New Shaman Hero - Galakrond, the Tempest
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A new Legendary Shaman Hero, Galakrond, the Tempest, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Shaman Hero, Galakrond, the Tempest, has been revealed!
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i liked. it's a good Galakrond with fair battlecry
Getting giant elementals is cool, but not as game breaking as some of the other Galakronds, and the hero power isn't super impressive. Its still good and you'll likely want to play it in some form of Shaman, but IDK that it will end up being the best shaman deck.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Welp, Shaman gets the best Galakrond. Pretend I'M surprised.
Makes for a strong midrange/control archetype. Summoning tokens is always good in a class with access to Bloodlust.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Hero Power is not bad, I think it's something that every Galakrond are jealous of, constant small removal. And the battlecry is decent. With current shaman card pools, I say it's pretty top tier at the moment.
What's the hero power exactly? And how does it upgrade? 4/4 then 8/8 elementals or just fills the board with 2/2s with rush?
I'll boop you
tempo oriented Galakrond, tempo sham, on stream looked good.
2-1 with rush, upgrades 2 2-2s 2 4-4s and 2 8-8s
Along with all the Invoke cards, Shaman seems to have the most potential at making a Galakrond deck work.
Very powerful board control potential with all the rush minions, not much more to say sadly...seems to be a strong deck!
And now imagine it with Corrupt the Waters.
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Pretty big price you have paid if you immediately get twisting nethered/brawled afterwards.
Versus rogue etc it could be a good push.
Quite solid board control card with good invoke options, more control style.
Shaman will have quite a lot of options for decks in the new meta: Galakrond, Quest, Aggro overload...
Strong battlecry and decent hero power but i'm struggling to understand what kind of deck Galakrond Shaman is. Control? Tempo? Probably tempo, right? This doesn't beat the late game value generation of Hagatha in current Control Shaman. She will rotate soon but i don't think this will be a good replacement for her. A tempo strategy seems to fit this Galakrond much better. Hmm... It's good but i still think Galakrond the Unbreakable is better.
"True mastery takes dedication."
Battlecry Galakrond Quest Shaman anyone?
i'm envisioning a powerful overload shaman with this as a late game option
This is one of the best galakronds we have seen so far, not just for the fact that it summons dos 8/8's with rush, but also because you can get those 8/8's with rush very consistently thanks to that sweet sweet double invoker. This galakrond looks very proactive and relevant throughout the whole game. This deck will be very powerful, especially with the quest. I know that playing galakrond will change your hero power, but imagine getting quadruple invokes with a single card, or using the quest reward on the same turn as galakrond to make four 8/8's with taunt.
This will be a powerful deck, and I am very excited to play it.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Even if the hero card itself isn’t that great, the invoke cards might be worth it because of that hero power
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
I doubt you can fit it in alongside the quest but this seems to enable a very similar value-oriented battlecry minion-spamming deck. I'm curious which one will be stronger.
If there is a downside it's that i can't play it with hagatha but with shudder it might be fun
Seems really strong. With Corrupt the Waters you could have four 8/8s with Rush on the table. And has been noted, anything that can produce token minions is strong in a class with Bloodlust.
Galakrond decks versus the dragon decks - it's like WoW Lore all over again.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Fitting Galakrond. But will it be enough to overtake Quest and Murloc/ Aggro Shaman? I don't think so :'(
In a vacuum? It's ok. In the upcoming meta? Busted good.
Shaman is going to laugh and laugh while we cheer for 5 days without Evolve in the standard meta. Come December 10th, I'm concerned that shamanstone will continue, if the livestream was any indicator.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Fantastic Galakrond - the free rush minions counterbalance the focus on Overload to help fight for board control with locked-up mana. I am 100% on board with Overload Galakrond Shaman - might even have to craft Vessina if it seems ladder-worthy.
Sweet! Great iteration of Galakrond. Looks both strong and fun.
I would like to try Highlander Control Quest Galakrond Shaman with all value generator cards like Swampqueen Hagatha.
I already just called that it is irritating that Shaman's getting all synergies starting to irritate me at other card's thread but I won't miss the opportunity of memes. There are great meme potential in the available standard sets. Galakrond, the Tempest, Swampqueen Hagatha, Shudderwock, Bandersmosh, Zephrys the Great, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, etc.
It will be great even if i lose 100 games in a row.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I am gonna play this day 1 without a doubt
Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.
The most consistent Galakrond to summon due to the dedicated Invoke class cards, good hero power for constant board control and a nice battlecry, Shamanstone rejoice.
Good galakrond and shaman can really make use of the hero power, but I always thought warrior or hunter would be the ones with a rush archetype.
Very good, good battlecry, with the quest this is easily 4 8/8 with rush, pretty strong, the hero power is fair and balanced.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Not the best Galakrond but incredibly it also fits quest shaman. Use quest hero power and upgraded Galakrond will summon 4 8/8 rush elementals. Use shudderworck later and get it again equiping another claw. Will be game breaker.
Does he summon more or just bigger Rushes?
Quest Shaman ridiculous this Christmas.
This card might fit into Quest Shaman just because of the strong Invoke effect. However, Quest Shaman does not want to lose his hero power by playing Galakrond too early. Playing Shudderwock after [Hearthstone Card (Galarond, the Tempest) Not Found] for a second pair of 8/8 elementals will be a nice combo.
free up-gradable minion with rush..better than some of the other galakronds..
still a decent card but the could be this the weakest of all galakronds?
