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Shadow Rager
Joined 11/22/2020 Achieve Points 770 Posts 769

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  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    To some extent it is, but the broadcast still tends to be online during the morning EU hours and even all the way up to noon. So hopefully you and everyone else have found their windows of opportunity. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I'm glad you enjoyed regardless of personal involvement! Hearthstone's competitive scene leaves much to be desired in terms of its handling by the company, but at least the community has always got some interesting tales to look into. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Nice one indeed! As Celestalon points out, still a very small elite club. I can only imagine the amount of patience needed to hit the right combos, and then pilot it without any slips all the way up. Having to restart the moment something goes wrong would certainly grate on me. 

    And yes, Casual Arena would certainly encourage folks to try for it more there. As long as you want to play any Ranked or even have cards for Duels, it feels terrible having to throw away gold on retrying. Good luck over there once you get to it. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Oh, man, my memory doesn't even go that far back. There is this growing sentiment among many Arena players that it's just become harder and more chaotic in the recent years. Experienced fans of the mode remain, while the more casual playerbase got Battlegrounds, Duels, and even easier access to Ranked since, spreading all over. On top of things like Discover and Rush creating far more explosive resolutions during games. 

    From personal experience, it does feel like I very rarely stumble upon somebody who is clearly misplaying, whereas it was quite common during the early years. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Yes, assuming it even matters that much for matchmaking (we frankly don't know with the way they do things). But that point was referring to Heroic where you generally don't want that to happen to you as it means losing a fair amount. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    That's one candidate for testing people's patience and the unlucky vs lucky ones as Adventurers troll you. 

    I've posted this on Discord, but Taintheart Tormenter is said to be currently bugged and not count the increased spell progress if it dies to said spell. 

    Do Druid Beasts reduced by Celestial Alignment count? 

    The wording on almost everything else would suggest they can be done outside their designated classes, if you somehow get the card. 

    Not much help for Paladin secrets if the new one doesn't play nicely alongside Reckoning. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Pre Mini-Set experience, I didn't get a chance to comment earlier: I took your advice and ditched Skulls, Zai, the Incredible has actually been doing quite a nice job (duplicating Green Rags twice against Priest, mmm). Still without N'zoth, but I actually had quite a smooth climb with it at the end of May. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    We cannot just yet, but everyone sharing their track records does help. So far the majority seems to be leaning towards yes, but we've also had reports stating otherwise (don't know if factually or maybe a bug or personal mistake). 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for the report!

    That would be quite an important factor if they had already opened legendaries through that bundle purchase, too bad we can only know so much with their posts. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Hmm, I can't recall whether it has happened to me (lack of notification, sometimes I do have older notifications linger), but you could report in #sitesupport on Discord for it to be looked at. 

    Ah, maybe we didn't clarify enough. The guides will stay with the same links and urls, so it will be just a matter of gradual refreshing. And then letting folks know later on so it's not necessary to keep checking randomly. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    They quite like doing that, ever since I remember. Sprinkle odd cards here and there, plant some seeds (i.e. Shadow Priest currently). Which may or may not come to full realization in later sets, as sometimes the stuff needed to make an archetype a whole rotates or is about to by the time we get all the necessary pieces.

    It is a strange out-of-nowhere Freeze direction with the Mini-Set, as if they were vary of anything too powerful or non-conditional after recent Spell Mage and Deck of Lunacy troubles. Someone will probably experiment with it, but the early excitement wasn't there. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Yes, this achievement will absolutely test your patience. I've lost count of our FrostyFeet's rants about it. ;) But that's also very unlucky on your part, not drawing Plaguemaw even once on average. I've had a far better ratio.

    We could consider making it slightly less greedy taunt-wise and add Guess the Weight over Ironbark or Mark of the Spikeshell (or just leave one of each), perhaps that might help you with consistency. 
    Alternatively, hit Casual Duels while early games have thin decks. Would be only one copy of Broom to start with, but some other options open up. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    As I believe Flux remarked here - most definitely! The main achievement article actually had links added to Priest and Rogue as well (with Shaman soon to follow) before the Wailing Caverns release, we just figured we would hold on with front page spotlights until we've had a chance to test things and update once the client has been all patched. 

    I'll be jumping straight into that the coming weekend and over the following week, so some guides might see sneaky updates here and there (we'll holler once it's fully done). I hoped to be a little quicker, but life certainly had other plans as of late. At least catching up steadily.

    Hmm, I'm curious about that possibility with one-for-all decks. For some classes it might remain fairly doable, for others I imagine you would need to have the stars align as it can become quite awkward trying to target everything at once otherwise. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I'm afraid so, some folks just don't have a clue (probably even about specific achievements existing, as you say). You could ask our own FrostyFeet about his personal relationship with Plaguemaw for a proper long frustrated rant. ;)

    People just see a perceived threat and throw everything they have at it, with it being so hard to imagine somebody might not be playing just to win at all cost. 

    Hope it doesn't get to you too much, there are also rare individuals out there who catch up quickly and choose to play along. I'm always happy to give them a win afterwards. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Aye, technically. But we couldn't make ultimate conclusions based on the account of just one random stranger who might've speed clicked their way through pack openings, blinked and missed it, or didn't even count correctly. Or they hit some weird bug. It's better to know for sure after multiple reports. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    We won't really be able to tell until tons of people have opened more than 10 packs of each type and reported their findings. But they should, otherwise the recommendation will be simply not to buy them ever at normal prices, as that's going to be less valuable on average than just buying specific expansion packs.

    The only other way to know for certain is to hope any HS developer (like Celestalon) responds to you on Twitter and shares what and why they are doing with regards to pity timer in various pack types. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Actually Year of Dragon apparently does, but Year of Phoenix doesn't seem to. With any Standard and Wild ones we don't know yet. Hearthstone is really messing up when it comes to having any sort of consistency here. Your best bet might be to tweet at devs and hope one of them finally looks into it and provides us with some clarification.

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    On the one hand, I find it useful (when mostly playing Standard) to know what to play around without constantly looking things up - those damn secrets, man. On the other hand, it can indeed become a little stale - and the Wild sets they pick don't always have great synergies with what's already there, so the class strength swings wildly even without considering any hidden adjustments. 

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Certainly noting the Wild favorables as they come up. ;) Which is probably something in every instance with such a huge pool of cards. 

    When it comes to Starving Buzzard, I actually found it not very helpful for this set of achievements. Don't really need it for Tavish, as that's all about getting the guy and a few relevant beasts in your hand and deck; so drawing extensively instead of tutoring could result in worse payoff chains. Definitely don't want it for Raptor when just aiming to have that be the only Beast in the deck. And for Hyenas it just felt better to invest in spell density with a dash of tutoring and discovers, so by the time one has enough mana it can be pretty much done. 

    Between Tracking, Barak, Wrangler, Scavenger's and a few more options in Wild like Stitched Tracker, the class has been doing surprisingly okay in that department. Poor Shaman should be envious.  

  • Aesan's Avatar
    Shadow Rager 770 769 Posts Joined 11/22/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    That is so strange. I know their bugfixes seemed to work when I tested it last month, did they manage to break something else meanwhile? I can't even check anymore with the achievement completed. This set has been rather annoying with things not working like they're supposed to.