New Neutral Minion - Faceless Corruptor
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A new Rare Neutral Minion, Faceless Corruptor, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Neutral Minion, Faceless Corruptor, has been revealed!
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Evolve Sham thing? But evolve will rotate, i don't know about playing it without aoe evolve
Seems very powerful, comparable to Oasis Surger.
Obviously you need a minion in play to get the full effect, but if you do you get a very powerful play. You could either go face or make a value trade then transform it up into a 5/4 rush for more board control.
Should be especially good in quest shaman with all the lackeys and totems lying around, great card.
Good in Paladin and Shaman who run small minions for free with their Hero Power. Could be an adequate removal tool. This card is pretty good!
Interesting card that can work for boardclear and getting some strong bodies in the mid game. Not a staple for each deck but definitely worth considering.
I like it, a lot!
It works in controlish and tokens decks
By The Holy Light!
-Hey, There is a little 1/1 murloc, Let's make it 5/4 with Rush.
Can be good in Galakrond Warlock too with those 1/1 imps and in Zoolock.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Huge card. It would have been solid already without the rush keyword.
I just don't like rush flavor on faceless minions.
Great for board-centric Decks. You can get in 3 trades for 5 Mana!
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Faceless Corruptor is ridiculous for any deck that wants to value trade for board control. If you have a minion in play, this is basically the Quest Druid's Oasis Surger, which is a bonkers tempo play, and you also potentially get an attack beforehand.
Galakrond Rogue and Warlock will also regularly make tokens.
Is the target random? If it is, it is not as good as I first thought.
Some cards make it obvious by adding the word "random" or "choose a (friendly) minion". This is ambiguous...
Does this enable infinite Shudderwock with Barista Lynchen/Bog Slosher is the big question.
It's not %100 but it should right?
This is just insane value. You can play this in midrange and control with no need to build around this card. Let's say 5/4 rush is worth 4 mana. Well for 1 extra mana you get an extra 5/4 basically. Excellent card for value trading. It's almost good like Oasis Surger and it's neutral
this card is lots of value, very OP
Really good in any deck with lackeys, specially shaman due to evolve.
amazing card. strong in both aggro and control
we're all Quest Druid now
Also, fuck the wording. This doesn't state whether the target is random or not.
Probably gonna see this in every midrange deck (and some Aggro) from now on.
Also completely busted in Arena.
Gonna keep my extra copies, this one's gonna get nerfed.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Nice for arena I guess, maybe zoo constructed.
Interesting card for zoo decks! Turn a disposable minion into a useful rush minion!
Very good with shaman and paladin heropower and with the lackeys. I really like it, hope it will see play.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Odd paladin likes.
Good for most midrange decks, that utilize tokens somehow.
May be to slow for aggro.
Pretty bonkers in arena, I think.
very nice card for pally/sham where they can generate tokens..even on non-token classes its pretty good for removing weaker minions for a stronger alternative.
Really strong minion. You can value trade with a minion and than trasform with Faceless Corruptor. Other that in shaman you can use Evolve to abuse this mechanics. In Arena is broken too
does shudderwock transform another into a shudderwock?
They need to fire whomever is in charge of wording in this expansion'cards a lot of effects are worded very poorly and in an ambiguous way, with some pointless words or unclear effect, like the paladin side quest is VERY unclear in it' s wording.. Nozdurmu as well..
Very poor job for the card wording and probably also balancing a lot of cards in this expansion are a serious power creep rather than new strategies..
Excellent card for any token deck at all stages of a game. for other decks still strong if an earl 1/2-drop manages to live or as a "buff" to drawing them later in the game. Solid card - I like it.
Strong card, if you play this on a lackey like Rdy said in the video. I give it 4/5.
It's okay even without a battlecry - you've got the removal for 5 mana deal 5. But if you play it on a totem or a 1/1 silver recruit, you've got for 7 mana deal 10! It's great
Bonemare prenerf level. Keep your copies.
I feel next meta is going to be be extremely aggro/tempo oriented.
INSANE, Oasis Surger for everyone 5/5
This... is WAY broken in Standard Shudderwock Shaman decks, as this minion's Battlecry should presumably transform another friendly minion into Shudderwock when he is played. This, with other cards like Desert Hare and Barista Lynchen and some good order, brings back infinite Shudderwock chains. This should NOT be allowed.
Otherwise a solid card for token decks who care more about their small minions being transformed into big ones - two 5/4 minions who can trade right away is nothing to scuff at. But this has to be broken in Shaman unless the interaction is differend so that you transform a minion into that 5/4 during Shudderwock's Battlecry, which I hope Blizzard does to avoid the nuisance of infinite value.
