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Ancestral Recall
Joined 03/25/2019 Achieve Points 1585 Posts 2271

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  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    each region has a level right? level them to 4,8,12,16,20

    You can switch regions at any time so switch between them freely, if you reach 4 in Noxus for example switch to level 0 Ionia to get more wild cards at 4.. I level them all up evenly but multiples of 4 give you the most wild cards.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Marega
    Quote From DoubleSummon
    Quote From griffior


    Mountain Giant is the least likely to be moved to the Hall of Fame due to Valdris Felgorge having just been released, but an 8/8 on turn 4 because your opponent has a full hand, of most likely answers to whatever you're about to play, always feels bad. I know Splitting Image Mage has fallen to the way side since Doom in the Tomb, but it still felt horrible to go up against.

    Mountain Giant - think he is been around for far too long.. time for him to move to HoF, it would give design space to buff handlock even further.


    So you want design space for handlock but without mountain giant? Handlock only existed throughout time cause it could pull a mountain giant early on and free molten giants later with taunt given to them. They already nerfed them and removed them from the game. Only mountain remains. Handlock is just on the brink of playability cause of mountain giant on turn 4. Remove it and say bye to the archetype 

    I disagree handlock in DoD got a lot of support,

    Mountain Giant while very strong is not the cornerstone of the deck, and the deck can function without it as long as it has other tools likeTwilight Drake, healing and aoe.

    HoFing Mountain Giant would create a design space to create other powerful cards that care about hand size, without making it that a 4/3 mana 8/8 comes to play too fast, I play hand lock a lot, really like having as many options as I can and then decide the best tool for each situation.. mountain giant is kinda boring at this point.. been playing the card since naxx.

    Also it has been proven to be a problematic card back in RoS. so every card with evolve mechanics (which blizzard loves) is problematic with it..

    In reply to Hall of Fame 2020
  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From kaladin

    I am really struggling to make any progress at low ranks and don't have enough to craft these super expensive decks.  What do you recommend for low tier budget decks?

    You are kidding, right? the decks are really inexpensive the first one doesn't even run any champions,

    it runs 12 rares and 2 epics.. that's quite budget you can craft that easily..

    if you want to get as many rares and commons then level up each region in multiples of 4 you get a wild capsule at 4 and 8 and a champion capsule at 8 and 16 that's really the best way to expand your collection

    You can run the Mistwraith list without Hecarim, the third Elise and definitely without Kalista, if you have Thresh I recommend you to add them even if your only other champion is Elise, Thresh is good as stand alone unit, 3/6 challenger for 5 is amazing.


  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Kalista lol, don't craft her she is quite garbage, play a second hecarim on that list 100%, and Thresh is great too, I really recommend playing Thresh in general such a powerful card (great vs elusives too!).

    I tend to agree with swim(a streamer) on his view, Mistwraiths are a meme, Wraithcallers are amazing, but the Mistwraiths are 2/2 fearsome for 2 you could run more impactful cards than them, you don't need them to play your Wraithcallers, also demacia is so much better than 3/2 Denys and 3/2 Shadow Assassins.

    Back to Back, Dawnspeakers,Purify, En Garde really good cards vs the elusive meta and back to back.. is back breaking.

    I like how champion-lite are those decks, for sure most people don't even have the champions so they might be good for the decks they are in, also most players are able to complete such decks by now without problems, it feels great.. also saw enough people buying the boards and pets so I am hopeful Riot is making their profit off this to continue supporting this game.


  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare


    I dominate Leeroy Jenkins for obvious reasons.




    is the word.. denominate then? I meant that I put him at a staging phase to ban him to HOF

    In reply to Hall of Fame 2020
  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Why does Blizzard doesn't use the EXP system for something useful past level 10, and remove the cap of 60? It's really the progress and dedication people have been asking for.

    Tie rewards to the exp system but ones who are worth it and not useless golden cards you can't even disenchant. I am sure veteran players forgot but you level let's say mage to level 60 and what do you get? a golden Dalaran Mage amazing card 100% worth to level the class to 60...

    Make it infinite with loops like in Overwatch where every level/few levels you get a "class pack" (which is a pack with cards of only this class), the rewards in the game are mostly boring at this point you can make people who main a class be more likely to get cards for that class this way...

    Sure it's asking a lot from the greedy activision but it would improve the constant issue of the game being too much p2w... just like gwent and LoR use regional rewards, HS can too and the system is already in place just that the rewards suck and the system isn't used for players that play the game for a while..

    If there is any systematic change in HS it is in the standard rotation, looking forward to such change this april specially with the rising competition in the F2P territory.


  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From griffior

    This is my hot take on the question.

    Innervate should be rotated with the addition that it should be un-nerfed. It hasn't seen play since the nerf and I just really miss utilizing it to it's full potential.

    Wild Growth, again with it being un-nerfed. Breath of Dreams powercreeps it so hard now and Wild Growth just feels dead. Un-nerfing it would fit in Wild Non-Dragon Druid decks.

    Divine Spirit AND Inner Fire. We all know the combo, it's just not fun on the receiving end.

