Well at least it's implemented in the most fair way.. imagine playing leeroy and advancing your opponent's quest, also leeroy is good enough in quest hunter as well so buffing that interaction is also totally not needed..
I totally disagree with "deny is not that good because it can't stop burst spells.. even if there are a ton of burst spells it doesn't matter in hs there are a ton of vanilla minions and they don't get played so it's not a point to be made about a card what matters is the meta.. if spells such as dusk and dawn are prevalent in the meta deny is a premium counter.. anyway the problem with deny is that it's unique there should be other similar effects but not as generalist on the same time like a counter to fast spells or to slow spells or to abilities not all in one package..
Anyway didn't notice about the Sunday news quite excited really..
We just saw a little about the game also I am sure there will be some new balance changes when the beta gets released.. so a lot of what you are rating might be obsolete. why are you rating out of 6 though? and what are the rating metrics? just feels random.
Just my 2 cents looking at another video you posted of gameplay, it would be better if the game was full screen and the audio for the game should play once.. it sounds weird to me.. also another thing you have too many obvious edit cuts I dunno how to fix it I see a lot of editors (like jens for trump or "the editor" of firebat cutting parts in a way you wouldn't notice..) try not to cut when a card gets played or it's sound gets played it feels weird and you need to catch up with it.. good luck with your LoR youtube channel.
Too many people claim it's a bad card but I don't understand why is it a bad card and doesn't "Fit any deck" also saw some comments "combo priest have no space for such card" wow those comments are really annoying saw such comments about EVIL Quartermaster here if a deck has no space for a card MAKE A NEW DECK.. as simple as that..
Anyway I will gauge the average 2 drop you might get will split it into 5 categories in a combo priest deck where hp or taunt are really important:
high, medium,low,terrible,situational won't state every option but some examples: (disclaimer I did it manually so I might have counted something in 2 categories, or missed some this is an estimation)
High: 4+ drop stats, useful ability,good res target([Hearthstone Card (psychopump) Not Found]).
Total: 86 options (the number of 2 drops for priest + neutrals)
now the chances for each category are: 5/86,36/86,36/86,1/86,8/86
Wanted result at least one from high tier or mid tier (41/86 per card) out of 3 options without repeating: 13% - the chance to get less than a 3/5 or 2/5
So all in all it seems the average result is from the mid tier the chance to get a totally bad pick is kind of low, and when you get one from the high tier you are quite pleased..
What I don't understand every reveal season is why people think every single card needs to win you the game on the spot, this card has good value, gives on average a decently stated minion which combo priest can use very well.. people forgot how strong combo priest was in uldum it seem.. not to mention that the 2/7 legendary still exists not sure if you play this and the other card you get a X/7 or a X/10 though..
Didn't feel like pirates were oppressive enough.. but good nerf, now it's on par with Livewire Lance
That's the sad thing. Lackey's provide a great battlecry, whereas the pirate you get from the ability may or may not be helpful.
It's still a pirate from you deck.. it's card draw, it got nerfed so we know how good it is..
Fiendish Rites got nerfed. It was good, but was it worthy of the nerf? Let alone, does that indicate that we "know how good it is"?
I mean.. people used to complain about pirate warrior having the "perfect curve" with Ancharrr so we know how powerful is the card and we don't really need to theorycraft how good it is to draw pirates from the deck..
Fiendish rites is a really good card when you can flood the board, it was quite underrated in my opinion. it has a higher played win rate cause it's sort of a "burst damage" and used as a finisher when you have the board.
I"ve been playing the hell out of it in Wild with a Keleseth Zoo that I made. And honestly, I've NEVER been able to find an opportunity to flood the board. Almost every time I play, if I have more than 4 minions on the board, something comes along to wipe out a bunch of them. But what I did like was that if I had a Darkshire Councilman on deck and drop that, it was an instant 4+ swing that turn.
in wild.. in standard you can more easily flood the board while the tempo deck has no answer..
Zoo barely ever had wide board buffs it has [Hearthstone Card (dark rally) Not Found] as the only one atm and fiedish rites + some dark rallies is sort of a savage roar to the board making the zoo floodish board dangerous.
Shielded Minibot is a great Card, so this is very likely to see play.
Don't know if it's gonna see play in wild Mech-Pally though... Shielded Minibot takes a hit and keeps the Buffs, while this just comes back as a 2-1.
BTW: Is this a Sign that we're gonna see more Reborn in the future?
We might, but reborn is an uldum mechanic so when we will see the mechanic it will be a card referencing the expansion or an event that includes uldum as a theme (like rise of mechs in june with SN1P-SN4P).
Quest paladin is the only quest with a mechanic that only applies to the expansion it was released in.. so I hipe we will get more support for it somehow I would like the quest to get various versions to it, since it's quite interesting.
Didn't feel like pirates were oppressive enough.. but good nerf, now it's on par with Livewire Lance
That's the sad thing. Lackey's provide a great battlecry, whereas the pirate you get from the ability may or may not be helpful.
It's still a pirate from you deck.. it's card draw, it got nerfed so we know how good it is..
