Hello folks. I'm much interested in this game but didn't join closed beta, so I'll start with Open. Got a couple of questions :
- Is Karma any good ? From what I saw she's the closest from my favorite playstyles (random value generation such as HS burgle rogue, ramp decks such as most shadowverse Dragoncraft decks, midrange/control decks). I don't expect top tier stuff, I just wanna know if I can mess with her without expecting abysmal results.
Thanks in advance !
Didn't mess up with karma too much but people who I saw that played the game or reviewed it said karma is quite good, It's not my playstyle so I can't tell how good she actually is.
Quote From Kinxil
- Same question for Jinx (Self Discard mechanic, mostly. And madness. Because eh. Madness.).
Jinx was very good when draven was a 4/3 and there was a 6 mana 3/3 that dealt nexus damage + drew 3 cards + discarded the hand.. it was insane, after the nerfs the deck is ok.. but not as insane as it was before it was nerfed.. which was insane like jinx... glad it got nerfed though.
Quote From Kinxil
- How is the ingame currency earned ? I hate both HS and Shadowverse systems because they tend to focus on winning, which can really quickly get infuriating when you're playing a slow deck (also often harder to play than the faster counterparts).
You earn the currency for playing, you can still get progress even if you lose but only 1/4 of the xp you get from winning also you can progress fully by playing against ai but again, you get much less than from pvp, as far as I saw there's no reward for playing longer games.
Quote From Kinxil
- Can you expect to build a full deck within reasonable playtime ? I usually play 2 class at most in a CCG (since LoR is "dual classes" with regions I expect to play from 3 to 4 of them). I'd prolly be satisfied with 2 serious deck and 3-4 meme decks.
there isn't too much in game currency in the game, you got limited tokens to buy cards if you want to "P2W" but you mostly build up your collection by following a region and unlocking cards from that region, there are also weekly vaults of cards where you should get a lot of cards/dust there is a crafting system similar to HS with both dust and a currency called "wild cards" which let you craft specific tier cards and you get them from rewards (Region rewards with xp) or from vault or from the arena mode ("expendition") which in my opinion is amazingly done.
Anyway riot's policy with league is that the gameplay aspects can be earned in a reasonable time as f2p they mostly sell skins/esports/events,but the gameplay and competitiviness of the player is mostly on the time they spent rather than money.
4 legendaries? weird normally all the rest of the adventures had 5 legendaries (1 for each wing + a bonus one for completion) also it's weird not every explorer will be represented as a legendary.. oh well less hero cards.. actually better since those are annoying after a while..
It doesn't fit res priest, that's for sure.. but it's a dragon and it's normally kills a minion, I wasn't sold on the card but the dragon tag makes it leagues better.. just need a dragon that is a win condition for priest..
Rogue definitely doesn't need it has enough lackey generation with galakround, but you normally evolve EVIL Miscreant and it's a 4 cost so it benefits from the card's existence anyway.
Warrior might want it since the generation of lackeys is limited and warrior could play the value game.. but I doubt it's better than just playing galakround..
Priest? it might be a win condition.. I mean priest lacks one outside of quest and with seance you can play this up to 3 times per game, it's a fun strategy, is it good? dunno... too much mana.
Shaman with quest you might get some really naughty turns because each lackey activates twice, definitely worth playing in quest.
Warlock I can see it with Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, or as an alternate win condition? with one lackey you can use up to 5 more in a turn, and they are all 4/4s!
explorer classes: there's one neutral lackey generator I don't see it being played there cause of the low amount of lackeys generated in those classes, and it's been a while since druid played the rat.
2 1/1 is lost in the jungle, the taunt is really annoying, not too many WW effects outside of warrior, it has quite a lot of value for it's cost, it stops 4 attacks against most decks from attacking your face/minions, there should be 2 more paladin cards this expansion I think (3 for each class, 4 explorers 4 neutrals?) since there's a warlock epic..
So maybe it's a shr synergy card, but even without synergy the card is good in my opinion mainly cause of the taunt keyword.
Been playing embeggen token druid in wild, standard doesn't have enough good low cost cards to buff, token druid in standard is too spell heavy, and there is a lack of card draw and buffable minions (like eggs or echoing oozes) just make embeggen in standard overshadowed..
But it wild it hasn't been discovered how strong it is yet.
Knowing Riot and by the last time the game was playable they will probably open the closed beta this week.. they don't like to keep people waiting for long and love surprised.. so looking forward to both the video and start to playing soon..
Don't listen to people telling you to not play a specific deck cause it's "brain dead" or something like that, play whatever you like..
Let's not make this hearthpwn where people cry about aggro being broken while playing galakround priest or another tier 10 deck that has 30% win rate against everything. And then they lose those 5 games against face hunter and go on a crusade about how brain dead is face hunter. /rant
I suggest to you to watch some gameplay as people suggested here it's not just aiming all at face without question, you will have easier time knowing some mulligan strategy as well.
except the memes of having 3 renos in your deck and 6 highlander cards the deck looks weird and full of weird choices.. guess it's just for the memes I would look at some card choices like Explosive Runes or Tinkmaster Overspark if you want to go even more meme, you can run the 2 elises, brann and findley form LOE and have the most highlander league of explorers deck ever made.