    Acolyte of Pain or any other neutral draw engine. Acolyte has been used in many, many decks to the point where it's "almost" an auto-include. Azure Drake was one of the first cards moved to the Hall of Fame, and it was because it was an auto-include in many decks, why doesn't Acolyte get treated the same way?

    Big Game Hunter once again, with him being un-nerfed. I can't recall the last time this guy was relevant, even with Embiggen druid on the ladder he's still not seeing play. Unless I'm just not paying close enough attention.

    To the surprise of absolutely nobody, Leeroy Jenkins should definitely be moved because of the burst damage. Sure it's a fun card to teach new players the appropriate time to play certain cards, but he's frequently been on people's nerves for way too long.

    Alexstrasza because that much burst is not fun. If Leeroy is constantly called out for out of nowhere burst damage, Alex should be too.

    Malygos hasn't had THAT much of an impact on some metas. But I feel like he limits design space in a way because of the +5 Spell Damage he has. I have a feeling that there were several cards in production and Team 5 said "Wait, Malgos exists, scrap it."

    Mountain Giant is the least likely to be moved to the Hall of Fame due to Valdris Felgorge having just been released, but an 8/8 on turn 4 because your opponent has a full hand, of most likely answers to whatever you're about to play, always feels bad. I know Splitting Image Mage has fallen to the way side since Doom in the Tomb, but it still felt horrible to go up against.

    A lot of you will probably disagree with me which is fine, but all of above it just opinionated.

    Innervate is used in quest druid to complete the quest also to play with Nourish.

    Wild Growth I disagree, it's a decent choice off zephyrs. (sorry if I butchered his name)

    DS & IF I don't think both need to be HoF only divine spirit, inner fire is good when you can limit how much hp a minion can gain, besides there are  other hp/attack flip effects in the game.. and they are fine, divine spirit is the one which is wrong.

    Acolyte of Pain- every time he is used differently he is far from auto include.

    BGH.. I think he should be buffed to 4 mana.. but he is relevant off zhephyrs.

    Alex- a fine candidate for HoF (also I get 3200 dust :D but that's another story)

    Malygos- but he costs 9 mana.. how many cards are actually limited by this 9 mana card.. think he is fine cause every time he is played it's a different deck

    Mountain Giant - think he is been around for far too long.. time for him to move to HoF, it would give design space to buff handlock even further.

    I nominate Leeroy Jenkins for obvious reasons.

    edit:fixed a spelling error.. @YourPrivateNightmare

    In reply to Hall of Fame 2020
  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Yeah I think You are both right , if the cards are still playable there's no reason to refund them.. and yes as far as I have seen any nerf kept the cards playable.. the dust refunds in HS are kinda dumb now I think about it.. if the system was much less greedy then I wouldn't be so necessary there..

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Don't see how refunds would give people "free stuff" it would just give you the choice again if you want to craft the nerfed card again or if you want to craft something else *instead*

    Besides what riot said is they will patch the game every 2 weeks But only once a month it will be a balance change patch (aka big patch) 

    We will see what's their initial policy about nerfing cards.. Hoping for the fairest concept of giving the players the choice with wild cards...


  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I think the best solution to the problem is to refund the nerfed cards to wild cards if you own the nerfed card, that way it can't be abused in any way and it's always fair to both riot and the players, you can recraft the card that was just changed, or craft another deck if you want.

    We will see I really support constant card changes, that's the main reason the game is so accessible - so it can be frequently changed... Once per month balance changes are really a lot for a card game. 

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Thought about it as well.. there's no way Riot doesn't have anything planned for that point it should happen approximately in 2.5/3 months where the first player will max out his regional rewards.. I guess the vault is always a progress to be made.. in league as you have all champions you can still use BE to buy new ones AND to buy cosmetics twice a year.. so even I who play since 2012 still don't have around 100K spare blue essence (league's normal currency)

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    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago


    In reply to Find missing word
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    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I think too many of such effect is bad for the game since then you can easily get card advantage.. with elise it was ONE card here we have 3 cards that do that, think it's too much for the game, and makes them auto include in any value deck, specially the one that costs 1 mana..

    Now design problems of the other cards:

    Sarge- stealth and card draw of cards that didn't start in your deck is the rogue identity! besides it's useless outside of specifically packs.. or Dire Frenzy.

    Burpo- I like it, very flavorful.

    Alonsus- seems alright actually, goes well with shuffling cards into your deck something another archbishop did before.. maybe costs too little?

    Russel- I don't like it, it gives you VERY powerful cards specially if Leeroy Jenkins gets HOFed now..

    Malto- it's really really slow so if you OTK someone with it because you opened 2 packs.. so be it.. this card is VERY bad outside of a combo finisher, you need 2 discounts for this to be good. suggestion: have him have better stats around.. 4 hp is much better.

    Pack slamming urk- I think he is underpowered, too useless without the packs.

    Big lou- probably on point.. since discover only works in your class and neutrals this card is actually fine.

    Velaris- I really like the design of this card.

