New Paladin Minion - Shotbot
Submitted 5 years ago by
A new Common Paladin Minion, Shotbot, has been revealed!
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A new Common Paladin Minion, Shotbot, has been revealed!
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Yet an other cheap mech for paly with a keyword to build upon
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
That's a really solid mech. Should give mech paladin a nice boost. This alone probably won't be enough to make it a good deck though.
yay more crap for mech hand buffadin. SOO hyped -_-
404 skill not found
I'm undecided here. Is mech Paladin one early reborn card away from working again? I'm unimpressed, but what do I know?
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
I'll be highly upset if this miniset won't include a Golakka Crawler for Mechs.
EMP Operative at your service
at turn 5
with no silence
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Honestly, this is actually pretty good. Paladin doesn'T have a ton of solid 2-drops at the moment. This helps most Paladin lists right now.
Micro Mummy is already one of the better cards in Paladin's arsenals just for its sticky quality and this is much better (even if it doesn't beenfit from staying alive)
Honestly, this might get Quest Paladin back onto the menu. The deck has always suffered from not having access to enough good Reborn minions. this accelerates the Quest which allows you to get your value train rolling much faster.
Quest Paladin is also notably powerful against Res Priest because you can outressource them easily while not being bothered by their taunts or heals.
Kangor's + double Mechano Egg + Undatakah is enough even against double Plague of Death (and Shrink Ray's a great tool to just counter their big boards).
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
reverse Shielded Minibot at first glance this card looks kind of underwhelming but then you realize how sticky it is also it helps the quest A LOT having to run less bad cards for the quest makes it much better.
Also mech paladin is kind of an underrated archtype that doesn't see much play but the win rate is high.
good card. cheap mech that work with paladin quest.
Interesting card because it furthers the quest from saviors of uldum. However it is not enough, unless other Reborn minions come into play with the adventure.
Shielded Minibot is a great Card, so this is very likely to see play.
Don't know if it's gonna see play in wild Mech-Pally though... Shielded Minibot takes a hit and keeps the Buffs, while this just comes back as a 2-1.
BTW: Is this a Sign that we're gonna see more Reborn in the future?
ArtStation | Twitter
We might, but reborn is an uldum mechanic so when we will see the mechanic it will be a card referencing the expansion or an event that includes uldum as a theme (like rise of mechs in june with SN1P-SN4P).
Quest paladin is the only quest with a mechanic that only applies to the expansion it was released in.. so I hipe we will get more support for it somehow I would like the quest to get various versions to it, since it's quite interesting.
Yeah, I'd also like to see it become a more regular Keyword. That way you could give Priests their „Revive something" Class-Identity stuff without relying on BS like Spellstone or Mass Resurrection.
But at least we got something. Unlike ECHO ...err sorry, I meant „Repeatable this Turn".
ArtStation | Twitter
Did not expect to see Quest Paladin support, but the card seems balanced. Paladin only has few good 2 drops and at least this has mech synergy.
Well it's over
A cheap Paladin Mech with Reborn is very, very frightening.
A return of shielded minibot pretty much, I could see this seeing a lot of play because of all of the magnetic stuff that’s seen play here and there
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
I would like to see some more Reborn cards. Maybe Quest Paladin could become viable :)
Its a good 2 drop that will almost always see play whether in highlander, midrange or aggro decks. Kinda like Shielded Minibot except it will only have 1 health when it gets hit (and dies) as opposed to minibot, which will have 2 health.
As much as I hope it would, I don't think it will feature in quest paladin, for the same reason Candletaker isn't in it; its a vanilla reborn minion, and there's no cards that tutors it out. On top of that, its a mech, so if you're gonna include this then Kangor's Endless Army must go (not too difficult to imagine this, kangor's isn't your win condition. Its at best like putting another egg on board).
I wonder if this will launch out of another card, that'd be interesting, you have to fire a shot from something afterall, and like everyone else i am not looking forward to MECH PALADIN being good, but i honestly want to see it.
Living like that.
Kinda card that could catapult Quest Paladin into suddenly being oppressive. That quest seems like it's either trash or way too snowbally. We'll see. Guess I'm glad it got a bit of support though.
Potentially better than Shielded Minibot because one can magnetize Divine Shield onto it (with Annoy-o-Module for example) for a really sticky minion. Looks fun.
"The screen door slams, Mary's dress sways"
I kinda like it, solid 2 drop, so you don't have to measly hero power as a paladin. I can see it fit some secret-pala-all-aggro-go-face-win-before-t6-kinda deck.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
This in Quest Dragon Paladin.
Dragonrider Talritha + Da Undatakah + Immortal Prelate?
Slow af deck, but if the combo makes it... Who can stop you?
A silence? HA!
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
This is a pretty easily a 4 or 5 star card.
Great effect.
Great mana cost.
Good stats.
Great typing.
This kind of stuff doesn't win you games, but it does so much work in the early game, that it helps you get there.
This alone can hard carry the Quest. Pretty strong card.
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2-cost 4/3? And a mech too. Fantastic.
A very playable card in a variety of decks. I was confused at first to see that it had Reborn, since that was a SoU mechanic. But now they've revealed others with Reborn and Twinspell. Guess we'll see plagues and schemes too?
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