Obelisk Hunter

Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

~~ Obelisk Hunter ~~

Meat Wagon Card Image Desert Obelisk Card Image Carnivorous Cube Card Image

~ The Plan ~

This horrible theorycraft if my attempt to make use of the newly revealed card, Desert Obelisk.

The general idea is to cheat out a Desert Obelisk with Meat Wagon and then summon a bunch of Desert Obelisks using Carnivorous Cube and various Deathrattle triggering cards.

Once a bunch of Desert Obelisks are on the board, we then play Drakkari Enchanter to double up on their end of turn triggers, dealing at least 30 to enemies if the required three Desert Obelisks are up.

~ The Support ~

Stitched Tracker and Ursatron help to fetch the Meat Wagons.

Mad Scientist thins our deck and the secrets Wandering Monster and Freezing Trap can be important for surviving till you can do the combo.

Necromechanic and Spiritsinger Umbra give us the extra Deathrattle triggers necessary to summon at least 3 Desert Obelisks when used with Carnivorous Cube and Play Dead on turn 10.

Emperor Thaurissan, with or without Drakkari Enchanter, can help reduce the cost of pulling off the combo and can potentially cut out the need for Meat Wagon pulling Desert Obelisk.  One discount on Desert Obelisk, Carnivorous Cube, Drakkari Enchanter and both Play Deads can enable a ten mana combo that summons 4 Desert Obelisks for a total of 40 damage at the end of the turn.

~ Plan B ~

With all the Deathrattle triggers, Explorer's Hat can be used to potentially turn the Desert Obelisk into actual threats.

Sylvanas Windrunner is also a very good target for Carnivorous Cube and can swing entire games when used with just a few Deathrattle triggers.

Deathstalker Rexxar can provide the stall Hunter needs to pull off the combo and can win games on his own sometimes.


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