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kaladin's Comments

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From bigcums


    Battlegrounds is also a huge disappointment because of the utter rubbish decision of hiding pretty valuable game options after a paywall. I think that is the most bullshit blizzard tried so far with Hearthstone. When it comes to the gameplay, it's a mixed bag. If you don't give Blizzard the 2500g to get the full hero pool you will always be at a small disadvantage compared to those that buy the pass. Matches last a very short time and are very reliant on luck if you want to actually get in top 4. The rewards are also laughable. For a game mode a lot more pricey than Arena it definitely doesn't give you anything to compensate for that if you actually decide to grind for the required gold to have a fair footing against the other people that bought the perks.


    That's interesting you say that...I feel like I'm catching on to BG pretty quickly, even with the disadvantage of only getting 2 heroes to choose from.  I feel like I"m close to getting above a 50% WR (top 4).  It seems like...luck plays a huge part at first glance but there's a lot of nuance to when to level/roll/hero power with different heroes that I have a lot to learn and improve upon still. 

    Having said all that, it's a very refreshing change of pace to ladder!

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From shaveyou

    DQ Alex is a difficult one to call. It's still playable, without question, but rotates next rotation. It's not as good as Zephrs, so I'd craft that before Alex if you haven't already got it. 

    If you play/enjoy wild, obviously rotation is less of an issue, and it's still played in any highlander wild decks, most obviously Priest, which is T1 at the moment I believe. It's good, but not gamebreaking.


    As for which ones to craft, thats difficult, as I'm not aware of any "universal" legendaries in the current rotation, that appear in most decks the way Zilliax did. The closest is Siamat, but his playrate seems to have dropped off a cliff.

    What decks are you looking at?

    Control or midrange decks preferably.  So far I've tried (what I could make of) Spells Mage, Res Priest, and Galakrond Quest Shaman. 

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    What do you guys think are the safe/must craft legendaries?  For example, is DQ Alexstraza still good post-nerf?

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    My first attempt at Murlocs in BG.  Apparently they're good?


  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Finoldin
    Quote From kaladin

    I'm growing  bored with Runeterra.  I don't play ladder, Labs is incredibly random, and Expedition mode is, IMO, like Arena but worse.  That leaves Casual play, which is sometimes fun, but I have more Shards than I know what to do with and could craft enough Champions to have 3x of every existing one.  I've max leveled every region, and I'm just growing bored and frustrated with the mechanics and how much decks rely on a single Champion.

    How is HS these days?  I haven't played in probably a year, but I've still watched my favorite streamers.  Battlegrounds looks really fun - is it free or do you have to pay?  How's the deck variety in regular play?  I do like what they've done with Ranked.  Playing LoR has made me really appreciate a lot of the mechanics of HS, believe it or not.

    Same feeling here. I hated so much the RNG fiesta in HS (I started just after the closed beta)... The last 3 years, I tried different card games and found LoR very player-friendly. I jumped in and almost stop HS entirely.

    However, I just got bored after 6-8 months. I love many of the mechanics (spell mana reserve is just a great idea, etc.) but somehow LoR just feels/taste stale. Perhaps this is because I am not a LoL player... So weird to see a well-rounded game engine, yet to see it became so un-attractive so fast.

    It surprises me to say that LoR made me appreciate that RnG is in the HS DNA and actually what it gives its spice and its bubbles. Granted it is sometimes annoying but better to be sometimes annoyed than bored. It is a game after all.

    The good thing from LoR is that it forces Blizzard to innovate and also to review down its monetization (while still nicely profitable) the last 12 months or so (let's hope that the battle pass will be better player-friendly than the oops "test-announcement" we have seen).
    For this alone, I wish LoR (and will keep playing a bit of it) a very long life ;)

    Exactly my same thoughts!  I wish Runeterra started you with more health - having a 40 card deck and 20 starting health with no overheal/armor makes it very draw dependent (moreso than HS in my opinion) and favors aggro decks. .

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    The Galakronds Awakening Adventure has cards that are worth getting. 


    The warrior cards from this adventure have seen play since it launched, especially since the weapon synergy cards with Corsair Cache and Cutting class were printed.

    Mage got the Reno Jackson hero card that's used in their  highlander and "no minion" deck lists

    There's quite a number of good cards in this set imo. 

    Yea I was mostly prompted by realizing how useful Reno would be in certain matchups (cough...Druid, Libram Paladin).

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    So I just realized there are a bunch of Adventure cards you can't craft....are there any complete Adventures or specific wings that are worth purchasing?

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Tuscarora87

    It's not great, it's not terrible... just solid.

