New Neutral Minion - Devoted Maniac
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Common Neutral Minion, Devoted Maniac, has been revealed!
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A new Common Neutral Minion, Devoted Maniac, has been revealed!
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No good.
yep like [Hearthstone Card (cable rat) Not Found] maybe a class will need additional invokers... it's probably the worst one but the invoke effect + the need for more of them is enough of a reason to run this card.
It's not really possible to know whether this will see play until we see the full set of invoke cards as well as all the different Galakrond hero power/invoke effects. Bear in mind that the invoke effect only has to generate 2 mana worth of stuff to make this card cost effective, which is incidentally how much hero powers cost, and upgraded hero powers actually tend to be worth about 2 mana.
Four mana for a 2/2 rush, 2 1/1 Imps and a tick on my Galakrond counter doesn't sound like a horrible deal, for example.
Interesting in zoo warlock.
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
Umm, even with the invoke, this is an absolutely terrible card. 4 cost, 2/2 rush? Even as a 3-cost 2/1 rush, it would still be borderline unplayable. Other 4 cost rush cards include: Militia Commander, Restless Mummy, Swift Messenger, and Steel Rager. Compared to ANY of those cards, this is way, way below unplayable. Probably tops the charts as one of the worst cards I've ever seen Blizzard print. Full stop.
Edit: You can also compare it to the 5 cost invoke card literally right beside it on the reveal chart - a 4/5 taunt. THAT card is a totally normal stat-line for a 5-cost taunt with another effect (like Rotten Applebaum). But for some reason, this card has at least 2-3 fewer stats than any other normal 4-cost card. Completely unplayable.
Edit #2: A 2/2 rush is functionally almost identical to a spell that deals 2 damage to a minion, like Lesser Jasper Spellstone, Arcane Blast or Cheap Shot. Hunters have a 2/1 rush minion Hunting Mastiff - it costs 2 AND has echo. The fact that Cheap Shot deals 2 damage to a minion exactly mirrors the hunting mastiff. The health is basically irrelevant since it will almost always be trading into something. 1 health or 2 health makes almost no difference. So, for the Devoted Maniac, you are paying 2.5 mana JUST for the invoke (since a 2/2 rush is functionally identical to a 2/1 rush minion, and a vanilla 2/1 rush minion is valued right about 1.5 mana).
I mean seriously, I cannot get over how understatted and overcosted this minion is. It's mind-boggling. This will not make the cut for any deck, regardless of how much the deck wants to Invoke.
I see how you did the math but the galakrond hero powers are not really worth the full 2 mana, it's still an hero power..
add random priest card to your hand is similar to the 1 mana classic rng cards.
add a random lackey to your hand is a 1 mana effect (Sinister Deal)
summon 2 1/1 imps is costed at 1 mana as well (Lost in the Jungle)
so I can assume this card is just not cost efficient but as I said if you really want more invokers this is probably the last one you add as a 2/2 rush is QUITE garbage.. but maybe the warrior one has synergy with rush cards so it might be worthwhile in warrior
or maybe shaman gets really expensive ones and you want to use this in quest shaman for the double battlecry (depends on how strong galakrond is you might want quest for mid game and galakrond as finisher, remember the galakrond effect is a battlecry, 9 mana double galakrond might be game winnning if it deals face damage or something).
Or maybe you want ALL the invokers in the deck for some reason, I mean if the payoff for invoking twice is as good as the 2 cards we saw that do that maybe you really just want all of them no matter how mediocre they are.
Cards that combine more than one effect tend to cost an extra 0.5-1 mana relative to what the effects would be worth if they were printed on individual cards. For example, take novice engineer: 'Draw 1' is worth 1 mana, a 1/1 is worth less than one, but combine the two together and 1/1: draw a card for 2 is fair. On top of that power per mana and power per card tend to be negatively correlated: the more value-per-card, the less power-per-mana and vice versa. Holy smite has a 2:1 damage to mana ratio, Fireball is 3:2, Pyroblast is 1:1. This is because card economy matters: you have a limited deck size and limited draws. If you have only cheap, efficient cards in your deck you will run out of value in long games, that's a fundamental balancing principle in games like Hearthstone.
Lost in The Jungle costs one mana and a card slot in your deck/hand.1/1s generated from invokes are "free".
I think it depends on the particular Galakrond.
I don't want this in Rogue (better removal) or Priest (bad hero power), but I probably want it in Warlock (where it becomes a 4 mana 2/2 rush and 2 1/1's). Maybe in Warrior because Town Crier synergy exists.
I would guess that this is probably a staple in Galakrond Zoo but never played anywhere else.
Its just... too balanced, i guess. We havent seen the warrior and the shaman hero powers tho, but this guy is just lame :D I hope we wont have to run it for consistent invoking, that would feel awkward.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Pretty bad, but might see play if Galakrond sees play.
what? just... WHAT??? 4 mana 2/2 rush? The wors card so far... glad it's not the filler epic lol
Useless card. Even with the invoke power it is too costly to see play.
Doesn't do enough for the mana cost, and it won't see (intentional) play
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Pretty bad card. The cost is too high for the low dmg stat and the Invoke - I can't see how this gets played in any deck sorry.
Unless you're desperate for Invokers, I don't see why you would play such a lousy card.
the worst card until here of this expansion. Useless like eager underling.
Bad in every galakrond deck. It probably won't see any play.
I believe this is much better than it looks.
Reminds me of the C'thun days when you could make an deck with praticly just c'thun cards and draw cards. Then people started to refine the decks, and some of the less efficient c'thun cards got cut.
This is going to suffer the same fate. stats are not good, cost too much, removes too little. Either the invocation is really worth it, or this will be the first to be cut from the decks.
