might be what ties togheter evolve shaman so what if you don't evolve to +1 mana? you play understated battlecries like Desert Hare, also you probably ruin the enemy board.. while at it.
Gonna rate all those "attack shaman" 3 stars.. again an archtypes that comes FROM NOWHERE.. with very little support and all the support it has is from this expansion.. seems fun gonna be tries will be found lacking.
seems quite too fair of a card to me as stand alone.
+2 hp on [Hearthstone Card (void walker) Not Found] for 1 mana? a 2 mana 1/5 is not that great.. rip monkey though another powercreep to the poor card.
Its a corrupted Meteor on a stick ! Also an elemental, which is explosive
Not Meteor.. cause Meteor deals 3 to adjacent minions this doesn't.
elemental mage just doesn't have a solid game plan.. I still think so the early tempo is the problem.. I didn't see enough for it to be solid enough.. maybe in the mini set..
either demon lock is a deck and this is amazing or it's bad and this isn't worth it.. Tickatus at 4 mana ... *handlock flashbacks* (who cares if you mill 5 cards?)
Was gonna dissmiss this card entirely but then kripp said "this reminds me of [Hearthstone Card (savanna highmane) Not Found] and you know what.. I didn't saw that card for a while... so unless the demon zoo takes off this might not be played.. if played for 4 mana it's quite strong though so we have that.
Seems good to me in a token deck, seems really hard to get rid of if you keep summoning tokens.
Dragon + murloc just never took off.. maybe this will tie them in? I really hope it works seems like an interesting deck..
a lot of paladin spells are secrets.. which make this card terrible.. just like Ivory Knight.
if you could play it on turn 3 it would be insane but at turn 5.. or 4 after spending coin it's clunky I think.. and which deck would it fit?
why play 2 mana draw 2 when you can play 1 mana draw 4?
not sure if this card is needed in any rogue archtype... Secret Passage is just so much better
might be what ties togheter evolve shaman so what if you don't evolve to +1 mana? you play understated battlecries like Desert Hare, also you probably ruin the enemy board.. while at it.
was gonna dissmiss it kind of but quest shaman.. or evolve shaman.. has potential.
Gonna rate all those "attack shaman" 3 stars.. again an archtypes that comes FROM NOWHERE.. with very little support and all the support it has is from this expansion.. seems fun gonna be tries will be found lacking.
seems quite too fair of a card to me as stand alone.
+2 hp on [Hearthstone Card (void walker) Not Found] for 1 mana? a 2 mana 1/5 is not that great.. rip monkey though another powercreep to the poor card.
seems very solid and a reason to play demon zoo works well with Fiendish Servant for that 5 attack transfer.
Avenging Wrath + 2 dmg +1 mana.. different class I know.. but avenging wrath wasn't played since shockadin was a thing long long ago.
More face dmg to rogue.. yay... stealth is a totally fun mechanic to play against.
Not Meteor.. cause Meteor deals 3 to adjacent minions this doesn't.
elemental mage just doesn't have a solid game plan.. I still think so the early tempo is the problem.. I didn't see enough for it to be solid enough.. maybe in the mini set..
either demon lock is a deck and this is amazing or it's bad and this isn't worth it.. Tickatus at 4 mana ... *handlock flashbacks* (who cares if you mill 5 cards?)
Was gonna dissmiss this card entirely but then kripp said "this reminds me of [Hearthstone Card (savanna highmane) Not Found] and you know what.. I didn't saw that card for a while... so unless the demon zoo takes off this might not be played.. if played for 4 mana it's quite strong though so we have that.
seem very strong.. it's like Scavenger's Ingenuity but costs 1! of course you gonna corrupt this every time..
same stats as Redband Wasp 1/3 just doens't clear anything.. people are not playing 2/1 one drops!
Dyn-o-matic effect but no body.. it's probably solid specially if stealth rogue is around.
We saw a same card that buffs a beast in hunter saw 0 play.. not valuable enough in constructed.
I don't think this card is too good your hand is not gonna be big enough and the reward for a big minion hand is just a Swarm of Locusts