Is mushroom the new hotness? Should I be trying to draft Teemo? I just lost 4 in a row to mushroom decks. I don't know if it's simply my god awful picks, bad rng, if Teemo is legit good, or if I'm just extremely bad.
do you have any other links???
I have never lost to a Teemo deck yet. I came close few times, but what you cant do is to sit around and drag the game out, that way you are sure to lose. They need to throw away tempo by playing puffcaps, so try to capitalize on that and be more aggressive. I saw your screen in Salt Thread, yeah Round 11, that is taking it pretty long. I guess vs Freljord deck that just frostbites you over and over you might not have much choice, but like i said, you cant get it that far, if you can help it.
Im not saying Teemo decks cant work, you can actually make better ones in expeditions than in constructed, but they are usually too slow to kill you, unless you are very unlucky.
I was running a tempo oriented deck with 15 1, 2, and 3 drops. all my opponents had endless removal. I was running Elise and Vladimir, with triple Rekindler. They all had Teemo on curve or by turn 3, I drew Elise but once and Vlad but the late game.
Is mushroom the new hotness? Should I be trying to draft Teemo? I just lost 4 in a row to mushroom decks. I don't know if it's simply my god awful picks, bad rng, if Teemo is legit good, or if I'm just extremely bad.
after a completely abysmal performance of going 0-2 and then 1-2 and facing a lot of constructed decks (last opponent had Zed/Hecarim, no lie, and Hecarim straight on curve)...I turn to you guys for help or guidance. It just seems to me that drafting curve and synergy isn't enough and that there's quite a bit of rng/luck involved.....but then again I'm often completely wrong.
This is not a thinly veiled salt thread; I am legitimately asking for help, please do not downvote this thread.
so....mindless aggro or nothing? Kinda seems like I either need to play mindless aggro or......uninstall the game.
I would argue that no deck in Runeterra is mindless--even aggro decks need to weigh what to mulligan, when to open attack, when to trade, how much to hedge against board wipes, etc.
And if you want to try a control deck then by all means go for it--the most successful decks on ladder right now are either Karma + Demacia(Lux)/P&Z(Heimer)/SI or Frej+SI Warmothers Calling. I just suspect you're going to find those decks even more frustrating than the aggro decks.
I'll give those a look. Why would you suspect that? I have always been more a fan of control decks. Even in my Hearthstone days I pretty much always laddered with slow/control decks.
There may be some confusion about what you mean by "low level." Were you looking for a budget deck, or something that is simple to pilot?
I assume you know how to search for budget decks.
For easier decks to get some practice with the game, try the Fearsome aggro list or maybe Ephemerals. Good Champions for getting your feet wet are Elise and Zed. Also, any Hecarim deck is going to be a powerhouse, and he's pretty straightforward if you don't immediately try to dive in with his combo deck.
Yasuo is one of the worst Champions for new players, as he is a) actually pretty mediocre, and b) fairly difficult to use well.
I know how to search for decks but I haven't been on this site in a while and being that I'm unfamiliar with what's good in Runeterra...and having already crafted a front page deck but doing poorly with it....figured it would be good to go ahead and ask the community. I may have been wrong.
I've more recently been doing okay with a Jinx aggro/face deck. currently at Silver 4.
What do you think of Ashe/Frostbite decks? I've been playing around with my own build in casual and it's been quite fun.
Judging by the interactions in this thread, it really does seem like you haven't fully appreciated the subtle -- but extremely important -- differences between this and other card games. My advice would be to watch a streamer, pause frequently to try to predict their plays, and take note when and why you are wrong.
Most of the time when they do something you didn't expect, it is not just a difference of opinion. And because you have experience with other games, I'm willing to bet your errors have little to do with general fundamentals and everything to do with the many unique aspects of Runeterra.
That's all I'm saying. Runeterra isn't a completely different game with completely different strategies. I didn't realize it would be such a controversial topic to ask for a decent low level deck. My apologies.
do i just craft the mushroom cloud deck? that seems to always win. is that any good? i dont think it's my play style but i am running out of patience. I will play anything that can actually win and not require lucky topdecks.
Good god no, man! Not sure if you mean a Teemo 'shroom deck or an Ezreal 'shroom deck, but either way: those aren't good decks.
Did you not have luck with Noxus / P&Z burn? That should DESTROY both the aforementioned--for Teemo, you snipe him with Mystic Shot while applying your own pressure, for Ezrael, you just apply too much damage before he can even level up. I am usually 50:50 with this deck at Gold using an unrefined list, so you should have no trouble at bronze.
Here's a more refined list from Swim than the one I listed earlier, but honestly you don't even need to craft this. I'd say the Boomcrew Rookie, Legion Rearguard, and Precious Pet are all critical; everything else is "what's cheap and deals fast damage?" If you're still having trouble after that, try watching a few streamers on Youtube.
I suppose what is most tricky for me is the mulligan - for instance, I'm unsure when to keep/mull Mystic Shot.
