..can be removed without any big plays but just enough to make it a nuisance.
so much worse than doomsayer, only + is 1 cost, meh, filler, but glad to see some fillers finally, so much OP cards.
A 1 cost doomsayer i really like the fact that it can live more than 1 turn if you buff it.
Looks like a nice card, only problem is it comes out so early that a lot of the time it won’t get a chance to clear anything. Should deal with early minions well enough though.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
the card is goood, it has a soft taunt in it, and if you can buff his health by even one point it can become really really annoying , more if you're playing priest...
This is a fantastic point - unlike Doomsayer this card will not NECESSARILY destroy itself, given you multiple turns of use. I bet it will see more play in decks like Priest or Paladin that can buff it up to stay alive.
Very exciting anti-aggro card like Doomsayer
Very nice card against aggro decks. We will have to wait and see how the meta evolves, if there are strong aggro decks in it, we will definitely see this barrel around.
Early anti-aggro: ok.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
probably one of the best turn 1 plays for a control deck. such a cool card
It is sort of like a mini-Doomsayer. When played at the right time, it can be quite powerful. But I just feel like 5 damage is just too little. In order for this to trigger, your opponent will have to be unable to kill a 5 health minion, which means that you probably won't be killing anything big.
The best way to use this card is to drop it on an empty board to prevent your opponent from playing anything for a turn. But really, this is just a smaller Doomsayer, I don't think this card will ever be used except by people who don't have doomsayer and can't find any better replacement.
It's kinda funny, we are getting a lot of power-creep in this expansion, and now we have this reverse power-creep card.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Another cheap anti-aggro tool. Very nice.
I like this card, it's a budget option to deal with aggros.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
I came to say basically that - thank
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Great anti-aggro card. Slightly worst than doomsayer, because it has 2 heath less. It cost 1, but I see no big difference with 2 or 1 mana in playing AOE minion like doomsayer or this card
I really like this, looks like a good Early game anti-aggro tool.
Not as strong as doomsayer, but still useful. Likely not played, but who knows. Might be cheap removal for mage.
The end is coming! this meta will be the last hearthstone is a dead game. will be called "Battlegrounds- the card game" ..
Jokes aside, you can't compare it to anything else, a delayed board clear where the body is a 0/X that happens at the start of the turn and dies with it.
Also people need to get their contest entry somehow at least they are creating some consensus about the card.. sadly though most people don't actually read other's comments and try to add anything.. but it's better than 3 comments per card like last expansion..
Depth Charge could see play in a deck that runs buffs to make sure that it doesn't die by its own effect and allowing it to trigger multiple times. But if you don't plan on running any synergy cards with it, Doomsayer seems like a better option.
More dragons? Yes please!
I like it this a lot, I hope it ends up being as effective as I think it can be.
I am 100% going to be playing this on day 1 in an egg deck. It’s a great hatcher + AOE. Plus, it fits the zero attack flavour
GenX APM Specialist.
I think that people are missing how awesome this can be in Priest and potentially Paladin. The fact that this can go off over and over if it lives from the 5 damage is way more interesting than anything Doomsayer does. Getting more than 2 ticks is much less likely, but its possible, in fact its possible to create a crazy explosion machine that clears the board for itself over and over again. Really cool card.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Decent card for control decks. It also limits aggro deck growth.
That's what I was just thinking: this on quest priest is going to be insane.
Doomsayer, but better for anti-Aggro purposes. Rare instead of Epic, comes down a Turn earlier, not easy to remove if played immediately. Worse than Doomsayer in the mid/late-game, assuming you can protect Doomsayer for a turn, but I daresay Doomsayer was most often played on Turn 2 or 3 against Aggro.
Great AoE in the early game, but it falls off pretty hard as the game goes on. I can see the comparisons to Doomsayer, but he has more Health and is guaranteed to destroy all minions in question.
Early game just got even worse for aggros.
Damn 4 doomsayers in a deck to hold off aggro. That's preeeeety good
Amazing card. I love it.
To add something a little more substantive to the debate, I think this is comparable to doomsayer at being an early game doorstop but much worse later on in combination with freezes or board clears. it really depends on the deck which card would work better, but I could even see some decks using both, EG draw-your-deck-and-win combo decks.
Well it could be better than Doomsayer if you buffed it so it won't die to its own effect.
It's slightly different from Doomsayer, in that it activates cards like Acolyte of Pain for example. To be fair though, I don't think card can fit the current decks, so it's probably just a fringe card.
it should be called doomsayer barrel lol
I just can’t see this getting played in constructed.
Zul'Drak Ritualist
Doomsayer's been hitting the keggar again! He's infused his essence into it.
Some people suggested this to be a good priest card since they can easily keep it alive and continue causing big trouble to aggro decks. Like it!
A new weaker Doomsayer...but it's NOT a bad card. The 1 mana cost is good and it's another tool for control to beat agro deck. Usually you don't want put 2 Doomsayer and 2 Depth charge in the same deck but the fact that this card exists prevents a meta full agro
Could be decent if you have a way to increase its health so it can live for another turn, but the fact that it has 5 health and not 7 like doomsayer makes it much more easily dealt with in the earlier turns.
If somehow you can buffs it's health by only 1, It will survives the ordeal, and does 5 damages again next turn
woohoo. double Doomsayer. Count me in..
Knowledge is Power
As much as I like the sound of a "smaller" Doomsayer, you will never play this card over it, and I'm pretty sure there's no reason to play both this cards in your deck either. If you don't own Doomsayer you could run this one because it's cheaper in dust value but that's pretty much it.
there might be something more with this card in wild.
There might be some comboes which you can't do with Doomsayer and do with Treachery and Wrathguard.
I hope there will be some cards in future like Treachery for all of your minions so the combo will be greater than now.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
If at least, it wasn't targeting itself... Typically the type card you'll only see in a Trolden video when it pops on either board inadvertently.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Worst than doomsayer. HP is really important so..idk
The real question, do I want to run 4 doomsayers?
Turn 1: Good
Turn 2-45: Worse than Doomsayer
Not worth it imo.
Could be useful with master of disguise I guess? it mostly just seems like a turn 1 board lock if you have nothing else to play but otherwise its mostly just a worse doomsayer. Perhaps you could buff its hp so it lives more and sweeps the board multiple turns?
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
A weaker version of Doomsayer. While the latter is better in the late game if combined with freeze effect, Depth Charge might be a good play on turn 1 versus aggro decks.
Doomsayer-lite. Possibly valuable since it can come out a turn earlier.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Yea its basically just budget doomsayer
Doomsayer was risky enough to play, and had better effect. This may be used to double up on doomsayer, but I think it's bad.
Not a good card. At best it acts as a taunt to delay aggro decks. Maybe it could work in priest with Power of Word: Shield on the coin.
Not as strong as doomsayer at first glance, but not bad in itself if drawn early against aggro decks.
Doomsayer for poor people. Stricly worse, but I'm looking forward to see this generated randomly, it could lead to hilarious moments.
Fun and interactive game.
Such an easy thing for your opponent to clear off?