Since Galakronds were all (7), I'd go for (10) for all the LoE Hero cards.
No idea about HP and Battlecry, it could be really anything for each hero.
The thing about galakround cards is that they are all essentially the same character and have a shared mechanic so it makes sense for them to cost the same but the explorers are quite different and as I said findley in his 2 iterations has been a low cost card so him being at 10 would be weird..
It's quite obvious by this point Paladin, druid and Hunter will be getting hero cards each representing the explorers.. there are 4 weeks, and 4 explorers.. reno is one I really doubt the others won't be hero cards as well specially since reno isn't the "boss" of the gang it's clearly elise.
Elise: looking at the adventure Elise had a starseeker hero power of making moonsfires, so I think she will go that route with something to do with combos. her legendary uldum card also have to do with combos, so my guess is something along the lines of a 7 mana card with a hero power that generates moonfires for 2 and a battlecry that gives armor or survability. Other option is a value heavy hero power of discovering a card like in battlegrounds.
Edit: in this expansion the druid theme was treants and dragons elise has less to do with treants so she might have to do with dreams as well.
Findley will provide either murlocs or buffs, that's the thing I got from him. About the cost, I predict for him is quite low around 5 cost since his other 2 versions cost little as well. hero power. again the basis is battleground where his hero power is to give minions +1/+1 multiple times as well as the uldum adventure where he summoned 2/1 amalgams, so buffs to small minions or summon murlocs.
Edit: this expansions' paladin theme was mechs,purity and some dragons I don't think this hero card will have to do with those themes though.
Brann, is weird I would say.. battlecries. but it's hunter, and hunter and battlecries don't mesh well together(it's not the hunter's theme at all).
Maybe he will have something about weapons since his second hero power in uldum made a weapon with 1 durability I can see that hero power be the one that actually appears in game or one similar, about his costs... I am not sure, but since it's hunter and they try to push it for late game generally I guess 8 or 9...? another direction they might go with it taming dragons since it's this expansion direction for hunter so he might rushing dragons on his battlecry.
Gave it 5 stars just for the memes. But I am really interesting to see the hp - and i hope it won't be "Add random spell in your hand. It costs X less".
It can't be that, that's what the quest does
Edit: it has been revealed.. Yeah it seems none competitive.. Just for fun..
Pretty sure you DO advance your opponents quest by playing Leeroy...
It does? I missed your second point probably :/ (read too fast) well it's a rare scenario when was the last time you saw your opponent play leeroy and you didn't die?
guess it just counts your side of the board in summon and corrupter is not a summon but a transform and that doesn't count.
maybe with this you might be able to get janalai online easier! also elemental, high hp, probably fits well into highlande even without janalai..
4/5 good but not meta defining good.
Didn't mess up with karma too much but people who I saw that played the game or reviewed it said karma is quite good, It's not my playstyle so I can't tell how good she actually is.
Jinx was very good when draven was a 4/3 and there was a 6 mana 3/3 that dealt nexus damage + drew 3 cards + discarded the hand.. it was insane, after the nerfs the deck is ok.. but not as insane as it was before it was nerfed.. which was insane like jinx... glad it got nerfed though.
You earn the currency for playing, you can still get progress even if you lose but only 1/4 of the xp you get from winning also you can progress fully by playing against ai but again, you get much less than from pvp, as far as I saw there's no reward for playing longer games.
there isn't too much in game currency in the game, you got limited tokens to buy cards if you want to "P2W" but you mostly build up your collection by following a region and unlocking cards from that region, there are also weekly vaults of cards where you should get a lot of cards/dust there is a crafting system similar to HS with both dust and a currency called "wild cards" which let you craft specific tier cards and you get them from rewards (Region rewards with xp) or from vault or from the arena mode ("expendition") which in my opinion is amazingly done.
Anyway riot's policy with league is that the gameplay aspects can be earned in a reasonable time as f2p they mostly sell skins/esports/events,but the gameplay and competitiviness of the player is mostly on the time they spent rather than money.
4 legendaries? weird normally all the rest of the adventures had 5 legendaries (1 for each wing + a bonus one for completion) also it's weird not every explorer will be represented as a legendary.. oh well less hero cards.. actually better since those are annoying after a while..
Yeah it looks really good in the dragon embiggen deck, sadly it's not a dragon, though.
Rogues has too many lackey generators, so I think rogue definitely doesn't need it, rogue also doesn't generally lose by having too few lackeys.
It doesn't fit res priest, that's for sure.. but it's a dragon and it's normally kills a minion, I wasn't sold on the card but the dragon tag makes it leagues better.. just need a dragon that is a win condition for priest..
definitely fits a highlander priest deck though.
4 mana 2/3 though? the stat line is abysmal!
Rogue definitely doesn't need it has enough lackey generation with galakround, but you normally evolve EVIL Miscreant and it's a 4 cost so it benefits from the card's existence anyway.