5/5 if it works the first way
3.75/5 if it works the other way
4/5 for token decks
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
This is a card i like a lot!
I agree with what RDU said in his reveal video, it looks very nice in rogue thanks to the lackeys which they already want to generate for different reasons: 1) they are just good; 2) Togwaggle is super strong 3) if they end up playing Galakrond, the invoke cards give lackeys 4) sometimes they double battlecries with the spirit of the shark (that i think will see play again in Galakrond decks).
This card adds yet another reason to generate them, i don't know if it will be run in 2 copies or just 1; i'd run 1 for the moment because the card is still expensive
Shudderwock combo incoming! Nice strong card for a neutral too
Paladin/Shaman: 7 mana 2x5/4 Rush minion.
Others: turn a 1/1 into 5/4 rush. Semi heal a minion.
This is very good.
Definitely playable to upgrade weaker, early minions. Good tempo play but maybe too conditional.
Annoying that it doesn't say "random" or "choose" and we're left assuming that it's "choose" a friendly minion
Its a kind of little (or large) brother of Faceless Manipulator. Again very interesting, seems good to ged rid of some of your small cannon fudder (like lackeys or other small tokens lying around) and its a beast of tempo that just adds another 5-4 to your real estate. When someone polymorphed your giant you can turn it into something useful again. Someone silenced your Doomsayer? No problemo!
Not sure what happens if your battle cries trigger twice though. Will it transform two different minions?
And they must have tested this with Shudderwock. Right? Right?!?
And I finally can put my Angry Chicken to use!
Looks pretty good, since you can play this on curve to basically buff up whatever token you might have from last turn
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Neutral oasis surger that requires any body on your board? This will definitely see play
I guess all the classes are quest druid now.
It's not inconsistent, it's in line with cards like Shattered Sun Cleric or EVIL Recruiter. If the effect were random the card would say so.
I actually kinda like this it can probably fit in some Shudderwock deck or some type of Handbuff Paladin list.
About shudderwock infinite if it allows it in standard it's a once per turn shudderwock and not 9 times so it's much more sane, also has a chance to mess up every turn.
This card will benefit Aggro decks the most, giving them a way to deal with taunts if they don't have the spells to clear it.
Well it's over
A VERY powerful 5 drop, this will likely buff one of your minoins as well as give them rush. This will help you fight for board as well as apply pressure. I cannot think of a reason why any midrange wouldn't want to play this. This is a very pro-active card, and we will all hate it soon.
Another thing to keep in mind is that this is another card that can help Shudderwock to copy itself. This card is way more playable than Doppelgangster, although it does require you to already have another minion on the field, but this will do a lot to help shudderwock decks be more consistent.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Very strong! And only a rare .. a dust saver
Looking like a decent Removal tool to me, always happy to have anti-"Me go Face".
This card insane in both Constructed as Arena. Good stats + Rush, and the ability to double up on it is extremely good!!
The card looks great if you have any sort of token generation in your deck or with your hero power.
More dragons? Yes please!
Holy shit this card is insane. This is a nutty tempo rogue / aggro/quest shaman card. This is 5/5 meta fining. Rogue does a great job of sticking early cheap dudes and this is a huge payoff. the lackey synergy with this is nuts. For 8 mana and a single faceless lackey you can have 3 5/4 rushers and the better of the two 2 drops.
Regarding comboshudderwock, this is much much less reliable than the old Saronite + Grumble infinite combo. With 'Battlecry: summon a copy' you always get your shudderwock clone, whereas this version requires you to have a minion on board before the transform effect procs. You're forced to have Shudderwock spawn tokens of something like a Former Champ, but not too many or you'll decrease the odds of bouncing shudderwock with your brewmaster/Bog Slosher procs. You need exactly Token->Transform->Bounce to occur at least once in that sequence, or you're stuck.
In wild it might see play just as a redundancy option, but I doubt it'll replace Dopplegangster.
Nice card for decks that aim to control the board. Amazing tempo play for every class that can stick a minion one turn before playing this.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Seems like a good card. Transform a lesser or damaged minion after it attacks, get another attack. The comparisons to Oasis Surger seem apt, in a good way.
I think Galakron warlock decks will surelly play this as they will have many demons for this effect.
With all the tokens/lackeys decks available, this card has a power level comparable to oasis surger, and can easily allow you to control the board.
While there is not viable hand buffing going around now, this card has synergy with that mecanic, something to have in mind.