Nowhere near the best Galakrond, but between Corrupt Elementalist for easy upgrades, Kronx Dragonhoof for frequent access, and Shudderwock for extra 8/8 rushers and devastations, this could easily see a lot of play.
A great Galakron for shaman! I very like it! I have no doubts it will see a lot of play on ladder. The hero power costs 2 mana and summons a 2-1 elemental with rush so it helps to keep board presence and make trades.
And with a Corrupt Elementalist it's not that hard to invoke enough for shamans.
interesting tidbit is that Shudderwock would repeat this hero card battlecry so you get more rush minions, the hero power is better than totem, but worse than hagatha, so you could actually run hagatha in the same deck as galakrond.
very strong, for me only rogue has better galakrond
This is so good! Tokens that don’t just sit there waiting to be buffed! A fully upgraded Battlecry that might take out two dragons or leave big threats!
Sadly, it's playable together with the quest.
Good battlecry, which is really powerful when fully invoked. I think this will be the most prominent Galakrond on ladder, given how strong Shaman's invoke cards are.
We cant forget that some invoke cards are bad except shaman galakrond hero power helps u maintain board control which cancels out the tempo loss from invoke cards. Helps u reach mid to late game while using the quest and u just slam this guy on turn 9 that ckearsand secures board with 4 8/8 rush minions.
Its all gonna come down to how good is warlock control gonna be
This Gakakrond seems very very good. It has a proactive battlecry (and reactive too, thans to rush), the reason i pointed out that is proactive is because Shudderwock will repeat it (unless it repeat all the invoke battlecries before and there is anymore space in the board).
Galakrond shaman is looking very good because it has the best invoke and the best invoke cards.
Very nice card, good battlecry (especially when upgraded) and the invoke effect can definitely mark a difference.
The rushing guys will provide a very nice board control.
I only wonder how does Shudderwock fit with Galakronds and Kronx.
Probably this is the best Galakrond. All invoke card have impact on board and the battlecry is nice
2 8/8 rush is really spooky, will see play for sure
Of course its meta defining, its Galakrond :) And sure there will be galakrond decks with shaman too. Can also work with the quest for huge tempo turns - to fill the hole of evolve.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
The rush is great since it can remove and the battlecry is crazy since at max it summons two giants with rush. I expect this to be run in every deck even if they only have like 3 galakrond activators
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Not as good as rogue's and priest's Galakrond, but definitely worth it. And, most important, will be free =)
This is a strong Galakrond, with a good effect, good Hero Power and above average Invokers. The only problem this deck can have is the competition it faces from Quest Shaman and the new variants of Aggro, Overload and Dragon Shaman.
The battlecry is great for tempo/removal and the invoke effect is very powerful. Corrupt Elementalist and Invocation of Frost are great, Shield of Galakrond and Devoted Maniac aren't that bad with the 2/1 rush elemental and Dragon's Pack is a nice bonus. This Galakrond seems quite flexible since you can be an aggro/midrange deck with lots of tokens or a control deck with lots of rush removal.
More dragons? Yes please!
Insaneeeeeee, best Galakrond version so far. This card trades with alot of stuff so really REALLY good card.
Whoa, it's second best Galakrond imho! After warrior's
Doesn't look flashy to me as others, but looks both consistent and strong to be played.
if you can manage double 8/8s on turn 7 with rush is devastating not every class can deal with this
This one looks like the strongest galakrond to me. The hero power is great both when invoking and after transforming, and the battlecry makes a massive board for you.
Strong battlecry to account for being a slow card to gurantee consistent performance.
Me, after over a month of ShamanStone on ladder, facing almost exclusively EvoShaman's and murlocs, now seeing this ...
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Really great version of Galakrond. The 2/1 Rush elementals from Invoke effects provide immediate impact on board and synergize with any kind of buffs you can provide (Vessina in particular comes to mind) while the Battlecry reward of bigger and bigger Rush elementals provides either further board control or presents a threatening beatdown to the face the following turn.
Galakrond rating: 2nd best
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
A few review back, in the first galakrond activators, I said kinda in a joke that quest galakrond shaman could be fun, and some one rightfully told me that galakrond would replace the quest hero power.
Right now I don't care about it. Spending the early game double summoning 2/1 with rush, to culminate in 4 8/8 with rush seems like a great plan, especially after rotation when we will lose Jesu.. I mean Shutterwok.
You can count me in trying this.
Powerful for sure, the two 8/8s alone are worth it. I don't quite see the lategame except Shudderwock, of course, but it's not really a problem with all the aggro stuff Shaman got to close the game earlier.
I think the best galakrond of all , hoping to open it
If a Galakrond deck has to be above the rest, it might be the one. 8/8's rush? Dominating classes tend to be put aside next expansion but it might not be the case here. The Gal/shaman archetype seems pretty strong to me so far, at least on paper.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
I think it's one of the best Galakrond cards. It seems easy to invoke and the rush minions are very useful. You could make a cool deck around him. You can go with overload decks or battlecry decks. Seems pretty fun to play.
Rush minions from invoking/hero power is great, but battlecry doesn't seem so broken as in other Galakrond incarnations. Probably is it so because of Corrupt the Waters. I like midrange style decks, so I definively give this a try.
Fun and interactive game.
The hero power of getting a 2/1 Rush elemental each turn is so far above and beyond a totem that I'll definitely give this a try.
It's 2x 2/2, 4/4 then 8/8 elementals
In my opinion, this is the best invoke effect, so shaman meta probably continues. Especially this swarming style is often more reliable and pretty sure more aggressive than the dragon decks, also it should slay pirate warrior with some techs, which is a good thing (for me at least)!