Nice list, maybe instead of [Hearthstone Card (Naga Sand Wich) Not Found] you could try Sunreaver Warmage? I'd test it but I'm missing a couple of the key legendaries.
I would remove skaterbot and Sandbinder and add Kangor and the 3 mana draw cheapest minion spell instead (keep forgetting it’s name, would give you better card draw and add value to the deck in general.
Why does everyone keep putting Sandbinder in their highlander decks? This card is so bad in terms of tempo. And if you draw Siamat before playing it, it’s basically dead. Also it screams “Hey, I have Siamat in hand now”, so your opponent knows it as well.
As I said in the write-up, I don't have Kangor. Sandbinder is good because he also draws Zephyrs, which is the best card in our deck
I made one for fun. Not enough games to tell if it´s at lesat T3 but i guess so. Card draw is weak if you don´t draw Subject. Maybe i need to improve that a bit.
Nice list, maybe instead of [Hearthstone Card (Naga Sand Wich) Not Found] you could try Sunreaver Warmage? I'd test it but I'm missing a couple of the key legendaries.
Yeah I'm not sure why they didn'tn't split the 2 pack rewards.
Not great, not bad either. Octosari's really good in this deck, would recommend if you have all the cards.
Chieften of Chaos seems pretty frustrating to play against. I like the Warrior and Warlock ones though
glad you like it!
Aw, that's cool. Hope he has fun with it!
Interesting. Do you think N'zoth is worth crafting for wild in general?
Yeah, he should really label it "Just for Fun" or something...
I'd suspect most aggro decks are able to deal with it pretty easily. Maybe try Mech Hunter
Is there really enough for the mech package to work?
Feels a lot worse to be blown up by a 20/20 northshire cleric than it does to be beaten down by a murlocadin, imo
Pretty much.
You're not a better person for playing a worse deck in an online card game.
glade you enjoyed playing it!
Cool deck, any replacement for Branching Paths?
Wish they did more of these, they're always great.
As I said in the write-up, I don't have Kangor. Sandbinder is good because he also draws Zephyrs, which is the best card in our deck
I'd say it was a success for the reasons duppie already mentioned. Hope they do something similar for Rastakhan's Rumble.
You could include Bellringer Sentry and Masked Contender to get the secrets out faster.
So I was inspired by Kibler playing his own Highlander Paladin, and decided to put my own spin on it:
Anyone else having any success with this archetype?