    The new problem which occurred is that the meta is becoming face race. Nobody trades, including me. Which is sad, because trade aspect of the design is very important for this game. Face decks make the meta diverse for now, but we can expect raise of anti-aggro decks, soon. Like Enrage Warrior. For some reason, that obnoxious Druid hasn't been recovered yet. It sure will, eventually. GA is a meta warping card.



    Haha.  "new" problem.  Face decks have existed since card games were invented.

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Just started playing last night.  Feels good man.

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    Surprisingly fun. It's not a flawless meta (obviously) but there's a lot of variety...or at least there's a lot of possibilities (even if most of them aren't really that competitive)

    It feels a bit like Rastakhan's Rumble. There'S your basic top tier decks that are rather annoying to play against, but there's a whole sea of tier 3 decks that are definitely playable and have their own strengths and weaknesses thanks to a good cardpool. The meta is also relatiely diverse (for now) so even if your decks suck against one or two classes you're not gonna run into them exclusively.

    Also there are no legit OTK decks so value control is always an option.


    I personally have a lot of fun experimenting with really stupid ideas at the moment. I spend almost 10k dust on Hunter and Druid stuff to meme a bit (I now own every HUnter legendary of the Standard cycle...i don't think that's a good thing)

    So far I'm enjoying Quest Spells Mage and Battlecry Quest Shaman, both which feel pretty viable!  At least...at the low low tiers I'm starting at.


    By the way I really like what they've done with the ranked tiers.  Do floors exist anymore?

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From GerritDeMan

    With all that said, I think you should give both Hearthstone and BGs a try if you're truly getting bored with LoR. Of course, LoR is getting a new expansion soon so I would also suggest giving it another chance once that comes out. You could also play both games at the same time and transition between them when one or the other is frustrating or boring you.

    Btw you still need to pay with gold or real money for the BGs perks, but imo those are not worth it because they're temporary (there's a reset whenever a new expansion comes out) and they cost way too much for what you're getting.

    My issues with LoR are many. 

    • Lack of card variety means many cards are simply unplayable and decks feel all the same.
    • Heavy reliance on Champions as win conditions means a lack of variety in deck archetypes. 
    • Low health + no overheal + large deck size = aggro is king and control is mostly non existent or heavily reliant on good RNG card draw.  I realize this is likely by design, as it is in most card games (because if control is consistently good, everyone will play control), but it's just far too prevalent in LoR.
    • Following up on the last point, there isn't really any good AOE or removal for early game. 
    • No summoning sickness means if you fall behind in tempo, you're behind pretty much the entire game. 
    • Straight up broken cards (don't remember the name, but the one that gives "cannot take damage or die")
    • Event rewards are both very difficult to acquire and not even worth the effort. 
    • Cannot buy cool cosmetics except through real money (what am I supposed to do with 45k shards and 35 Expedition tokens??)

    What are the BGs perks that you have to pay for?  I thought it was a free mode.

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I'm growing  bored with Runeterra.  I don't play ladder, Labs is incredibly random, and Expedition mode is, IMO, like Arena but worse.  That leaves Casual play, which is sometimes fun, but I have more Shards than I know what to do with and could craft enough Champions to have 3x of every existing one.  I've max leveled every region, and I'm just growing bored and frustrated with the mechanics and how much decks rely on a single Champion.

    How is HS these days?  I haven't played in probably a year, but I've still watched my favorite streamers.  Battlegrounds looks really fun - is it free or do you have to pay?  How's the deck variety in regular play?  I do like what they've done with Ranked.  Playing LoR has made me really appreciate a lot of the mechanics of HS, believe it or not.

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago


    Boring effect and Nocturne dies to a lot of stuff. 

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Man this card is good!  What can you say?  These types of cards almost always find a home. 

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Solid, even if you don't Behold it.

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Maybe this doesn't go in an aggro deck.  Might be okay?  But I'm not excited about having to mulligan for or keep an 8+ cost card in my opening hand.

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    These type of cards almost never work out.  Attune is far better and most of those cards have legitimate stats.

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Might be a bit of a sleeper?   6 damage is not easy to deal in one round right now, so I suppose at worst, this will eat up a lot of your opponent's resources, and if you can level up, it's what - at least a 6/7 with Overwhelm and Regeneration? 

    My initial reaction was that this isn't a flashy card so therefore not great, but it actually seems fairly solid. 

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    So on curve, you need to have activated Nightfall at least 4 times for this to be remotely playable?  I'll pass.

  • kaladin's Avatar
    365 396 Posts Joined 03/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    It's flexible but definitely situational too.  If you're already at full health you're not really excited for a 3-mana 3/2 unless it's winning the game for you.