it's great tryndamere got changed tough was too much with all it already had.
Didn't saw cloud drinker getting played, but I can see it being broken with karma 7 hp was too much anyway, the card also got severely nerfed.
I like the buffs to those niche cards their stats were terrible, 2 hp for 4 is way too little, the standard 4 drop + effect being a 4/3 is nice.
Fleet feather bird is now much weaker and it's a welcome change he was the strongest 1 drop by far. A big nerf to Fiora's early game.
Boomcrew rookie is quite scary he now have really good stats it's a big difference from 0 to 1 attack now it might attack tokens he will be for sure in most aggro decks now.
Flamechompers was indeed over nerfed, now it's more reasonable.
Hearth guard still too good, but ramping is much harder.
Catalyst of aeons got the wild growth treatment early in the game's life compared to 5 years in hs.
There might be more changes probably to more obscure cards.
By the time I give in and craft the necessary components for Quest Hunter, it won't be a good deck anymore; I just know it XD
Sky captain kragg is AMAZING in quest hunter it's probably replacing one bonewraith it's a taunt, rush a 4 drop (which the deck lacks) and is 2 summons for the quest definetly a powerful inclusion.
out of the leaked cards we saw one mech supporter which doesn't help but as we saw paladin and druid get a twinspell, rexxar might as well.. if the twin spell is a minion summoner (which is likely) this will be a huge bonus for the archetype .
I am quite optimistic about quest hunter.. sadly I am missing the 2 DoD legendaries for the deck so I can't play the optimized list so I can't tell.
I played a list without them and it felt powerful.. but I played against veranus.. that card is so powerful.. shumma as well (so my list is severely weaker without them) I think the deck is underrated AF
Captain my Captain...I'M really not sure how to use you.
Granted, it'S a pretty strong play in any quest deck and my Quest HUnter will definitely try running it...but it really isn't all that flashy.
There aren'T really a lot of Quest decks at the moment, are there?
Agree!! I think it will bump out hallazi (for me at least, because I don't want to craft it but I'll happily craft this!)
No need to craft, just buy and finish the Adventure :
Ah yes... Just found that out recently. It's kind of a shame for players like me that don't spend money on the game. It's sooooo much gold to save up or otherwise forced to buy. I don't think it's fair that they'll be uncraftable otherwise
I bought all adventures since naxx with gold, except karazan, didn't find myself repenting it, it's totally worth it.
Doesn’t really look that great to me, not that great if you draw it after you’ve reached 10 mana, meaning you’ve got 5 turns where it could actually help out your curve
it still works at 10 mna, you just don't attack first.. it anables 11 mana turns without coins
Yeah, but once you get to that point it’s strength is a lot lower. The main appeal to it would be playing something a turn earlier than you normal could, which is somewhat strong. After 10, it’s more akin to reducing one card’s mana by 1, which a lot of the time isn’t needed (there’s a lot of times you’ll be floating some mana because you just didn’t need to play anything else)
If you decide to include this card in your deck you probably run mid/high costed cards so you might play 5 +6 thanks to this card (think double SN1P SN4P + zilliax) it's something that's actually good, you do not run it in an aggro deck.
I can see this card being played in 3 classes
rogue which have so much value, but not enough mana.
Druid which with embeggen generally has big minions but not enough mana.
Hunter who really like the beast tag and might want a turn 5 (with coin) brann
Best moment for me in 2019 is getting Dragonqueen Alexstrazsa and Kronx Dragonhoof from single pack.
What I am looking for about Hearthstone in 2020 is a game-mode which is the real casual mode that players can enjoy without 100g grinders and netdecks.
Good luck people !
that's never gonna happen, even if there is no reward for playing the game mode will be abandoned.
if you want to play some random decks.. then just queue with your friends add people you know don't play meta decks and just queue against them
That was the main argument for why skull was "bad" first of all you can have this with another card on the same turn, medivh is so much weaker than this.
If they waste Zephyr's on a ooze instead of lethal you are fine as a control shaman, you shouldn't base your whole deck around this card, but it is powerful.
People rate every card the same way: if the card doesn't win you the game it sucks.. Even if you cast only 3 cost spells you get 3/3s you know what 3 3/3s for 4 mana is really good, think tempo not your "omg win with 1 card" ..
but you do base your deck around the card because there's no other reason to even play Control Shaman right now.
This only fits into a deck that doesn't currently exist, meaning said deck will have to be built around it. otherwise it won't work.
Finally, we aren't in a meta where you just play cards that are good value. We play cards that further our gameplan, and just throwing out random minions is not advancing anything.
