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Draconic Rager
Joined 03/12/2020 Achieve Points 2225 Posts 2532

Caro's Comments

  • Caro's Avatar
    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    So relieved that these Stormwind quests are leaving. I even struggled to complete the "Play or Trade 15 Tradeable cards" quests coz there's not many good decks that rely on lots of tradeable cards these days. Also the "Complete 3 Questlines" quest made me feel ashamed when I had to whip out that Quest Hunter coz it has been the only decent questline I have

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Nice to see a rarely encountered TB pop up this week. Really do wonder how TBs get chosen each week

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    So the nerf to Caria Felsoul didn't really do much, the card is still used in Fel DH which is a Tier 2 deck atm. Least the meta feels more diverse now and less oppressive as I still grind out gameplay achievements. 

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Wow that was a long read but definitely more user friendly than reading 1/25 twitter posts! 

    I do think some warrior lovers are voicing their displeasure considering how hard the class got nerfed. Honestly think that Tidal Revenant nerf was unwarranted 

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Logged in just now and thought I missed out on the quest coz my daily log was full. Glad that wasn't the case but this still sucks regardless. The Noz quest does give substantially more XP like the super ultra rare "Challenge of Friend" quest. Guess we'll just have to exploit Mercenaries a bit more this month. 

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Hope Team 5 do a retrospective or lessons learnt on why these cards were broken. Especially Snapdragon which is part of the new content. These bugs are becoming a joke now...

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Quote From Author
    Diablo returns Battlegrounds for just a week

    That will be one hell of a week...

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    2 Neutral Colossals, what a treat! 

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago

    Quote From Avalon
    To be fair, Clownfish's art does not seem to the too Warlock-y, but at the same time it doesn't change the fact that Gul'dan should receive more fishy support.

    Reading this prediction article now (from the future) I chuckled with the fact that Clownfish was dead on aside going to Shaman but Avalon did said it doesn't look like a warlock card, well he was right 😜

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 3 months ago


    I must say, Flux has come far as a content and site creator since Hearthpwn and I personally think Out of cards has become the best Hearthstone news site to date. Keep up all the site updates, they're definitely noticed and appreciated and looking forward to Out of Games! Can't forget the rest of the OoC staff though! Hope you guys had lots of cake and party fun


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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I really hope Team 5 look at the stats on how many players entered this brawl compared to other brawls. Ofc they will be lower overall due to the high entrance fee, but I hope with our loud community, they get the message and retire this brawl in favor of the standard brawliseum

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Save your standard packs for the mini-set that will be released soon.

    Also, great updates to the site Flux, definitely feels more modern

  • Caro's Avatar
    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I was surprised that they only went with 3 nerfs, but then buffing 17 under performing cards probably makes up for that. Was quite happy with the Dragonbane Shot nerf coz there's always that "Complete 3 questlines" weekly quest where Quest Hunter is the only real candidate. 

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Definitely looks like a lot of fun! Thanks Flux and OoC for supporting this game and adding the cards and locations to your database.

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Quite impressed with the solution they came up with for Diamond Drek'Thar. Turned out to be actually profitable if your bought it! These nerfs and buffs will definitely shake up the meta considering how many buffs there are. Funny how Team 5 avoided nerfing Defend the Dwarven District but I do like the nerf target they went with instead.

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I won't lie, Iceblood Tower really makes the deck super inconsistent. I probably had 2 out of 10 times where it actually cast a helpful spell or didn't inflict damage onto me. I'd recommend replacing it with Pyroblast.

    In reply to The Fury of Kael'Thas
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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    I'm hoping it's a card game but not too keen on another hero collector like the Mercs mode. Ofc most of these devs and Brode left Blizzard long before Mercs was even thought of so I'm leaning more towards maybe a card game similar to LoR where you have the Marvel heroes and they have their own ability cards.

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    The only feel good moment when facing Quest Hunter is when you play Mutanus the Devourer to eat Tavish, Master Marksman and watch as your opponent instantly concedes. 

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    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    This problem will definitely infuriate players who bought the diamond version but in the end, it can still be classified as a cosmetic as the actual card was given out for free provided you chose the Horde or finished the FaV questline. Still interested to see what Team 5 come up with as a solution but I guarantee you that the toxic HS player base will still get angry

  • Caro's Avatar
    Draconic Rager 2225 2532 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Straight from one of Dean's Q&As

    Quote From Dean

    @IksarHS Let's say you balance adjust Drek'Thar. What's the refund policy for Diamond Drek'thar owners?

    @J_Alexander_HS Not sure, sounds like a hard problem for our commercial team! (Source)

    I guarantee you that players who bought the diamond version will be unhappy with any solution they come up with, so the best bet they have is to avoid nerfing Drek'Thar.

    I'd be very surprised if they refund players' their real money. And what do we even do for the players that bought it with gold?