Maybe this is just my inexperience, but how could someone cheat in Hearthstone?
I grasp the idea that some people consider it cheating to view your opponent's live stream. I can see how it's an advantage to know what's in their hand, but they did also choose to broadcast it.
To my knowledge, you can't mod this game, so what makes you think your opponent might be cheating?
Is it the sound that troubles you? Or the visual emote? Or both?
If audio: the suggestion to have separate sliders for each type of game sound would be a better, broader fix.
I have only Squelched an opponent a handful of times - and maybe a few more by accident when checking how many cards are in their hand. But I usually play with the sound off, so am interested to know more.
I've been following your (?) advice and fighting Your Opponent for rewards. I'm in the 5k realm and am unlikely to hit 6k before the patch.
My unmaxed teams get their butts kicked by actual human opponents who follow the meta and work the synergies. But I'm having fun, so I'm unbothered by that.
I'm up for a replay when all chapters are available.
I don't think I'm expecting the narrative to be "concluded," though. There will probably be some wrap-up around the shards, but I assume the storytellers want to leave other parts open ended, so that these characters will continue being Mercenaries.
Maybe this is just my inexperience, but how could someone cheat in Hearthstone?
I grasp the idea that some people consider it cheating to view your opponent's live stream. I can see how it's an advantage to know what's in their hand, but they did also choose to broadcast it.
To my knowledge, you can't mod this game, so what makes you think your opponent might be cheating?
Did Dean just say that most players are on a phone?
Based on the amount of times I've seen the words "right-click" around here, I assume that the average Out of Cards commenter is playing on a desktop.
That's a good reminder that the experiences here are not universal.
Is it the sound that troubles you? Or the visual emote? Or both?
If audio: the suggestion to have separate sliders for each type of game sound would be a better, broader fix.
I have only Squelched an opponent a handful of times - and maybe a few more by accident when checking how many cards are in their hand. But I usually play with the sound off, so am interested to know more.
Today I noticed that "wolf" spelled backwards is "flow". 40+ years of speaking English and that fact had escaped me.
Shadows! Thanks for the theory-thoughts.
I am also looking forward to filling a deck with beasts and seeing what happens.
Let's goooo!
I've been following your (?) advice and fighting Your Opponent for rewards. I'm in the 5k realm and am unlikely to hit 6k before the patch.
My unmaxed teams get their butts kicked by actual human opponents who follow the meta and work the synergies. But I'm having fun, so I'm unbothered by that.
If I kill this with Arcane Overflow, was it honorably killed?
I'm glad they're adding some flair to those boring boards.
And, to my read, even if I don't buy anything, I'll still get to see it when I play an opponent who did.
Just a few more payoff cards and Elemental Priest can be a viable deck!
I did get a chuckle out of that.
A Wild-only question for now: targeted or targets chosen randomly?
There's at least one Choose One spell that's a buff option (is it summon two raptors or give a minion stats+taunt?). Do you get to pick what to buff?
I guess I'll be trying Freeze Shaman then. Very strong for a Common card.
Message me when DDR5 memory is on sale, lol
It's an owl. Big enough to menace an orc. I love it. I will find a deck for it.
As soon as I saw that Immoveable Object, I was hoping there'd be an Unstoppable Force!
Is it too much to give Kurtrus the Implacable Heart?
Is this what freeze shaman synergy looks like today?
No entries? What a bummer!
I'm up for a replay when all chapters are available.
I don't think I'm expecting the narrative to be "concluded," though. There will probably be some wrap-up around the shards, but I assume the storytellers want to leave other parts open ended, so that these characters will continue being Mercenaries.
Matt London gives us details on story, process, and tech recycling.
And most of the comments here are about..... cartoon tits.
Well done, fam.
And it was fun to try out the Emotes for the fairy tale portraits.
The AI generated more "wow" and "thank you" moments than the average game of ladder!