We're closing in on the end of the Year of the Dragon and with that comes a fresh set of rotations. We're going to see the loss of The Witchwood, The Boomsday Project, and Rastakhan's Rumble from Standard as they make room for the new expansions of 2020 and with that comes the loss of some of our favourite cards.

In this mini-series, we're looking back at the cards we're going to miss the most once the set rotation hits and showcase a deck that makes use of that card. Before we get to the cards well miss the most though, a quick recap of The Boomsday Project.

  • The Boomsday Project added the Magnetic keyword to the game.
  • The great mechaning! The set contained 39 new mech cards, the large amount added in an expansion since Goblins vs Gnomes.
  • Legendary Spells! The second time we saw Legendary spells in the game, the first being the Journey to Un'Goro Quests.
  • The introduction of Puzzle Lab, a very different take on solo content that really pushed you to think about your plays.

And now, on with the show!



Zilliax Card Image

I think it is no surprise that this card would be on the list. Arguably the most balanced card of all times according to some, this guy will certainly be missed. Good neutral anti-aggro and healing options are always hard to come by, and when you have some, classes like Rogue or Hunter can actually dip into more control-oriented archetypes, which is great!

Zilliax seems to provide way too much in one card, but at the same time, what he provides in any given situation is not that much for its cost, which keeps him in check. The versatility is why it just works. His time in Standard is coming to an end and I wonder, who shall be the new king?

Stargazer Luna Card Image

Out of every card leaving standard, the one I am probably going to be missing the most is Stargazer Luna. The number of times I've dropped Luna, only to draw my entire deck and combo out is way higher than it has any right to be. There is a bunch of nuanced lines you can do with the card which makes it feel rewarding to play with, as well as the fact being able to play most your deck in one turn being something I have always love doing. As someone who's favorite archetype in card games are combo decks, Stargazer Luna is one of the best draw engines in the game and as such, she enables a bunch of decks to function.

Stargazer Luna also played a prominent role in one of my favorite decks in the history of the game, this being miracle mage. The main goal of the deck is simple, play Stargazer Luna, Sorcerer's Apprentice, and then go off playing cards from the top of your deck. If you have a Mana Cyclone, you can refuel your hand, or if you had a Mana Addict, you can often just kill the opponent the turn you start chaining spells with Stargazer Luna.

Flobbidinous Floop Card Image

Admittedly not the card I was expecting to write about when it came time to participate in this thought-exercise, never-the-less Flobbidinous Floop is a card I will miss having in Standard. He found a home in both of my Standard Druid decks - Quest and Treant - and his ability to become a miniature copy of other minions is pretty unique. I like flooding the board by copying Tending Taurens or Oasis Surgers, pounding down the opponent with wave after wave of minions. It can be really satisfying to break an enemy's spirit with one. last. set. of minions after they think they've cleared them all, and Floop was often the necessary ingredient for such a push. He could also be paired with Goru the Mightree for huge Treants, although that one is pretty hard to pull off. And let's not forget the greedy Mulchmuncher -> Sathrovarr -> Floop combo across two turns, creating a seemingly endless number of free 8/8 minions with Rush. His miniaturization of expensive and/or Legendary cards created opportunities that would never be possible otherwise. I used to hate playing the Druid; it was because of cards like Flobbidinous Floop that that has changed.

Whizbang the Wonderful Card Image

There's no words for this little guy. Whizbang is basically why I kept playing the game during Boomsday and throughout most of the year. I was lucky enough to open him in a completely random Boomsday pack, and he made everything. It allowed me to play cards I didn't have, and even if the decks weren't always great, they WERE always fun and you might've even gotten some good wins out of it too.

Sadly, he will take the biggest hit out of any card in the game when he rotates out, basically limiting yourself to Standard decks of variable quality in Wild. Just like everyone else, I would absolutely love to bring him to Classic as an evergreen staple. Having him around just makes the game better and more fun.