Another day, another cardgame in which Kaladin plays absolutely perfectly yet is hardstuck at low ranks because his opponents always have the perfect answers and topdecks.
Can you limit your shenanigans to the salt-thread and not litter the rest of the forums with additional threads? Thanks.
If you feel this thread has been a massive troll or belongs somewhere else or that I have violated the rules in some way, please report the post or me.
This is a legitimate thread, and I'm sorry you disagree with it. Yes, sometimes I get frustrated, but I am legitimately seeking help.
do i just craft the mushroom cloud deck? that seems to always win. is that any good? i dont think it's my play style but i am running out of patience. I will play anything that can actually win and not require lucky topdecks.
i got out of iron and bronze by simply playing aggro spiders when they were t1. any mistrawith deck should do the trick. elise and hecarim are great champs. try decks of runeterra website and also swimstrim or navioot streams. mobalytics is also great website other than Out of Cards.
simstrim actually has a website where he states the tier meta decks. only rng that can fuck u now is elnuks. the balance is great overall
what do you mean that rng can't screw you over except for in the case of elnuks? i find that I get pretty boned by rng most of the time. edit: just got my ass handed to me by 8 perfect turns, the last 5 turns were all nut topdecks. i failed to draw a single good card in 8 turns.
Yasuo is a weak champion. Hilariously enough, the reason the deck does decent is everyone wastes their removal on Yasuo and the beat down units overwhelm the opponent. I know reddit loves vlad and yasuo right now, but they're just not strong.
The fastest way to climb is to run elusive or fearsome decks. Both are still ridiculously strong and it's nearly impossible to brick on your opening hand with them. Shadow Isles/Ionia is the most broken deck now. You have complete control, lost cost spells, and an answer for everything
I was running a tempo oriented deck with 15 1, 2, and 3 drops. all my opponents had endless removal. I was running Elise and Vladimir, with triple Rekindler. They all had Teemo on curve or by turn 3, I drew Elise but once and Vlad but the late game.
Is mushroom the new hotness? Should I be trying to draft Teemo? I just lost 4 in a row to mushroom decks. I don't know if it's simply my god awful picks, bad rng, if Teemo is legit good, or if I'm just extremely bad.
do you have any other links???
Thanks both you!
after a completely abysmal performance of going 0-2 and then 1-2 and facing a lot of constructed decks (last opponent had Zed/Hecarim, no lie, and Hecarim straight on curve)...I turn to you guys for help or guidance. It just seems to me that drafting curve and synergy isn't enough and that there's quite a bit of rng/luck involved.....but then again I'm often completely wrong.
This is not a thinly veiled salt thread; I am legitimately asking for help, please do not downvote this thread.
Great start to my day - 10 games of casual, one win. 9 games in a row of opponents drawing the nuts or playing Hecarim in casual.
Justameta4 moc
I would just like some friends to spectate and to learn the game better. Please?
Karma + SI?
I'll give those a look. Why would you suspect that? I have always been more a fan of control decks. Even in my Hearthstone days I pretty much always laddered with slow/control decks.
so....mindless aggro or nothing? Kinda seems like I either need to play mindless aggro or......uninstall the game.
I know how to search for decks but I haven't been on this site in a while and being that I'm unfamiliar with what's good in Runeterra...and having already crafted a front page deck but doing poorly with it....figured it would be good to go ahead and ask the community. I may have been wrong.
I've more recently been doing okay with a Jinx aggro/face deck. currently at Silver 4.
What do you think of Ashe/Frostbite decks? I've been playing around with my own build in casual and it's been quite fun.
That's all I'm saying. Runeterra isn't a completely different game with completely different strategies. I didn't realize it would be such a controversial topic to ask for a decent low level deck. My apologies.
but thank you for the obvious recommendation.
I suppose what is most tricky for me is the mulligan - for instance, I'm unsure when to keep/mull Mystic Shot.
If you feel this thread has been a massive troll or belongs somewhere else or that I have violated the rules in some way, please report the post or me.
This is a legitimate thread, and I'm sorry you disagree with it. Yes, sometimes I get frustrated, but I am legitimately seeking help.
do i just craft the mushroom cloud deck? that seems to always win. is that any good? i dont think it's my play style but i am running out of patience. I will play anything that can actually win and not require lucky topdecks.
what do you mean that rng can't screw you over except for in the case of elnuks? i find that I get pretty boned by rng most of the time. edit: just got my ass handed to me by 8 perfect turns, the last 5 turns were all nut topdecks. i failed to draw a single good card in 8 turns.
Cmon man.
I didn't say they are literally the exact same game.
This is a strategy card game. General concepts like mana efficiency, planning ahead, when to attack and when not to.....that doesn't change.
Don't attack me or put words in my mouth.
Thanks, I'll try this one out with Jinx.
what i meant was, they have all the answers most of the time, compared to my NONE answers, most of the time.
this game doesnt seem too different than hearthstone or mtg. its not like im starting from scratch with zero card game experience.
correct, i dont deserve sympathy. i deserve all the hatred i receive.
where can i find those deck lists?