It's not that the card is bad, it's that there'S so much better you can do for that amount of Mana.
It'S the same reason a card like Gral, the Shark or Captain Hooktusk doesn't see play. They're pretty good cards, but they're still way below what you can actually do with other cards in your deck, so they aren't run.....and I say this as someone who'S desperately trying to shoehorn them in Highlander Rogue
gral is too slow and it doesn't really work with most rogue decks that want to activate combos (and that's why they run mostly low mana cost/stats minions)
hooktusk is a fine card saw some play it's just weaker since DoD came out since you can do more powerful stuff.
not the same, since shaman can run quite a lot of spells (with spirit of the frog) it's a great card in big shaman where you didn't quite had a mid game plan, soit might fit that deck.. shaman also is looking for another deck that isn't galakround seeing how the deck got all it's core cards nerfed except galakround itself..
what I am saying is that not every card is the deck defining card you can try to fit this card for example on another shell like big shaman that exists since RoS and was back then a deck, with a card like this it might become viable again cause it will have a mid game play where it didn't had one before.
random legendaries can fight for the board, you hex something? and get a nozdurmu? or a glass knight? that's great! you don't have to play a 01 mana spell for this card to work.. this is what I am saying 4 mid to low size minions for 4 is really good, the game plan is not losing the board while you have so many big stuff in the late game, that's a decent game plan.
That was the main argument for why skull was "bad" first of all you can have this with another card on the same turn, medivh is so much weaker than this.
If they waste Zephyr's on a ooze instead of lethal you are fine as a control shaman, you shouldn't base your whole deck around this card, but it is powerful.
People rate every card the same way: if the card doesn't win you the game it sucks.. Even if you cast only 3 cost spells you get 3/3s you know what 3 3/3s for 4 mana is really good, think tempo not your "omg win with 1 card" ..
There's 0 reason to rate them, big changes are gonna be announced tomorrow rate them afterward it's riot not blizzard we can easily expect 30+ card changed
There might even be a total overhaul of the system (more hp to nexus for example, with many changes to accommodate for that)
Doesn’t really look that great to me, not that great if you draw it after you’ve reached 10 mana, meaning you’ve got 5 turns where it could actually help out your curve
it still works at 10 mna, you just don't attack first.. it anables 11 mana turns without coins
This doesn't ramp you.. it only plays "the coin" basically.. it's worse than the 2 mana 2/2 that added the coin to your hand in that respect (a 3/5 stealth is more likely to attack than a 2/2 though, also no restriction to hitting face).
It will probably will see play after rotation the effect is neat, and after the year of the raven rotates decks will start looking for ok cards to put into highlander decks...
Thanks for the tips. Purrsuit of Perfection caught my interest, I love the idea and highlander like decks, I'll prolly try it when enough expansion hit and that an highlander deck has a least a bit of consistency.
Actually my first read from that card was not highlander, but card generation (karma mostly)
I doubt we will see this card being included in decks but sometimes you might pick it of ethreal lackey or get it with hagatha.. it's a great spell to teach the elemental with swampqueen hagatha as well.. so no, 0 inclusion in decks but it's existence will have impact.
I's not terrible, but it's also not great.
What kind of deck does this go into? Way too slow for tokens, no point in Embiggen (unless you really want non-minion token to fill out your early curve without having to worry about drawing poop later)
It's okay, but i fail to see it in any current deck.
quest druid likes to draw and it's a 3/2 draw a card for the deck.. twice!.. so it's really good
People are talking about standard, witching hour is well.. from the witchwood
Not a face hunter card, it belongs to zoo warlock, pirate warrior or paladin
Face hunter doesn't care enough for the board.
you forgot his video.. this site though
he is gonna stream LoR so that's really nice I am looking to see more streamers join the LoR party :D
Anivia got destroyed.
it's great tryndamere got changed tough was too much with all it already had.
Didn't saw cloud drinker getting played, but I can see it being broken with karma 7 hp was too much anyway, the card also got severely nerfed.
I like the buffs to those niche cards their stats were terrible, 2 hp for 4 is way too little, the standard 4 drop + effect being a 4/3 is nice.
Fleet feather bird is now much weaker and it's a welcome change he was the strongest 1 drop by far. A big nerf to Fiora's early game.
Boomcrew rookie is quite scary he now have really good stats it's a big difference from 0 to 1 attack now it might attack tokens he will be for sure in most aggro decks now.
Flamechompers was indeed over nerfed, now it's more reasonable.
