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Joined 11/21/2019 Achieve Points 1095 Posts 863

Koetti's Comments

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I'd love it if Priest would get a Disruption Card. As a Class that has primarily a slow, control-ish Playstyle, they are usually easy Prey for Combo Decks. Having a class specific Disruption Card could help to improve that Match-Up.

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago


    I guess we'll probably see some Single Target Buffs since that's something that these 2 Classes are supposed to excel at.

    I'd say it's very possible that we'll see some Dragon-Suff, since both Pally and Priest share that as a common Theme. Also, both Classes are associated with Dragonflights that manipulate Time, so maybe they'll get a Legendary that could do something like that? 

    And, yeah, there will be something heal-related, no Doubt.



    I can't really think of Game Mechanics that connect these two, but maybe something with Lifesteal? Or maybe a Return of Shadow Priest Stuff that manipulates Healing?

    On a thematic level, I guess we could see something that deals with Corruption? Thinking of Things like Cabal Shadow Priest, Shadow Madness, Treachery and, well, Corruption. (Btw: Wasn't there a Caverns of Time Card that was a Priest-Twist on Treachery?)

    The only Thing that I'm certain about their Cards, is that they'll be most likely Control oriented... unless the Devs wanna see Zoo Priest lol.



    Definitely more Spell-related Things. Most likely some cheap Spells and maybe some Mana Cheat. Spell Damage could be less possible, cause I don't think anyone wants Rogue to have better Burst.

    I hope we'll see some more Secret Synergy for Rogue... Though that would mean that Mage gets more Synergies as well...




    ... Maybe they'll get some Rush-related Cards.

    The probably only Thing that both Classes have in Common that's not Pirates is Weapon Synergy.



    I guess we'll see even more Transformation-Stuff, since that's something that both Classes are known for.

    It's also possible that we'll see some more big Spells and Cards that synergize with those. 

    Something Something lul Freeze Shaman Moorabi OP!? Something Something



    Token is their strongest Connection and will almost definitely see some Support. 

    Also, like Shaman/Mage, I think it's likely that we'll get a big Spell. And maybe that's a Way for Druid to get some Support for that Archetype. 

    I doubt that we'll get any Elemental-Stuff. They removed that Tag from Ixlid, Fungal Lord a long Time ago, so I dont think that the Devs want Elementals to be a Part of Druid. But, who knows... 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Current Spell-Druid probably wont put this in, but maybe some Form of Big Druid with Embiggen, Ironbark and Bogbeam

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Would be really funny if it turns out that this is just Blizzard trolling us for a whole Year.

    „LUL, gotcha! Anyway, here's TGT 2"


    But, yeah, sounds cool if they tease the 3rd Xpac like that.

    Alternatively... could Darkmoon Faire be connected to the upcoming new Game Mode in any Way?

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Damn, some of these Effects are straight up Bonkers! 

    Though I have to say, I like that they're open to experiment more with the Benefits that can come with a digital Format. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I always wondered why they didn't have this in the first Place.

    Like, do Weapons have to stand out that much? They already have a specific Boarder around the Picture to indicate their Card Type.

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Whew... For a Moment I thought there's something sinister going on in this School for Necroman Magic!

    I wanna see those Dual Class Cards for Priest. Be a good Guy like Paladins or go do evil Stuff like Warlocks.

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago


  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I did a quick Search and found that there's apparently 5 Courses at the School:

    So, there might be a slight Chance that we could see some Factions with Multi-Class Cards.

    ...Or maybe they do it like they did it back then with Gadgetzan and straight up make up 5 Houses.

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    3rd Time's a Charme!



  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Nice to hear that you could escape Hearthstone's Madness for a while and found Safety in League's Insanity.  ;)

    There wasn't much noteworthy besides the Felfire Festival, I think? The biggest Thing I can think of is the Change to Twin Slice and the Anouncement of more Nerfs.

    And outside of the Game you might have missed OoC's 1st Anniversary.

    I haven't played much either the last Month (was more focused on MtGA), but from what I've gathered is that the Meta stayed pretty much the same. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    „You're a Necromancer, Harry!“ 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Well, that didn't take long!  ;D

    School for Necromancer? So, probably an Expansion with a big Focus on Deathrattles? 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I wonder if the Carvings underneath the Cards have some Meaning.

    I literally don't know a Thing about WoW Lore, so maybe it's just some random Symbols. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I didn't expect them to nerf Dragonqueen Alexstrasza. A lot of Dragons are still fantastic at just 1 Mana, but the Swing will be significantly slower... Which sucks, cause that's what makes her so powerful. With that Nerf she's probably unplayable!

    After that, I think the Nerf to Warglaives of Azzinoth might be the 2nd strongest Change. It's slower, but more important: Odd DH can't use it! That and the Change to Metamorphosis might put that Archetype in its Place. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Razakus Priest and Burgle Rogue for pretty much the same Reasons listed above. 

    The Combination of Shadowreaper Anduin and Raza the Chained is just such a powerful Tool for Control. On one Hand, it usually completely shuts down Decks that focus on Board Presence, and on the other Hand, it gives you a real Win Condition outside of „outvalueing your Opponent" in longer Matches.

    And Burgle Rogue is just fun because of it's Unpredictability. Who knows? Maybe you'll win the Match with some absurd and unlikely Combo! ... Or die on T5 because you burgled some Garbage 10 Drops. You'll only find out if you go for it! 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Less randomly generated Cards sounds interesting. RNG has always played a big Role in HS, so I wonder how the Game will be like when there's less of it.

    I also wonder how it will affect certain Archetypes, like Burgle Rogue. 

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    2nd Expansions usually drop in early August, so I'd say we'll get an Anouncement mid July.

    No Idea how much the Virus might have affected the Work Process though. Maybe they'll delay Everything for a few Weeks?

  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Ooh, Audio Files! Nice Addition! 

    In reply to Queen of Pain
  • Koetti's Avatar
    1095 863 Posts Joined 11/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Actually, if you look at it more closely...

    It looks like Brass.

    Natural Brass Strip, Rs 365 /kilogram Yogiraj Metal Private ...