A new Mage card has been revealed by Flurry!
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Huh, free 1600 dust in two months when it gets nerfed to absolute hell. Neat.
This card is INSANE, knowing how many spells a Wild mage can cast in a turn.
This card seems pretty busted. It's further support for Cyclone Mage and it's a big threat or a finisher. You don't need Maiev to protect this. The minion has 8 health! That's a lot for turn 5! Even Malygos, Aspect of Magic tends to stick around for a few turns because of this! This card is pretty scary but it's not going to be a big deal if Cyclone Mage doesn't become meta.
Miracla Mage can OTK you even without this card. But with that it will OTK you for sure. Imagine arcane missles for 11 and 12 dmg and then frostbolt for 13. You can hide it with Maiev Shadowsong first.
I like that this has high HP but I since it has a high cost for what it does when you play it I don't think it will end up being included in spell mage.
Apexis Blast can generate this, so while slim does give some love to "Spell Mage" archetype.
Not enough support in standard and too slow for wild.
Underwhelming on its own, with a really niche application area. You need to combine this with mana cheating and a lot of small spells to make it viable. Outside of Cyclone Mage this will likely not be playable. Had much higher hopes for Mage.
If only mage had some small spells or mana cheating mechanics...
Inbefore this induces a rage on Sorcerer's apprentice, myself included. That card has become stupid. If they don't fix it this time so cards don't cost 0, I assure you I cannot stand the wild quest mages after 1 year of stupid meta anymore and will leave hs after having played it for 4 years
Ugh this can be annoying in quest mage in wild. Nerf Sorcerer's Apprentice please
That's exactly what I need to play miracle again...
I'll be happy if this triggers a nerf to Sorcerer's Apprentice (card should cost (3)) but this legendary is too slow nonetheless.
Just a soft taunt with anything that is not some sort of Small Spell Mage.
Nah apprentice costing 3 would do not enough instead she should read reduce cost by 1 but not less than 1. So that you cannot just cast bazillion rays of frost for 0...
Ah sure.
Adding that clause on amy discounting card is actually an old proposal of mine.
It just seemed to fair to me for team5's standards...
Second must have card. Looks veeery scary. If your major concern about a card is how to reliably draw it, it might end up a nerf candidate.
Why hello there. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that there will eventually be a crazy otk with this in wild that doesn't even require the quest.
Even if not used for an otk, this card has so much health that it should often survive a turn. Seems crazy good in little spell mage, at least on paper.
Also, Maiev Shadowsong
Im not sure if you talk about opponent using Maiev or you, but if the former, wouldnt that basically help you?:)
I assume he meant using maiev on this card to set up an otk in 2 turns