[DoD] ResidentSleeper Awards
R e s i d e n t S l e e p e r A w a r d s
Who's the sleeper of the set ?
Shadowstepper Keleseth is back! Even if +(1) to all minions is a greedy choice, it will definitely worth the buff in the right deck. That's why this card will push deckbuilding to the next level..
Nobody talks about this card, and how it looks like Ser Bronn of the Blackwater embracing the Scorpion ballista. But anyway, I am the only one who remembers Mech Hunters spamming hero power since turn 7!?
This card is not the Arcane Giant but stills a Giant. And, like any other Giant, it will be problematic, especially if Conjurer's Calling stills around...
Looks like a troll of the well-known 4 M a n a 7/7, but it's not. I can't wait to build a deck around this meaty bro ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It's the 50% of a Carnivorous Cube. And that's enough to see play, I think.
Not sure if a Sleeper, because it's kinda difficult to find one in Rogue cards. But this card is not a meme. Legendaries from other classes could generate busted synergies, and it's a Discover. My new favourite (1) drop ^ . ^
When I think about this card I see Tirion Fordring in my mind. May be the real sleeper of the set...
Prepare to face 2xReno the Relicologist at (3) each. Isn't broken as Defile but stills OP for just (3)! FML
Light cost removal for heavy targets and get 2 for 1 in most situations. Really underrated card IMHO.
Dragonmaw Poacher is stealing his limelight. But hey, here we are with another controversial Battlecry. Also, with a very high power level. NVM
These are my nominations for each of the classes, and what's yours?
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R e s i d e n t S l e e p e r A w a r d s
Who's the sleeper of the set ?
Shadowstepper Keleseth is back! Even if +(1) to all minions is a greedy choice, it will definitely worth the buff in the right deck. That's why this card will push deckbuilding to the next level..
Nobody talks about this card, and how it looks like Ser Bronn of the Blackwater embracing the Scorpion ballista. But anyway, I am the only one who remembers Mech Hunters spamming hero power since turn 7!?
This card is not the Arcane Giant but stills a Giant. And, like any other Giant, it will be problematic, especially if Conjurer's Calling stills around...
Looks like a troll of the well-known 4 M a n a 7/7, but it's not. I can't wait to build a deck around this meaty bro ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It's the 50% of a Carnivorous Cube. And that's enough to see play, I think.
Not sure if a Sleeper, because it's kinda difficult to find one in Rogue cards. But this card is not a meme. Legendaries from other classes could generate busted synergies, and it's a Discover. My new favourite (1) drop ^ . ^
When I think about this card I see Tirion Fordring in my mind. May be the real sleeper of the set...
Prepare to face 2xReno the Relicologist at (3) each. Isn't broken as Defile but stills OP for just (3)! FML
Light cost removal for heavy targets and get 2 for 1 in most situations. Really underrated card IMHO.
Dragonmaw Poacher is stealing his limelight. But hey, here we are with another controversial Battlecry. Also, with a very high power level. NVM
These are my nominations for each of the classes, and what's yours?
I don't get what you see in Ramming Speed. the only way someone would ever play it over Supercollider is in a meta where there are so many big doubles that Collider is either not enough or has you take too much damage.
I'd like to nominate [Hearthstone Card (Toxic Reenforcements) Not Found] That thing can absolutely rush down decks if you get enough pressure early...and if you want to get funky you can run Necromechanic for that sick 12-damage burst.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Embiggen, Dragonbane, Mana Giant, Nozdormu the Timeless, Grave Rune, Dragon's Hoard, and Faceless Corruptor Aren't Sleepers. All of them have an average rating of above 3.5. And that means a lot when there are so many opinions, I really don't know how you are deciding what is a sleeper or not.
I do agree though with Bandersmosh, Dark Skies, and Ramming Speed being underrated.
Bandersmosh is a 5 mana 5/5 with an ability of a random legendary. More often than naught that ability will be positive. So even if you don't get a Tirion Fordring every time, you can still very likely get a decent turn 5-6 play (or 4 with coin).
Dark Skies Looks like a good way for handlocks to secure the board before turn 4 (or 3 with coin). You usually won't have many minions by turn 3, maybe a Kobold Librarian. I think it is better to compare this to Volcano than Defile, dealing 7/8 damage randomly split amongst all minions should be enough by turn 3.
I feel it is a bit unfair to compare Ramming Speed to Supercollider. They are both very different. To save myself all of the writing I will just copy my post from the discussion thread.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I've read and heard so many opinions about these cards. But I've rarely seen full positive thoughts about them...
These cards may not be too flashy, and a lot of people are considering them MeMey_
That's why I consider mostly of them Sleepers.
p.s Faceless Corruptor isn't a sleeper, but it will be nerfed 100% imho. I should replace him with Evasive Wyrm lol
None of them i think.
Lightforged Zealot and Secure the Deck might do better things than people thought.
Wyrmrest Purifier make paladin decks instantly pure paladin. (Loved the flavour btw.)
I personally think that [Hearthstone Card (Purifier Paladin) Not Found] archetype is promising.
I am not a great deck-builder but just an example;
Deck ID Not Found
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I never saw Carnivorous Cube on priest (except old priest quest), so I think it's a bad card, will see though.
I am barely seeing this card show up in theorycrafts, and I forget to put it in a lot of decks too. But this card is going to eventually be in A LOT of aggro decks. Need a 1-drop? This is your card. Get used to seeing this as much as we used to see Fire Fly
Yes lol.
But it's obviously strong a 1* 2/2, I don't think someone is understimating his power ^ . ^
Here is my dream scenario:
Play Leeroy Jenkins and go face, Play Grave Rune on him and ping it with Holy Smite. Get 2xLeeroy Jenkins and go face!
Embalming Ritual instead of Holy Smite will do same thing + ability to trade one of taunts in way.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Eh, I'm still not sold on Nozdormu to be completely honest.
But on the flipside, I'm glad that someone agrees that Dark Skies is not a bad card.
This ain't no place for a hero
I consider it a sleeper because it is being overlooked right now. Everyone is distracted by the "more exciting" cards with fun text. So it's easy to forget the impact an overstated 1-drop can have.
Take that funkiness further in Wild where Toxic Reinforcements actually has a OTK 38 damage combo!