Seems solid for any managerie deck, or any deck needing a dragon in hand.. a beast on board.. etc. this is a solid card.. Nightmare Amalgam saw play in embiggen druid I think (at least I played him there)
seems solid gives a lot of stats and effects seems like N'zoth warrior might work... with all those taunt and rush minions you are guaranteed to at least impact the board somehow.
res priest YAY :(
this enables it again how wonderful.
corrupt a 9 cost card.. I thought it would be much bigger deal.. oh well.
As far as combo activators go this is the most combo activator you can be..
but it's basically a "0 mana 3/2" when you play a combo card.. I would say it's solid at least.
Elemental mage is just hard to pilot for not too much reward at all.. the deck lags rewards at the midgame not endgame..
tried it at 6 mana, no
5 mana? no
4 mana+ tribal tag? also no.
This card is trash compare this to Nightblade.
seems solid 4 dmg targeted on a 3/4? that's Flanking Strike+! the non corrupt effect could be used vs aggressive burn decks
Seems solid for any managerie deck, or any deck needing a dragon in hand.. a beast on board.. etc. this is a solid card.. Nightmare Amalgam saw play in embiggen druid I think (at least I played him there)
yeah sure give your opponent a curve play cause you wanted to play Misha.
The return of ress priest.. YAY.... yay.. *sob*
we saw such card before in Stolen Goods, was terrible, this isn't anywhere better.
seems solid gives a lot of stats and effects seems like N'zoth warrior might work... with all those taunt and rush minions you are guaranteed to at least impact the board somehow.
Solid card can make assembling a combo easier, it actually draws a card as long as you don't want the card
according to wording it seems like it draws a card on empty hand.. so.. could be good in fast decks.
one minion buff? no thanks.
Need to at least give a try to an engine card.. what Warsong Commander wished she was..
Coldlight Oracle but no stat penalty, yeah coldlight oracle was not played in murloc decks and it being symetrical..
mill decks are not a thing..
seems like a meme .. paladin has 1 hp synergies, if this sees play it would be funny at least.
seems too slow to make use of.. when you want to silence something you want to do it immediately.
seems like a very solid card, stample in all none restricted zoo type decks reminds me of the 5 mana 2/2 that gives +2/+2.
Edit: sorry was speedrunning the reviews, yes Fungalmancer.
Technically you could already play the original mukla and have a banna and +2 attack applied to it already seems pack fillery.