    Elise- has too low stats.. also is very P2W in terms of what it draws.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Fiora - 1 v 1 me bro

    Lux -  great play! (better than the facepalm used ironically)

    Sleepy poro - when will you finish your turn already?

    Thresh - this is mostly against Lucian really.. if he was mad it would be "why you don't take the lanturn" ( a league meme where a lot of people never pick Threshs' lanturn)

    Tryndamere - RAGEEE (who would buy this one.. do you want to show your opponent you are tilted?

    Vladimir - Leonardo di mir

    Yasuo - use this emote to get emote muted.



  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From BasilAnguis

    Play Earth Shock ma dudes. That plus heal + taunt totems perma blocking rogue's hero power gives you pretty good chances to win. Sure, depends on what random class cards you get but you can win compared to an auto-concede you'd otherwise do.

    Tired it, the moment rogue gets ANY card draw you lose.. seriously I see no reason NOT to play pogo yourself..

    playing earth shock means you got 0% WR against anything that is not pogo, and against pogo you lose the moment the rogue gets a card draw card (Also as rogue if you face shaman, hard mulligan your pogos to get the 8 class cards...).

    Also rogue has probably the most cards in class that read "draw X card(s)"

    So it's NOT a counter at all.. the pogo deck has no counter.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Zolgear

    While I'm exited for all these new regions, I'm still confused as to why a combo region exist in the first place.  Aren't Piltover and Zaun usually fighting against each other?  Every other region has an aesthetic theme that ties them together, but with P&Z, not so much.  You've got futuristic technology, robots made out of garbage, brilliant scientists, children living in poverty, random explosions, and Teemo...for some reason.  I wouldn't be surprised if the region we have now is a placeholder, because these things don't belong together.  I feel like they could split this region apart since there are so many Piltover and Zaun champions already.

    As for Ixtal and The Void forming one region, this could be possible since the champion selection is so low.  However, it would still be another mismatch from an aesthetic point of view.  You have one side all tuned in to nature and the other that's just a bunch of horrific monsters out of your nightmares.  Not to mention, it would be strange to see Rengar and Kha'zix fighting along side one another.  If there's any region Ixtal would form a combo with, I think it would be Shurima.  I feel as though The Void is TOO unique to be combined with any other region.

    At first I was confused about Teemo and Heimerdinger in P&Z as well they are bandle city in origen as they are yordles.. but they currently operate in P&Z..

    Teemo is dealing mushroom weaponary (and turns out  it's some kind of drug too) in zaun and heimerdingeBADCARDNAMEr is both operating in piltover and making a T-hex weapon in Piltover underground

    I find it weird about teemo.. since there is a Bandle city expansion planned and there are not too many yordles.. guess they could do the same treatment to other champions and change their "operation" region to a region that is NOT their origin..

    like they could make sylas part of freljord as he is operating there according to lore, although being a Demacian as origin.

    P&Z are very similar is that they are high tech regions which are really fighting all the time.. one is "Futuristic magic tech" vs "Steam punkish tech" some piltover and zaun champions have been in one city or another in more instances than any other region.

    The void will probably have a disposable unit in voidlings and have a consume theme can't wait for them to be part of the game..

    Also I don't think the lack of champion pool is a problem for a region.. the shadow isles have like 7 champions currently originated there.. they could add for example corrupted senna, or nocturne or fiddle if they felt like it.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Well I am quite certain they will be nerfing elusives (and/or Deny) as well as Hecarim if that's what you mean, you can't expect a game that is in open beta to be balanced can you? But the game isn't that out of line really the balance team did a great job balancing the game to a sort of healthy state where you never feel hopeless as long as your deck is functional, and you can have certain techs to improve your chances of course..

    I find the game to be well balanced for how new it is.

  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    So turns out you can play any wild card in this brawl, just copy a deck that has no standard cards and then it will suggest you to paste it once you are in the brawl, then it will select a card from the deck, it will find only wild cards and it will settle on one.. TBH tried a few minutes to figure out how he settles on a card so far it seems that if a certain card exists then it will select it.. how it selects it is unknown to me.

    I tried to make it so it chooses Patches the Pirate but I didn't managed to replicate it yet (I faced someone playing patches, added him to question how he did that but of course he wouldn't share, then I remembered this bug and turns out I was right, and it wasn't fixed...)

    Anyway nice check if the deck is valid when you queue.

    Solution? check the deck's validity on queuing up and ban Pogo-Hopper from this brawl.



    Nice suggestion to replace the wild card (Also it lets me replace it).


  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    not banning pogo hoppers though..

    worse than mech warpers

    In reply to All-Star Squad
  • DoubleSummon's Avatar
    Ancestral Recall 1585 2271 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Tried Earth Shock.. it does counter the first ones.. but then they hit card draw and you don't and then you are screwed. (they play rogue,they got more chances to get card draw).

    doomsayer, not sure sounds like the same problem.. just play pogos, beat anyone not playing it except like 30% vs earth shock shaman or some fancy "counter" tried Aldor Peacekeeper paladin, it's too slow.. seems like a good idea but they hit you for like 10 before you done anything..


    In reply to All-Star Squad