Hearth guard still too good, but ramping is much harder.
Catalyst of aeons got the wild growth treatment early in the game's life compared to 5 years in hs.
There might be more changes probably to more obscure cards.
Sky captain kragg is AMAZING in quest hunter it's probably replacing one bonewraith it's a taunt, rush a 4 drop (which the deck lacks) and is 2 summons for the quest definetly a powerful inclusion.
out of the leaked cards we saw one mech supporter which doesn't help but as we saw paladin and druid get a twinspell, rexxar might as well.. if the twin spell is a minion summoner (which is likely) this will be a huge bonus for the archetype .
I am quite optimistic about quest hunter.. sadly I am missing the 2 DoD legendaries for the deck so I can't play the optimized list so I can't tell.
I played a list without them and it felt powerful.. but I played against veranus.. that card is so powerful.. shumma as well (so my list is severely weaker without them) I think the deck is underrated AF
I bought all adventures since naxx with gold, except karazan, didn't find myself repenting it, it's totally worth it.
If you decide to include this card in your deck you probably run mid/high costed cards so you might play 5 +6 thanks to this card (think double SN1P SN4P + zilliax) it's something that's actually good, you do not run it in an aggro deck.
I can see this card being played in 3 classes
rogue which have so much value, but not enough mana.
Druid which with embeggen generally has big minions but not enough mana.
Hunter who really like the beast tag and might want a turn 5 (with coin) brann
This is the deck I first used, Had a paladin quest so.. But I think it's kind of too reliant on having a board.
Who knows.. There will be a bunch of changes today, even systematic ones so we really can't tell.
that's never gonna happen, even if there is no reward for playing the game mode will be abandoned.
if you want to play some random decks.. then just queue with your friends add people you know don't play meta decks and just queue against them
My favorite moment from 2019 was the return of the league of explorers it was awesome, I really liked them in LOE.
I am looking forward in 2020 for a new story it was really awesome this year they really nailed it.
gral is too slow and it doesn't really work with most rogue decks that want to activate combos (and that's why they run mostly low mana cost/stats minions)
hooktusk is a fine card saw some play it's just weaker since DoD came out since you can do more powerful stuff.
not the same, since shaman can run quite a lot of spells (with spirit of the frog) it's a great card in big shaman where you didn't quite had a mid game plan, soit might fit that deck.. shaman also is looking for another deck that isn't galakround seeing how the deck got all it's core cards nerfed except galakround itself..
what I am saying is that not every card is the deck defining card you can try to fit this card for example on another shell like big shaman that exists since RoS and was back then a deck, with a card like this it might become viable again cause it will have a mid game play where it didn't had one before.
random legendaries can fight for the board, you hex something? and get a nozdurmu? or a glass knight? that's great! you don't have to play a 01 mana spell for this card to work.. this is what I am saying 4 mid to low size minions for 4 is really good, the game plan is not losing the board while you have so many big stuff in the late game, that's a decent game plan.
That was the main argument for why skull was "bad" first of all you can have this with another card on the same turn, medivh is so much weaker than this.
If they waste Zephyr's on a ooze instead of lethal you are fine as a control shaman, you shouldn't base your whole deck around this card, but it is powerful.
People rate every card the same way: if the card doesn't win you the game it sucks.. Even if you cast only 3 cost spells you get 3/3s you know what 3 3/3s for 4 mana is really good, think tempo not your "omg win with 1 card" ..
There's 0 reason to rate them, big changes are gonna be announced tomorrow rate them afterward it's riot not blizzard we can easily expect 30+ card changed
There might even be a total overhaul of the system (more hp to nexus for example, with many changes to accommodate for that)
it still works at 10 mna, you just don't attack first.. it anables 11 mana turns without coins
This doesn't ramp you.. it only plays "the coin" basically.. it's worse than the 2 mana 2/2 that added the coin to your hand in that respect (a 3/5 stealth is more likely to attack than a 2/2 though, also no restriction to hitting face).
It will probably will see play after rotation the effect is neat, and after the year of the raven rotates decks will start looking for ok cards to put into highlander decks...
Actually my first read from that card was not highlander, but card generation (karma mostly)
I doubt we will see this card being included in decks but sometimes you might pick it of ethreal lackey or get it with hagatha.. it's a great spell to teach the elemental with swampqueen hagatha as well.. so no, 0 inclusion in decks but it's existence will have impact.
quest druid likes to draw and it's a 3/2 draw a card for the deck.. twice!.. so it's really good
I think this works with sidequests as well btw.
Seems really good in questhunter and quest shaman.