One of Hearthstone's best memes: a 4 Mana 7/7!
Gonna be a bit before it tosses out Giants on each cast though...
I honestly like it more as a 0 mana Ping off something for Warrior than for it's intended effect
Ooooooooh boy here comes the Evolve Shaman Turn 4 pop off.
Not even Pirate Warrior wants this, and that's saying something!
Gonna be Meta Tyrant Rafaam for once!
5 mana Twisting Nether does sound scary...
Certainly is a card that exists in this expansion.
Even though it's only one handbuff minion at a time, I'm suddenly expecting a lot of big minions post-Riot!
Extremely dependent on how good non-Battlecries are, handing something like Macaw back to them is just asking for trouble.
Gonna be one of those cards that people forget was printed in this set when they do come around to making Standard Discard Warlock.
I actually like this for DR Druid, pulling out a Sessile or Stonebound General is the nuts.
A Cave Hydra was exciting... what, 4 years ago now? At least it encourages a swing back, but I'm doubtful there's a hunter deck that runs this.
Biggest reason why you run Wildseeds right here.
*Weary voice* At least there's no Desert Hares, am I right?
The only thing keeping me from going all in on Big Things/DR in Druid, because it's like an unconditional Dungeoneer.
Really funny card for Big (Insert Class Here)
I think the Infusion is bait, not that it's a bad effect, but if Enrage is as aggressive as we think it is, we want this effect up ASAP.
And they took out Enrage for being rather narrow!
Bit of a Mass Hysteria but you always come out on top. Must have for Enrage Warrior if that comes around.
One of Hearthstone's best memes: a 4 Mana 7/7!
Gonna be a bit before it tosses out Giants on each cast though...
I honestly like it more as a 0 mana Ping off something for Warrior than for it's intended effect
Ooooooooh boy here comes the Evolve Shaman Turn 4 pop off.
Not even Pirate Warrior wants this, and that's saying something!
Gonna be Meta Tyrant Rafaam for once!
5 mana Twisting Nether does sound scary...
Certainly is a card that exists in this expansion.
Even though it's only one handbuff minion at a time, I'm suddenly expecting a lot of big minions post-Riot!
Extremely dependent on how good non-Battlecries are, handing something like Macaw back to them is just asking for trouble.
Gonna be one of those cards that people forget was printed in this set when they do come around to making Standard Discard Warlock.
I actually like this for DR Druid, pulling out a Sessile or Stonebound General is the nuts.
A Cave Hydra was exciting... what, 4 years ago now? At least it encourages a swing back, but I'm doubtful there's a hunter deck that runs this.
Biggest reason why you run Wildseeds right here.
*Weary voice* At least there's no Desert Hares, am I right?
The only thing keeping me from going all in on Big Things/DR in Druid, because it's like an unconditional Dungeoneer.
Really funny card for Big (Insert Class Here)
I think the Infusion is bait, not that it's a bad effect, but if Enrage is as aggressive as we think it is, we want this effect up ASAP.
And they took out Enrage for being rather narrow!
Bit of a Mass Hysteria but you always come out on top. Must have for Enrage Warrior if that comes around.