Overall, love it. Simple but powerful
That's a little OP .. 5 mana for 2 5/4 rush sacrificing a token(?) .. and shudderwock can abuse this effect too.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
This is a great tempo play for most decks, whether transforming a token or upgrading a lower health minion, or just a minion that already attacked. Quest Shaman will love this when it allows Shudderwock to make copies of itself.
Really good card for aggro, midrange and shaman overall, will see play for sure and it will break the game on so many levels.
Good for agrro/midrange decks
I'm pretty sure this card is going be played at some point, maybe not instantly but at some point for sure.
looks bad but could transform totems or other junk into a 5/4
6-mana 10/8 potential Rush?
Just with lackeys alone this would be strong. I have a feeling that tempo rogue is going to be pretty good in this meta too.
A strong card for arena but i don't feel it could be played on ladder. It might work for paladin or shaman, but there are stronger options to play. I don't see this card in any kind of ladder deck right now.
This card is going to show up in all kinds of mid-range, aggro, and zoo decks. What an insane card. Take a value-trade and then summon 2 5/4 rush minions for 5-mana. Absolutely nuts.
Good potential, maybe a bit too conditional to see play
I think this boy is gonna be auto-included in every aggro-token deck by now.
It's interesting for sure. I'm running this in my wild OTK Miracle Shaman, fits perfectly since I usually have Totems lying around.
Nice card since you can split the stats and sacrifice accordingly it is gonna be in warlock galakrond since the invoke summons guys for this to hit. It's like that furblog or whatever but way better since its cheaper and has rush
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
A strong card, especially for token decks. In the best case, the transformed minion makes a value trade before the transformation. The combined stats of 10/8 with rush are really strong for 5 mana.
A very strong card. Fits into token or aggro decks that want to blow through a taunt. Can even fit into midrange or control decks by converting an already damaged minion into a useless Rush attacker.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Seems like a pretty good neutral version of oasis surger
Nice on curve I gues
This card is getting nerfed for sure. It is just ridiculous. Brace yourselves : you are going to get smashed by this both in wild and standard. Everyone is looking at legendaries right now, but this is the real sleeper of the set. How is this, at least, not an epic, is just baffling. Not only do you "evolve" any token but also give it rush? Damn.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Powerful neutral card. I see it in Zoolock decks.
Powerful midgame card. Decks that run low cost minions like zoo probably will most benefit from it.
Basically buffed Oasis Surger for everyone. Zoo/token decks will love this.
Fun and interactive game.
I'm a simple man, I like my tokens to morph into bigger 5/4 minion with rush
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Excellent tool for making value trades.
Very powerful card, that is basically Oasis Surger with 1 less health if you have another minion on board.
The Fungalmancer of the set.
Thank god a nerf is coming, the power level of this card alone makes the whole ladder experience not fun. They haven't announced that this card will be hit, but it's bound to happen.
more comparable to Bonemare- making every 1/1 on board you leave a potential 5/4 next turn.
This with barista lynchen makes shudderwock pre-saronite chain gang nerf all over again...or even worse maybe with all the lackey battlecries. Have they learned nothing?? I hope the battlecry effect gets nerfed as well as the power level of this card
Bonemare: obvious powerhouse. Nerfed.
Corridor Creeper: obvious powerhouse. Nerfed.
Now Faceless Corruptor. Possibly more powerful than both. Why?!? Did we really need such a card? Especially token decks?
Why should boardbuilding be bound to a sick card draw RNG on such a powerhouse? Micro-management of stats is made nearly irrelevant.
(Fungalmancer delivers equal power, but with DOUBLE minion requirement, hence why it correctly escaped the nerfbat)
On a larger scale, cheap and efficient Rush is growing obnoxius. It's more efficient to hold and Rush than trying and building your own initiative.
Sure, spells in Control decks always did it. But spells neutralize the board. Increasingly efficient and widespread Rush can actually overthrow the initiative, neutralizing AND building at the same time.
I do hope the incoming nerfs will help that, but i have little faith at this point...
Rush can clear one minion. We see a lot of token boards these days since only a few classes have early board clears, and the token generators are in bigger number than the board clears. So that means rush becomes the other option to control/clear the board. It can be removal with a body. But you pay a price, since the rush tag means its stats are reduced. So often its only early/mid game useful. Exceptions are Zilliax and Siamat of course since they have rush and divine shield which basically can yield a free removal. And we now have the new dragon as well Evasive Wyrm.
The worst about this card is to face it in Arena. You are so ahead then your opponent play it, all the game is screw you are too far for recovering. Lost my 3 games because of that card :(