New Rogue Minion - Blackjack Stunner
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Rare Rogue Minion, Blackjack Stunner, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Rogue Minion, Blackjack Stunner, has been revealed!
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So basically a 3-mana Sap with an upside.
The secret we've already seen is already more than playable so this will be a natural fit. Gonna be really hard to play for tempo against Rogue now.
Can also be used on your own minions in emergencies
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
They tried the secrets in Rogue back in KnC. I hope they do better job now, but I am afraid of a tempo/secret mage on steroids type of deck.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
The new rogue secret is already a good stand alone card. And it synergiezes with this card.
Not hard to imagine this card seeing play.
Mana cost & card text make it soooooo flexible
... I already hate playing against it : "I'm about to ruin this 10-cost minion's whole career."
Edit : minus 1 ?
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
This alone should guarantee that Rogues will put Secrets into their Decks.
And maybe they'll even be decent this Time.
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Sap already allows for some strong tempo swings, but this effect is way stronger. Also comparable Freezing Trap, but you can choose which minion is returned to your opponents hand.
Thematically, makes sense for rogues to be a strong secret class. I hope they continue to reveal cards that support secret rogue. Ambush is solid; add a couple more secrets and a couple more minions with synergy and we're in business.
Depending on what the remaining Rogue secrets are this card is between strong and insane :o
lovely!! This will make for such great tempo. I really hope the secrets will be more impactful than last time. A rogue secret tempo like deck sounds really interesting!
ABSOLUTELY INSANE CARD. Good early game to disrupt aggro, and late game it can Sap a 9+ cost card and make it unplayable. Amazing card.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
I already hate this card it's so tilting you not only have a discounted sap.. but they cost 2 more this is basically a conditional assassinate for 1 mana.
discounted sap with a penalty effect to the opponent seems pretty op. this is good to have by just putting a secret or 2 in a rogue deck.
This card is a Freezing Trap with a body and not random. So strong. Easy 5 star for me (we will hate this card)
It seems like secret rogue will be viable, so this will be played a lot. Really strogng removal that could also get rid of those pesky elusives.
Im gonna love playing this card and hate playing against it.
Its so strong, so flexible. Its a Freezing Trap on demand and not random tagert. Plus it has a body and the New rogue se rets are cheap and strong.
I want to make a secret stealth highlander rogue deck right now!
This card is insane. Targeted Freezing Trap? Yes please! Here's the thing though: you can always try to avoid throwing your 9 or 10 cost minion into a Freezing Trap (making it unplayable forever), but this? I wonder if it should say "No higher than 10" like Embiggen does.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Very strong card - i think Secret Rogue will be one of the best decks this meta!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
Absolutely busted, this card is the reason that secrets might see play in rogue. Freezing Trap is already played, this costs 1 less mana and is targeted. I predict that this card will be nerfed at some point.
Targetable Freezing Trap with a body for only 1 more mana. This honestly seems a little busted to me. Would not be surprised if this gets the nerf hammer.
Could replace Sap on the list. And with the upside can make opponents life miserable.
I expect this card to induce a LOT of hate, from myself included. Freezing Trap can be frustrating to play against, and you can control how that plays out; with this, the Rogue has all of the control.
Good spot removal against aggro and nice against 10 or 9 mana minions. Strength against aggro will depend on the ability of your secrets to not proc when played on turn 2. I imagine cheat death would be the best for that, but also is a pretty poor card against aggro. Maybe Dirty Tricks?
This post is discussing the wild format.
It's a 1 mana sap with a condition, that's super easy to pull off if you have that other rogue legendary.
Sap on a twig ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Better than being Sap on a stick, if you ask me. Even better than Freezing Trap. This card is hilarious.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Great tempo play.
This card will be very annoying to play against. Getting a cheaper, better Sap with a body attached is amazing. 5 star card.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
better, it's a 1 mana sap because you played the secret the turn before, and possibly is still there
What Kidnapper should’ve been. Don’t really see any reason not to run this, the secrets are relatively good, and this is just a targeted freezing trap in that case
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
A cheaper Sap with stats on board for Secret Rogue, so it's looking like the archetype will be very strong.
Yeah, no, this will be nerfed eventually. It's a really good card at 3(!!!) mana. The amount of tempo this card gives is insane.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Sap on a stick for 1, this is great and a necessity for secret decks.
So just about everyone here predicted this card would be insane. Now we've had it in the meta for a few weeks, I'm curious what people's impressions are? I haven't seen a ton of secret rogues, but those I've seen are all running this card, probably x2. It definitely gets the job done!
I still have misgivings about this removing 9-10 cost minions, though. It hasn't happened to me yet, but just the idea of essentially a 1-mana Assassinate that takes up hand space and has a body and bypasses Elusive. I know I'd be pretty steamed if someone chucked an 11-mana Ysera, for example, into my hand. Scrapyard Colossus is also seeing some play, against expectations. Does anyone else think Blackjack Stunner should say "not more than 10"?
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
No, it's a targeted freezing trap on a stick for 1 mana. This card really needs to cost 3.
Broken card as predicted, they should at least make it cost (2). Still really strong as that, but acceptable, since it comes with a condition.
Ive seen my fair share of secret rogue. The card's "fair", mostly because it requires a secret to be active. That means to use this effectively rogue has to hold on to one secret in their hand. And that rogue deck has to put in secrets, making it harder to fit in other stuff.
My opinion is that Sap is still more efficient if you're playing aggro. Even if this card didn't exist, Flik Skyshiv can still reliably destroy big druid, especially when used with Shadowstep.
Its fairly annoying to have a card you cant play stuck in your hand, but playing one big minion against rogue decks has always been inefficient anyway so it doesn't exactly cover rogue's weaknesses.
Well it costs 3, since you also have to play a secret to get the effect.
Conditional cards are (almost) always very good, because it's not guaranteed that you'll get the bonus.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Insane card.
Coming soon from a HyperTree near you!
Yup. Just won me a game in a secret gala mirror. Opponent played tog's treasure that summoned 2 x legendary minions, to summon 2 x Colossus of the Moon. I played a secret and 2 x Blackjack Stunner to send them back to his hand and make them unplayable. Basically worked as a 4 mana plague of death that left me with 2 1:2 minons and a secret. Totally OP
May all your legendaries be golden.
There is little doubt the card is very strong, but your comparison to Plague of Death is misleading. You used each as single target removal not AoE, and rogue has the best single target removal in the game already. That part is crucial: there is a bigger design point at play here with every class getting cards that seem OP compared to what other classes get. Sometimes they actually are OP and need nerfing, but often they are just representations of a class' strengths.
This effect is doubled when there is a condition you have to meet as well, e.g. having a secret in play (especially in a class with very few secrets to choose from), which always entails a more powerful effect. So when you have a conditional battlecry that is also something the class is inherently the best at, it is always going to look crazy strong, but perhaps not actually over powered when everything is taken into consideration.
Yeah, I know. The key word in my post is that it 'worked' as a Plague of Death, ie in that particular instance. I'm not suggesting the card is an aoe every time it's played, rather that, in the situation I described, it cleared the opponent's board without triggering deathrattle / reborn mechanics, and prevented the opponent from being able to replay those cards.
May all your legendaries be golden.