Warrior might want it since the generation of lackeys is limited and warrior could play the value game.. but I doubt it's better than just playing galakround..
Priest? it might be a win condition.. I mean priest lacks one outside of quest and with seance you can play this up to 3 times per game, it's a fun strategy, is it good? dunno... too much mana.
Shaman with quest you might get some really naughty turns because each lackey activates twice, definitely worth playing in quest.
Warlock I can see it with Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, or as an alternate win condition? with one lackey you can use up to 5 more in a turn, and they are all 4/4s!
explorer classes: there's one neutral lackey generator I don't see it being played there cause of the low amount of lackeys generated in those classes, and it's been a while since druid played the rat.
2 1/1 is lost in the jungle, the taunt is really annoying, not too many WW effects outside of warrior, it has quite a lot of value for it's cost, it stops 4 attacks against most decks from attacking your face/minions, there should be 2 more paladin cards this expansion I think (3 for each class, 4 explorers 4 neutrals?) since there's a warlock epic..
So maybe it's a shr synergy card, but even without synergy the card is good in my opinion mainly cause of the taunt keyword.
Refreshing the homepage every few hours..
I expect new info tommorow even the whole set, cause it got one week till release and people need to pre-order.
All aboard the HYPE TRAIN
Been playing embeggen token druid in wild, standard doesn't have enough good low cost cards to buff, token druid in standard is too spell heavy, and there is a lack of card draw and buffable minions (like eggs or echoing oozes) just make embeggen in standard overshadowed..
But it wild it hasn't been discovered how strong it is yet.
Happened to be as hunter, started spamming hero power and got it.
Knowing Riot and by the last time the game was playable they will probably open the closed beta this week.. they don't like to keep people waiting for long and love surprised.. so looking forward to both the video and start to playing soon..
Don't listen to people telling you to not play a specific deck cause it's "brain dead" or something like that, play whatever you like..
Let's not make this hearthpwn where people cry about aggro being broken while playing galakround priest or another tier 10 deck that has 30% win rate against everything. And then they lose those 5 games against face hunter and go on a crusade about how brain dead is face hunter. /rant
I suggest to you to watch some gameplay as people suggested here it's not just aiming all at face without question, you will have easier time knowing some mulligan strategy as well.
except the memes of having 3 renos in your deck and 6 highlander cards the deck looks weird and full of weird choices.. guess it's just for the memes I would look at some card choices like Explosive Runes or Tinkmaster Overspark if you want to go even more meme, you can run the 2 elises, brann and findley form LOE and have the most highlander league of explorers deck ever made.
The thing about galakround cards is that they are all essentially the same character and have a shared mechanic so it makes sense for them to cost the same but the explorers are quite different and as I said findley in his 2 iterations has been a low cost card so him being at 10 would be weird..
It's quite obvious by this point Paladin, druid and Hunter will be getting hero cards each representing the explorers.. there are 4 weeks, and 4 explorers.. reno is one I really doubt the others won't be hero cards as well specially since reno isn't the "boss" of the gang it's clearly elise.
Elise: looking at the adventure Elise had a starseeker hero power of making moonsfires, so I think she will go that route with something to do with combos. her legendary uldum card also have to do with combos, so my guess is something along the lines of a 7 mana card with a hero power that generates moonfires for 2 and a battlecry that gives armor or survability. Other option is a value heavy hero power of discovering a card like in battlegrounds.
Edit: in this expansion the druid theme was treants and dragons elise has less to do with treants so she might have to do with dreams as well.
Findley will provide either murlocs or buffs, that's the thing I got from him. About the cost, I predict for him is quite low around 5 cost since his other 2 versions cost little as well. hero power. again the basis is battleground where his hero power is to give minions +1/+1 multiple times as well as the uldum adventure where he summoned 2/1 amalgams, so buffs to small minions or summon murlocs.
Edit: this expansions' paladin theme was mechs,purity and some dragons I don't think this hero card will have to do with those themes though.
Brann, is weird I would say.. battlecries. but it's hunter, and hunter and battlecries don't mesh well together(it's not the hunter's theme at all).
Maybe he will have something about weapons since his second hero power in uldum made a weapon with 1 durability I can see that hero power be the one that actually appears in game or one similar, about his costs... I am not sure, but since it's hunter and they try to push it for late game generally I guess 8 or 9...? another direction they might go with it taming dragons since it's this expansion direction for hunter so he might rushing dragons on his battlecry.
So what do you think they will be? predict away!
Edit: added some better grammar sorry about it :/
It can't be that, that's what the quest does
Edit: it has been revealed.. Yeah it seems none competitive.. Just for fun..
You might discover a doomsayer but you don't have to play it.. As I calculated last page you will get never lucky options only about 13% of the time.
It does? I missed your second point probably :/ (read too fast) well it's a rare scenario when was the last time you saw your opponent play leeroy and you didn't die?
guess it just counts your side of the board in summon and corrupter is not a summon but a transform and that doesn't count.