This is a deck I built with Whizbang the Wonderful in it (truly the pinnacle of deckbuilding).

Whizbang is Wonderful
A Unknown Mage Deck created by . Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago



There are many cards in The Boomsday Project that deserve a personal mention here so it was very hard to narrow this down. One could very easily write about SN1P-SN4P and how amazing it was that Blizzard didn't see the big issues with adding a card like this to the game (infinite SN1P-SN4P WOOO), forcing them to nerf other cards, but more importantly it paved the way for hope that they'd add new cards like that again mid-expansion.

SN1P-SN4P Card Image

But Flux you say, you're wrong, Blizzard started paving that path with Rise of Shadows when they added Zayle, Shadow Cloak after its expansion released. Well, I disagree because it still released during that expansion's cycle. Our boy SN1P-SN4P on the other hand released almost a YEAR after The Boomsday Project released and that's the best part.

SN1P-SN4P was never going to be in Standard for a long time, they could have fun with the card. Giving it to everyone made things exciting and alongside the Boomsday Project set buffs, we had a pretty awesome time in Hearthstone. There were so many great things from Blizzard during Year of the Dragon that really improved the game and made it legitimately fun again for myself and many others I know, even if I didn't get to play it as much as I'd have liked.

But seriously, I'm not here to talk about SN1P-SN4P as like I said, that's too easy and... I feel like the comments section might fight me if I say I'm going to miss the card (Spoiler Alert: I will). No, we're talking about one of my seriously favourite cards, Annoy-o-Module.

Annoy-o-Module Card Image

Some of the best flavor in the game is Mechs. When Goblins vs Gnomes was announced back in 2014 I was crazy hyped for Hearthstone's first large expansion but not just because of all the new possibilities in an era of Naxx's Sludge Belcher and Undertaker, but because of all the engineering focus!

In World of Warcraft if my main character doesn't have Engineering, something feels very wrong to me. Although the profession goes through long periods of arguably being the worst in the game, there are always some fun things to do with it and it can help you explore creativity. That creativity was realized during Goblins vs Gnomes with all the tinkery-goodness we got and shot up to 11 once The Boomsday Project was announced. Yes, this was going to be THE expansion for Hearthstone.

Honestly, they did a damn good job on that front.

So, what's so great about Annoy-o-Module that I had to pick it as my spotlight card? To start, look at the art! Matt Dixon is by far my favourite Hearthstone Artist, owning multiple prints of his work, but Annoy-o-Module really went above and beyond. It continues the theme that Annoy-o-Tron made us fall in love with back in the day but it does so in a package that is strictly better. Double the attributes sounds good enough but when you add Magnetic, it created so many fun and stupid possibilities that were able to put a stop to aggression, save your large mechanic minions thanks to amazing Divine Shield trades, or start off as a solid body for adding Magnetic cards to itself. Personally, I was a huge fan of attaching Wargear to the card for that nice 7/9 Divine Shield Taunt. Wargear was actually an amazing card in its own right, really showcasing the stupid stuff you could do with Magnetic as a feature.

I want to think that Blizzard also believes this is one of the most interesting minions ever added to the game since they decided it would get to be on the limited roster found in Hearthstone's Battlegrounds game mode. The combo-oriented nature of the card is going to make me miss it a great deal.

I can't wait to see which Annoy-o-Card comes next from Hearthstone and more importantly, I hope Magnetic doesn't get vaulted forever because it would be an awesome mechanic to see again, maybe in a couple of years. Ulduar expansion or adventure comes when, Blizzard?

Thanks to Echo, Sinti, Linkblade91, and Demonxz95 for sharing the cards they'll miss from The Boomsday Project once it leaves the Standard format.

Which cards from The Bomsday Project are you going to miss? Tell us about them in the comments below!

If you want to see other cards we're going to miss once the Year of the Dragon ends at the standard rotation takes place, here you go!