I think the other neutral invoking card with taunt is better. 2/2 rush for 4 mana is just very weak.
Its power really scales onto which Galakrond deck its being used for like Warlock one is fine with the imps but others I'm not sure about.
Mummy Paladin ran some sub-optimal reborn minions, but I think we're getting enough invoke cards to not need this.
I don't think this card is too bad. Some people have compared it with an always low-rolling Imp-losion, which is an accurate description imo. It Invokes as well, so it's decent I guess. Depending on the other Invoke cards this may or may not be run.
This one looks pretty bad, 2/2 for 4 mana is terrible, Shield of Galakrond for example is miles times better.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
as I said for Shield of Galakrond;
it is;
2/2 Rush; Add a random priest minion to your hand
2/2 Rush; Add a random lackey to your hand
2/2 Rush; Summon two 1/1 imps
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Currently can only even think of playing it in warlock.
I'd say the design of this card is a bit ... rushed ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Currently the worst of the revealed Invoke cards, but still potentially necessary. Best in Warlock atm, but still pretty miserable.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
If this is what the other Invokers are going to look like then Galakrond decks are doomed.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Doesn't seem all the good tbh, but it might still see play if other Invoke cards are also bad.
Could be playable at 3 mana, now it’s just terrible.
No good enough stats, I guess you'd go for other ways to invoke.
Pack filler? Perhaps I just don't understand what deck this would be good in.
All generalizations are false.
Definitely the worst Card so far.
MAYBE in Warrior, because of rush synergies and the fact that the invoke effect might help with the lost tempo
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With the new card Galakrond, the Unbreakable I am confident in saying that Devoted Maniac will at least see play in warrior. Dealing a total of 5 damage for 4 mana is slightly worse than Militia Commander, but it does help you upgrade galakrond. This minion may be very small and underwhelming, but I think it will at least be played in an aggro/midrange warrior list using galakrond.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Better make your Galakrond worth it for such a worthless Rush.
veeery bad. Invoke keyword is not helping much - power level of this card is low
At 4 mana, too costly unless Galakrond ends up being powerful
I think this will see play in Warlock and Warrior, but not Priest or Rogue.
Shield is meant to be in every galakrond deck, this isn't. It's not great anyways
cost is way too much for an invoke..2/2 rush and waste turn 4..won't be seeing this crap in any deck..
Right now this card looks not that strong but we need to see all the expansion cards to decide how bad or good it is. We might have to play this one if there is not enough invoke cards.
pack filler, slow, bad stats
no way this seeing play
Not that great, but Galakrond’s effect might be good enough to run it anyways.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Just an average card. Might be good for removal of threatening minions while invoking your Galakrond.
I like this card better than the 4/5 taunt invoke minion, but rated both of them 2/5 stars.
The card will see play just because you need invoke to make Galakrond stronger, at least this card remove something small and comes one turn earlier than the 4/5.
I'd actually vote the 4/5 1 star and this 2 stars now that i reflected a bit about it, oh well.
As of now I can see Rogue, Warrior and Warlock playing this card. However I do not see this making the cut in Priest.
Depending on how many Invoke cards there are, this card might see play out of necessity rather than power level.
Meh card, but invoke can be quite good. Not the worst Invoke card but I expect better
Ewww... His stats are so terrible... Even in a Galakrond deck this guy could never fit...
This looks like the worst card of this set.even though ı think invoke is op this just seems umderpowered
this is so bad lmfao no way this is run unless there are only like 4 invoke cards
Yeah, invoking those 2 imps changes the perspective of this card.
I think this card will only see play if there are no other invoking cards available or if invoke will be a broken mecchanic. 4 Mana for a 2/2 rush is quite expensive
4 mana deal 2 to a minion is awful, and invoking isn't valuable enough to make this good.
well well, looks like this is a necessary evil at this point. With only 2 neutral invokers you're basically forced to run this (in any class other than Shaman) for Galakrond to be consistent.
Priest can maybe get away with not playing it purely on the basis that both Galakrond and the Dragon aren't really something you wanna slam as fast as possible.
Warrior is probably the best off because it's 5-damage for 4-mana.
Warlock and Rogue got absolutely shafted by this, it's such a huge tempo loss.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
before i knew what invoke did i laughed at how bad it looked
Low stats, but may see play in decks attempted to rush max strength galakrond on 7
Agreed. I think Rogue is even worse than Warlock here, since WL at least immediately gets stuff on board.
One of the weakest invoke card but since all Galakrond classes have access to 2 class invoke cards and 2 neutral invoke cards, you don't have much flexibility and might as well include this maniac.
More dragons? Yes please!
Well I guess in shaman this won't be too bad since its 4 for 4 damage across multiple bodies the rest seem shabby though
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This card looks weak compared to Shield of Galakrond. It will definitely see less play than the latter, but may fit into decks that aim to invoke Galakrond as soon as possible.
A 4 mana 2/2 is probably too weak to be played, even with Rush and even with the Invoke effect attached. I’m struggling to imagine what this could even kill amongst the 2- and 3-cost minions that would be played leading up to turn 4.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Yea the card is pretty weak but it might still be played just to ensure you get to the 4 invoke threshold for galakronds full effect
Not a very good card. Maybe it's good for Zoolock because you summon two 1/1 imps.
2/2 rush is just so underwhelming even with classes with strong invoke effect.
It invokes, but stats are horrible. Galakrond definitely has better invokers than this crap.
Fun and interactive game.
this card is so bad, but we need to invoke
Such a terrible rush minion. Weak and unplayable I dare say.
This is why I am excellent at reviewing cards.
The only thing is you need to take the exact opposite of what I think and go with that confident you will be correct.
All generalizations are false.