Fiendish Rites got nerfed. It was good, but was it worthy of the nerf? Let alone, does that indicate that we "know how good it is"?
I mean.. people used to complain about pirate warrior having the "perfect curve" with Ancharrr so we know how powerful is the card and we don't really need to theorycraft how good it is to draw pirates from the deck..
Fiendish rites is a really good card when you can flood the board, it was quite underrated in my opinion it has a higher played win rate cause it's sort of a "burst damage" and used as a finisher when you have the board.
reverse Shielded Minibot at first glance this card looks kind of underwhelming but then you realize how sticky it is also it helps the quest A LOT having to run less bad cards for the quest makes it much better.
Also mech paladin is kind of an underrated archtype that doesn't see much play but the win rate is high.
Cool concept but won't see play, too situational if the opponent have a playable cards they will probably play it anyway too techy.. mostly vs control.. or make aggro overextend.. but you just played a 4/3 in a control warlock.. that's kind of too slow as a reactive play.
I already commented about the nerfs in their threads so I will only talk about battlegrounds here:
Shudderwock: much welcome buff the hero was really clunky to use specially since it's a single use hero power.
Queen Wagtoggle: while it's one more stat point with the removal of Nightmare Amalgam it's much harder to go menagerie, also on this mode hp is much more valuable that attack, might be different though cause Nightmare Amalgam was removed (yes, I mentioned it both as a pro and con) cause less comps have poisonous minions.. (only murlocs and sometimes beasts).
Infinite toki: is this an almost revert? I know it gives you one less option but the lower cost just makes it much better.
Patches: still bad
Pyramid: the problem is not the effect but the word RANDOM.. get rid of that word..
Soul juggler: dunno didn't play in a while aren't daemons really good? why was it buffed?
Selfless hero: appreciated now the card is more playable.
Well a 2/1 rusher is the murloc boar rider and the freeze is worth about 0.5 mana and the invoke.. well it's worth a bit more so this card is still fairly strong in my opinion.
also it now can fetch other cards with Spirit of the Frog which is interesting actually.
at this point all the shaman galakround cards were nerfed except galakround itself.
I like this nerf.. cause it's not just a mana nerf but actually something that makes the card easier to fight against..
the most important factor is the 5 health breakpoint many things deal 5 ddmage or 4+1 but not 6.. 6 hp is hard to deal really, now it dies to so many more aoes or rushers..
This card was too good.. and it's still good but now copying it and playing it multiple times is much hard to do and if you are greedy and playing Dragon Breeder you are punished more for waiting..
Did they look at cards with high win rate when played? cause it's like nerfing leeroy, or malygos the card has a high win rate but only cause it's mostly used as finisher.. not a big fan of this nerf.
It's not really such a nerf since you won't feel bad about it really just that you can less high roll.. this change is great, and it's really well done..
Well at least it's implemented in the most fair way.. imagine playing leeroy and advancing your opponent's quest, also leeroy is good enough in quest hunter as well so buffing that interaction is also totally not needed..
I totally disagree with "deny is not that good because it can't stop burst spells.. even if there are a ton of burst spells it doesn't matter in hs there are a ton of vanilla minions and they don't get played so it's not a point to be made about a card what matters is the meta.. if spells such as dusk and dawn are prevalent in the meta deny is a premium counter.. anyway the problem with deny is that it's unique there should be other similar effects but not as generalist on the same time like a counter to fast spells or to slow spells or to abilities not all in one package..
Anyway didn't notice about the Sunday news quite excited really..
We just saw a little about the game also I am sure there will be some new balance changes when the beta gets released.. so a lot of what you are rating might be obsolete. why are you rating out of 6 though? and what are the rating metrics? just feels random.
Just my 2 cents looking at another video you posted of gameplay, it would be better if the game was full screen and the audio for the game should play once.. it sounds weird to me.. also another thing you have too many obvious edit cuts I dunno how to fix it I see a lot of editors (like jens for trump or "the editor" of firebat cutting parts in a way you wouldn't notice..) try not to cut when a card gets played or it's sound gets played it feels weird and you need to catch up with it.. good luck with your LoR youtube channel.
Too many people claim it's a bad card but I don't understand why is it a bad card and doesn't "Fit any deck" also saw some comments "combo priest have no space for such card" wow those comments are really annoying saw such comments about EVIL Quartermaster here if a deck has no space for a card MAKE A NEW DECK.. as simple as that..
Anyway I will gauge the average 2 drop you might get will split it into 5 categories in a combo priest deck where hp or taunt are really important:
high, medium,low,terrible,situational won't state every option but some examples: (disclaimer I did it manually so I might have counted something in 2 categories, or missed some this is an estimation)
High: 4+ drop stats, useful ability,good res target([Hearthstone Card (psychopump) Not Found]).
