Murlocs are still out of control. Holy was not the problem.

Submitted 3 years, 11 months ago by

This is written with full discretion that I also enjoy abusing a good Murloc comp. If anything that gives me more credibility.

Being able to divine shield a huge minion is equivalent to having another minion on the board. When you do the math, even taking a ghoul doesn’t help so much because to do so you had to go down to 6 units yourself.

No one complains about dragons because even if you can shield your comp you went down 1 unit and their attack may not be high anyway.

very simple number economics. Murloc late game is not fun to play against. Either mass div shield or mass poison has to go. Please replace Megasaur with Scalelord.

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    This is written with full discretion that I also enjoy abusing a good Murloc comp. If anything that gives me more credibility.

    Being able to divine shield a huge minion is equivalent to having another minion on the board. When you do the math, even taking a ghoul doesn’t help so much because to do so you had to go down to 6 units yourself.

    No one complains about dragons because even if you can shield your comp you went down 1 unit and their attack may not be high anyway.

    very simple number economics. Murloc late game is not fun to play against. Either mass div shield or mass poison has to go. Please replace Megasaur with Scalelord.

  • KANSAS's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1745 2912 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I can't say much about the power level of Murlocs in Battlegrounds, but I am pretty sure replacing Gentle Megasaur with Scalelord would only make the problem worse. Yes you get rid of troublesome adaptations like Windfury or Poisonous, but it would also make sure you hit Divine Shield every single time. And Divine Shield is the most OP adaptation of all of them.

    Carrion, my wayward grub.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5548 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    If you put a side by side comparison, Im sure dragon are just better in the late game against murlocs, simply because they can tech unstable ghoul, then give their own stuff divine shield via that one level 6 minion. Obviously, its harder to pull off, but its possible, and I've had my golden team buffed with double megasaur beaten by that combo.

    Besides which, without brann murlocs never gets to those utterly broken levels of health and attack. And megasaur is hard enough to come by, divine shield + poisonous is not a given. Plus, they have to actually get rid of one slot to play this, then rebuild that last slot from scratch.

  • Echo's Avatar
    Staff Writer Cupcake 860 318 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I know you didn't mention it in your actual post and instead just referred to it in your title, but Mackeral is far more problematic in my opinion because it would just trivialize certain comps. A traditional Murloc build would require you to dedicate your board to having murlocs while with Mackeral you could just throw them into any build for the most part and if you had two of them, there was a chance you could just beat every other person in the lobby ignoring the rest of the current build you had. It wasn't incredibly common but there were a lot of games that would just end because one person got two Mackerals and dominated every other player in a lobby with little to no counterplay.  

    As for murloc builds now, it is annoying to spend a lot of time making a cool build only to have it be destroyed by some random person who lucked into a Brann and a megasaur to get the two strong adaptations, but it doesn't feel like that happens very commonly. Murlocs are awful in the early game, hence why Flurgl has consistently stayed at the bottom in terms of winrates and so the main way of winning with them is to pivot builds once you can get a Brann and some triples. This isn't always the easiest thing to do and so it doesn't bother me a lot when one player ends up playing well and gets rewarded with this. 

    Overall murlocs feel more or less the same as they have since the beginning of battlegrounds, I don't see why they would be more problematic now than before.

    Cardboard wizard and dog haver.

  • PopeNeia's Avatar
    Darkmaster 640 841 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Holy Mackerel was a problematic card on its own, it made building around a tribe completely irrelevant bcs Mackerel could smash any build by itself, so people aimed to build towards Mackerel instead of like Beasts or Demons.

    In general the strategy for ranking in Battlegrounds is to aim to NOT LOSE rather than to win the lobby. That means just building reliably to get into the top 4. 

    However if you want to WIN the lobby (first) you need to go for a lategame build and  decide to commit to it from the start. Murlocs require a lot of luck to pull off and survive with. However if you are able to weather the storm you basically always win. Its a high risk high reward kind of strat. So not really a problem as DS/P Fishes are pretty rare to encounter, like 1 in 5 games. Really not a problem.

    This ain't no place for a hero

  • Zeratia's Avatar
    Cottontail Teemo 475 105 Posts Joined 07/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Nope. The big late game is neutralized by terrible early game which is exactly why you will almost never see big streamers commit to a Murloc build


  • Primus7112765's Avatar
    Academy Sleuth 165 33 Posts Joined 08/12/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Zeratia

    Nope. The big late game is neutralized by terrible early game which is exactly why you will almost never see big streamers commit to a Murloc build

    "Hey guys, how's it going, Kripparian here"

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