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Shadow Rager
Joined 11/22/2020 Achieve Points 770 Posts 769

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  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Nice going. Turns out it was actually active all the way up until the patch - I gathered my Ame server rewards good 7 hours after the reset and managed to land another Stealer for full value as well. Glad the packs decided to be so generous to us. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    My dream of making it work in Hunter for that big finishing damage boost has yet to come to fruition (damn those other decks for getting in the way), but one cannot become so easily discouraged from travelling all the way to Plaguelands. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Should be far from figured out now, after this small shake-up. The devs like to adjust how the offering systems work for treasures and buckets without telling us the exact details, so it's then down to the community to find the new lines through testing.

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    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    You know, every time such claims show up anywhere (Reddit, Twitter, forums, etc.) some folks become upset and speak up - so there is still at least that small passionate community which cares. We get asked about Duels content as well. Sadly some of the design choices still limit the ability of many people to be able to try this game mode without a larger collection, otherwise it wouldn't surprise me if it was able to eventually overtake Arena. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Replacing the one-and-only True Bartender Bob is such a blasphemous idea, Ragnaros ought to burn for this. Umm, burn even more that is. 

    It took them a long while, but it's good they can finally start exploring all those cosmetics options for Battlegrounds. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I think I tried all Doomhammer variants, but uff... I don't usually have such a good time facing elementals. It definitely feels possible if you don't take too much early chip damage and can control the flow of the game, yet the clunky hands this deck occasionally gets while they tempo their minions, it can get frustrating. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    That's very impressive, it's a tricky deck to pilot when you can never know what you might be facing next. The existence of Rush Warrior and Priests being Priests did discourage me from trying it more lately. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I couldn't agree more, as I highly dislike that approach to locking stats behind a paywall. It's as you say - they could easily offer various other extra options to premium users, no need to go this far and hide relevant % for Platinum and above from the majority. That's one of the reasons I actually don't have it either for my personal data. I'm much more likely to support Vicious Syndicate as a result of them providing more generous access and content. 

    For what it's worth, the decks were all above 57%-58%. But it's often fluid, can go up and down within hours. I actually prefer one Crabrider, I think. E.T.C., God of Metal lost a bit of popularity once people started adding other non-Rush techs to the deck. But I'm not surprised some still like him. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Nifty! Don't know what causes that visual bug at times (other than the game just trying to deny us any extra dust!). Funnily enough the refund is still active, 6 hours after EU reset (and one of my Barrens packs did have another Stealer). Quite a generous extension, maybe even Americas can make it in with their end of season rewards. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Hmm, it is still available in game as 'modified' and to be disenchanted for 100 dust, at the moment of writing. Have you tried restarting the client/game and looking again? There is sometimes that occasional bug which doesn't show the dust refund correctly. 

    And I would recommend to dust all 3! If you decide you want it back in the next expansion then you'll always have that dust to use. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Thanks, much appreciated! I do have a certain fondness for many of these people staying under the radar, and probably a good dose of nostalgy for all those early formative years. I know from trying various tournaments in the past that it's often more difficult than it might seem. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I don't know if it was anything personal or professional on his side, but yeah, exactly - seemed like a shadow of former self. Looks like I'm not the only one who had noticed and got that impression. This was the first time this year I felt we got closer to ol' good, relaxed, witty TJ. Back when he was soaring with Frodan (who is also not the same, far less invested in HS and having a lot of slips, technical or otherwise) and Admirable.

    The only thing I do know for sure is that TJ used to be a crucial part of that Blizzard Esports team and in-house production they've since dissolved, giving over everything to ESL. As he did tweet about it back in the day. So maybe that did cause some lasting bitterness and discouragement. 

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    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Arguably the best part of the broadcast - chill Dalaran music and virtual shots of the city during the intermissions (I'm not nostalgic, you are nostalgic!). Also throwing in that Rise of Shadows cinematic in there was a small stroke of genius, got to honor the theme.

    I have yet to watch many hours of Day 2 and 3, so it will probably be nigh impossible to dodge all spoilers, but definitely enjoying all the casting as I follow the matches - even more than I thought I would. Always good to have Sottle and Jia around, and TJ seemed to be back in solid form. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    A lot, I would think. Pings used to be so premium in Arena, and paying just 1 mana will always be a huge advantage. Also unlike say Rogue, a class with heals, taunts, and greater reach just doesn't pay the same kind of tax while face tanking. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    It's never too late to share. ;) I like that there are different strategies. Although still recommending only a single copy of Sunscale Raptor for the achievement, you will have a far easier time than juggling two different ones as they grow separately. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I like the Wild Bloodstinger tech! That's all pretty inventive. Besides that I've had better results with more tutoring and rushing personally, but it's nice to see there are multiple ways left to explore. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Ah, I knew I meant to clarify something and kept forgetting. 

    Any deck examples presented in the articles are primarily for Standard, as that's the main default where most people might at least have enough of the necessary cards. So by that definition, any Wild deck has the potential to be "better" simply due to all the extra options. But that's just two different worlds, apples and oranges. Which is why we add separate lines for Wild, Duels, and what not, to suggest other avenues for people who actually are able to use them. In that regard you might find similar strategy covered there. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for the extra context, that's very enlightening! I definitely can't find any fault with this reasoning as a whole. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Hah, I would have never expected to see another unknown Druid deck (just relying on tempo or some such?), let alone find out it actually wins some games. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    The micro-macro adjustments nobody knows many details about, eh. Feels like DH is up there every time they are allowed to draft some decent class cards.