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Joined 10/19/2018 Achieve Points 2015 Posts 3114

Fluxflashor's Comments

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I see it as one of three things:

    1. Every card released that is for a class is dual-class.
    2. You can build decks with two classes.
    3. They release some dual-class cards every expansion.

    My interpretation was that Dean meant #3, which I agree with. Though, a new constructed mode that lets you dual-class like dual-class arena would be amazing.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I know there's a good chance you're just joking around, but in all seriousness, they almost certainly have it finalized by this point.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I wish people would stop talking about it :D

    I commented on this when the event first went live and was hoping we wouldn't see it brought up again because it can be "abused". It's an issue with how dumb our tasks system is and how, right now, it isn't really worth the time to flesh it out more since it will be abandoned in favor of something more advanced in the future. I don't really mind that you can "exploit" it because honestly, it's all fun and games and since it's available for everyone and not just a few people, it feels fair.


    TL;DR: Won't fix, don't really consider it an issue even though it kind of is. Have fun and have some snowflakes. *throws snowball*

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Once they become "regular" priced, they'll display as owned for everyone. Its a query I need to run that hasn't been created yet :D

    In reply to Snowpocalypse
  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    There is a second confirmed game mode that will arrive before the next expansion. Here's a post we did on it!


  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Dean used to be very active and then after some harassment he took a vacation from Reddit and Twitter which is where he does most of his community outreach. He's slowly easing back into it which is awesome and I hope people take it easier on him.

    With that said, Hearthstone has never been very good at community communication. I'm thankful we at least have gotten spurts of it, but I'd love to see more consistency and people in proper charge of just engaging with the community. Less about managing what streamers are doing and more just talking.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Yeah, its exciting to see that people will get more frequent gold unlocks which means you can actually do something with it if you want to spend it during the cycle. Giving everyone more choice is a good thing!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    We don't know when the mini set for DMF will arrive.

    The next major expansion should release in April though!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I'll post our internal documentation for it. Never made this public since the editor still needs buttons.

    How to use Magic BBCode. For the purposes of this document, the "magic" bbcode tag names have been replaced by "example".

    Documentation - MtgCard

    The tag name is "mtgcard". It must have a start and end tag.


    Options can be provided with this bbcode with the following format:

    [example option="value"]CardName[/example]


    • text
      • The text used for the card link. This will replace the card's name which is used as default.
    • set
      • The 3 letter code for the card set for this card.
      • Examples:
        • M21 - Core Set 2021
        • JMP - Jumpstart
        • AKR - Amonkhet Remastered
        • ZNR - Zendikar Rising
        • LEA - Alpha
    • num
      • The exact number of the card.
      • You should use this with set for the best results.

    Basic Usage

    The contents of the tag is either the card name or the id of the card in our database.

    If you want to use the database card id, these are the numeric id found in the card's URL.

    Link to a card



    Link to a specific version of a card

    Example below is a Plains from Eldraine

    [example set="ELD"]Plains[/example]

    Example below is the specific Plaines from Eldraine.

    [example set="ELD" num="250"]Plains[/example]

    If you were to only use the "num" option for Plains, there is always a chance that there is another Plains with the provided number which means you may not get the intended result. Using the set code is the best option.

    Documentation - MtgCardImg

    This embeds a card image for Magic the Gathering. If we are missing the image, we will display a text version of the card instead.

    The tag name is "mtgcardimg". It must have a start and end tag.


    Options can be provided with this bbcode with the following format:

    [example option="value"]CardName[/example]

    If a certain option does not accept a value, the option only needs to be present within the bbcode.

    [example option_with_value="value" option_without_value]CardName[/example]


    • text=value
      • The text used for the card link. This will replace the card's name which is used as default.
    • set=value
      • The 3 letter code for the card set for this card.
      • Examples:
        • M21 - Core Set 2021
        • JMP - Jumpstart
        • AKR - Amonkhet Remastered
        • ZNR - Zendikar Rising
        • LEA - Alpha
    • num=value
      • The exact number of the card.
      • You should use this with set for the best results.
    • size=value
      • The width in pixels of the card image.
      • This defaults to 265. We do not recommend changing this because Magic cards do not scale well.
    • discuss
      • Adds a link to a card's discussion thread in a button below the card image.
      • These do not exist for older cards. If the card does not have an associated thread, it will not provide the button.
    • rating
      • Adds a set of rating stars below a card's image.

    Basic Usage

    The contents of the tag is either the card name or the id of the card in our database.

    If you want to use the database card id, these are the numeric id found in the card's URL.

    A card image


    A specific card image

    Example below is a Plains from Eldraine

    [example set="ELD"]Plains[/example]

    Example below is the specific Plaines from Eldraine.

    [example set="ELD" num="250"]Plains[/example]

    If you were to only use the "num" option for Plains, there is always a chance that there is another Plains with the provided number which means you may not get the intended result. Using the set code is the best option.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    It's easy.

    I see gif, I throw snowball.

    In reply to Snowpocalypse
  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    That's now been fixed! Sorry about that, that usually isn't the case for the MTG clues.

    In reply to Snowpocalypse
  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Expansions are released in April, not March.

    Blizzconline is more towards the middle of February and not the end. I definitely expect them to be talking about the new year at the event and cards in some capacity (either the mini-set or the new full set) so it should make for an entertaining weekend.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I feel like there's a good chance at BlizzConline they'll unveil cards and release the mini-set shortly after which means no cards in January.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    This one will last through the weekend =)

    In reply to Snowpocalypse
  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    The 5 of us with the Chenvaala header now own it!

    Everyone else that decides to pick it up as well should properly receive it now upon purchase.

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Looks like the package didn't have the associated reward, oops!

    Going to run a query to get this fixed for everyone. Sorry about that!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    That's been fixed :D

    In reply to Snowpocalypse
  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Always happy to take credit for Avalon's work. As long as I don't have to eat a shoe!

  • Fluxflashor's Avatar
    CEO 2015 3114 Posts Joined 10/19/2018
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    If you get targeted hard by people, you can accumulate quite a few snowflakes

    In reply to Snowpocalypse