Losing the Dailies would be just such a fatal Hit to the F2P Side of the Game, since these are the main Source for your Gold. And having a Gold Cap would also be pretty bad. Most F2P Players rely on the huge Amounts of Gold they earn in an Expansion Cycle to prepare for the next one. Capping it to a much lower Maximum than the usual Amount they can gather could force them to spend Money, which is probably a giant Turn-Off for them.
(Fun Fact: I'm one of the probably 5 F2Players that would actually benefit from this.)
I hope that the Devs get a lot of constructive Feedback on this Topic in the Reddit AMA next Tuesday.
Honestly, I'd much prefer it if the System they thought out would give me only half the Amount of Gold from leveling up, or even less (like 10g), if that means that I can keep the Daily Quests.
Oh, yeah! Kill the Board and heal for a Ton is right up my Alley.
The only Problem is that 3 Damage AoE for 8 is pretty weak. You'll probably need either your Wrath of Air Totem or Rune Dagger up to really finish some Stuff off.
Also, I like how Rogue Secrets play little Mindgames. Imagine your Opponent checks forDirty Tricks and Ambush, and is afraid to trade into your Minion because of Bamboozle, just to find out that they played suboptimaly and give you Cards.
Not bad actually. It's pretty much 10 Damage for 3 Mana. And if you can stick Doctor Krastinov or Captain Greenskin it could get out of Hand for your Opponent.
Incredible Stats, great for early Buffs - will see no Play. Cause it's Priest. And Tempo Priest sucks.
You'd have to play this and curve into Power Word: Feast for it to be good. But that's an unreliable 2-Card-Combo early on, and other Classes are just so much more efficient at early Tempo.
4 Damage for 6 Mana is pretty bad, but I wouldn't be surprissed if the Copy-Effect makes up for it. Removing something and putting a healthy Minion on the Board is very good Tempo.
YES. Just so much FUCKING YES! Instant Day-1-Craft for me.
I'm sooooo sick and tired of losing to Quest Mage just because of the frustrating Non-Interactability of that Deck. But with this Card, I can make them swallow their own damn Medicine... Especially after their smug „Hello!".
And it's not just Quest Mage! EVERY Combo Deck gets hit! No longer will I have to pray that Dirty Ratmaybe pulls a Combo Piece. Instead, I can just TAKE THEIR WHOLE HAND FOR 2 MANA!! GOODBYE, OTK!
I'd rather stay with the current System.
Losing the Dailies would be just such a fatal Hit to the F2P Side of the Game, since these are the main Source for your Gold. And having a Gold Cap would also be pretty bad. Most F2P Players rely on the huge Amounts of Gold they earn in an Expansion Cycle to prepare for the next one. Capping it to a much lower Maximum than the usual Amount they can gather could force them to spend Money, which is probably a giant Turn-Off for them.
(Fun Fact: I'm one of the probably 5 F2Players that would actually benefit from this.)
I hope that the Devs get a lot of constructive Feedback on this Topic in the Reddit AMA next Tuesday.
Honestly, I'd much prefer it if the System they thought out would give me only half the Amount of Gold from leveling up, or even less (like 10g), if that means that I can keep the Daily Quests.
Oh, yeah! Kill the Board and heal for a Ton is right up my Alley.
The only Problem is that 3 Damage AoE for 8 is pretty weak. You'll probably need either your Wrath of Air Totem or Rune Dagger up to really finish some Stuff off.
Not good. Serpentshrine Portal is just way better and it doesn't need a Set Up.
I thought I'd never see the Day, but Totem Shaman might actually become a serious Deck.
Splitting Axe, Totemic Reflection, Totemic Surge, and now this! These few Cards are Everything that Totem Shaman always wanted/needed.
At it's worst it's a better Vulpera Scoundrel, which is still pretty decent.
Seems like a really nice Tool for Control: Generate Resources from Nothing and do Stuff.
Really great for your Opponents Swing/Combo.
„Hey pretty neat Kael'thas Turn! Let me try it!"
Also, I like how Rogue Secrets play little Mindgames. Imagine your Opponent checks forDirty Tricks and Ambush, and is afraid to trade into your Minion because of Bamboozle, just to find out that they played suboptimaly and give you Cards.
Rogue is a Class where heropowering on T2 is actually decent and a usual Thing to do, so I think this'll fit into many Decks. Especially Tempo.
Not bad actually. It's pretty much 10 Damage for 3 Mana. And if you can stick Doctor Krastinov or Captain Greenskin it could get out of Hand for your Opponent.
It's solid, but random Combo-Cards are usually bad. Otherwise, Whirlkick Master would have seen Play.
There's not much to say about this: It's a better The Soularium and you can run 2 of these.
People were ready to throw away their whole Deck with Myra's Unstable Element just to get a 2nd Wind, I'm 100% certain a 1 Mana draw 5 will see Play.
Meh? Decent Tempo, I guess. Reminds me of Mindflayer Kaahrj.
The only Reason you'd put it into your Deck is that Highlander needs 30 Cards.
Might be decent in Highlander Dragons. Dragons are usually good, and cheating them out is even better.
Incredible Stats, great for early Buffs - will see no Play. Cause it's Priest. And Tempo Priest sucks.
You'd have to play this and curve into Power Word: Feast for it to be good. But that's an unreliable 2-Card-Combo early on, and other Classes are just so much more efficient at early Tempo.
Even though I think that Tempo Priest is a Meme, I have to say that this is a great early Game Buff.
4 Damage for 6 Mana is pretty bad, but I wouldn't be surprissed if the Copy-Effect makes up for it. Removing something and putting a healthy Minion on the Board is very good Tempo.
Those are some good Stats for a 4 Mana Taunt. It should be healthy enough to survive 1 or 2 Turns, so you can take Advantage of the Spell Burst.
And with the new Spell or Lazul's Scheme you could easily snatch a big Minion.
YES. Just so much FUCKING YES! Instant Day-1-Craft for me.
I'm sooooo sick and tired of losing to Quest Mage just because of the frustrating Non-Interactability of that Deck. But with this Card, I can make them swallow their own damn Medicine... Especially after their smug „Hello!".
And it's not just Quest Mage! EVERY Combo Deck gets hit! No longer will I have to pray that Dirty Rat maybe pulls a Combo Piece. Instead, I can just TAKE THEIR WHOLE HAND FOR 2 MANA!! GOODBYE, OTK!
...Unless this is at the Bottom of my Deck.
As a Guy who played a lot of The Marsh Queen, let me tell you that random 1-Drops are terrible.
The only Time this is be good are T1, 2 and maaayyybe 3. Outside of that, it's a bad Topdeck becaus the Minions you'll get will have almost no Impact.
Don't think this'll see much Play in Constructed.
But maybe it's a Premium Card in Arena? 13 Stats for 6, mostly Health, is pretty good Board Presence.
I think aggressive Pallies will love this.
With Stats and Effects like these, you could go 3-for-1.