Millhouse Manastorm, Injured Tol'vir,Booty Bay Bookie,Wild Pyromancer,Amani Berserker
Total: 5
Medium: 3/5s 2/6s, have taunt/stealth/divine shield
Total: 36
low: 1/4 2/4 2/5 or bad effect
Total: 36
terrible: Doomsayer (Cause of [Hearthstone Card (psychopump) Not Found]) total:1
Faerie Dragon and [Hearthstone Card (evasive chimera) Not Found] good tempo, but you can't divine spirit/inner fire them
Ancient Watcher(if you have silence in hand.. they might want to kill it and you gain tempo).
Bluegill Warrior - for surprise lethals
Bloodmage Thalnos and Loot Hoarder for card draw.
Other 2.
Total: 8
Total: 86 options (the number of 2 drops for priest + neutrals)
now the chances for each category are: 5/86,36/86,36/86,1/86,8/86
Wanted result at least one from high tier or mid tier (41/86 per card) out of 3 options without repeating: 13% - the chance to get less than a 3/5 or 2/5
So all in all it seems the average result is from the mid tier the chance to get a totally bad pick is kind of low, and when you get one from the high tier you are quite pleased..
What I don't understand every reveal season is why people think every single card needs to win you the game on the spot, this card has good value, gives on average a decently stated minion which combo priest can use very well.. people forgot how strong combo priest was in uldum it seem.. not to mention that the 2/7 legendary still exists not sure if you play this and the other card you get a X/7 or a X/10 though..
Can't really rate this card before I know what it really do (is it Plague of Death?) and what the hero power is..
in wild.. in standard you can more easily flood the board while the tempo deck has no answer..
Zoo barely ever had wide board buffs it has [Hearthstone Card (dark rally) Not Found] as the only one atm and fiedish rites + some dark rallies is sort of a savage roar to the board making the zoo floodish board dangerous.
What about the annoying pink text? when are they gonna fix that?
We might, but reborn is an uldum mechanic so when we will see the mechanic it will be a card referencing the expansion or an event that includes uldum as a theme (like rise of mechs in june with SN1P-SN4P).
Quest paladin is the only quest with a mechanic that only applies to the expansion it was released in.. so I hipe we will get more support for it somehow I would like the quest to get various versions to it, since it's quite interesting.
I mean.. people used to complain about pirate warrior having the "perfect curve" with Ancharrr so we know how powerful is the card and we don't really need to theorycraft how good it is to draw pirates from the deck..
Fiendish rites is a really good card when you can flood the board, it was quite underrated in my opinion it has a higher played win rate cause it's sort of a "burst damage" and used as a finisher when you have the board.
reverse Shielded Minibot at first glance this card looks kind of underwhelming but then you realize how sticky it is also it helps the quest A LOT having to run less bad cards for the quest makes it much better.
Also mech paladin is kind of an underrated archtype that doesn't see much play but the win rate is high.
Cool concept but won't see play, too situational if the opponent have a playable cards they will probably play it anyway too techy.. mostly vs control.. or make aggro overextend.. but you just played a 4/3 in a control warlock.. that's kind of too slow as a reactive play.
It's still a pirate from you deck.. it's card draw, it got nerfed so we know how good it is..
I already commented about the nerfs in their threads so I will only talk about battlegrounds here:
Shudderwock: much welcome buff the hero was really clunky to use specially since it's a single use hero power.
Queen Wagtoggle: while it's one more stat point with the removal of Nightmare Amalgam it's much harder to go menagerie, also on this mode hp is much more valuable that attack, might be different though cause Nightmare Amalgam was removed (yes, I mentioned it both as a pro and con) cause less comps have poisonous minions.. (only murlocs and sometimes beasts).
Infinite toki: is this an almost revert? I know it gives you one less option but the lower cost just makes it much better.
Patches: still bad
Pyramid: the problem is not the effect but the word RANDOM.. get rid of that word..
Soul juggler: dunno didn't play in a while aren't daemons really good? why was it buffed?
Selfless hero: appreciated now the card is more playable.
I think this card is still good, but now much less oppressive and you probably don't keep it in your opening hand.
Well a 2/1 rusher is the murloc boar rider and the freeze is worth about 0.5 mana and the invoke.. well it's worth a bit more so this card is still fairly strong in my opinion.
also it now can fetch other cards with Spirit of the Frog which is interesting actually.
at this point all the shaman galakround cards were nerfed except galakround itself.
I like this nerf.. cause it's not just a mana nerf but actually something that makes the card easier to fight against..
the most important factor is the 5 health breakpoint many things deal 5 ddmage or 4+1 but not 6.. 6 hp is hard to deal really, now it dies to so many more aoes or rushers..
I am really pleased with this nerf.
Didn't feel like pirates were oppressive enough.. but good nerf, now it's on par with Livewire Lance
This card was too good.. and it's still good but now copying it and playing it multiple times is much hard to do and if you are greedy and playing Dragon Breeder you are punished more for waiting..
and probably Barista Lynchen is out of the picture..
Spirit of the Rhino is still great with it.
Did they look at cards with high win rate when played? cause it's like nerfing leeroy, or malygos the card has a high win rate but only cause it's mostly used as finisher.. not a big fan of this nerf.
It's not really such a nerf since you won't feel bad about it really just that you can less high roll.. this change is great, and it's really well done..