Reminds me a bit of Devoted Maniac. T4 „deal 2 Damage and Invoke" is good enough to see play, so maybe People will at least try a t4 „deal 3 and leave a Body"?
Pretty meh. Don't think that a Tempo Deck wants a 2 Mana do something later. You can play it on t2 and give it Blessing of Kings or Power Infusion on t4, but outside of that it's a terrible Topdeck.
People already hate playing around randomly generated Mage Spells (especially Secrets). And now they print a Card, that not only fills your entire Hand with those, but also can be randomly generated? That's gonna be real annoying.
Also, Wild Quest-Mage....Remember the Times when it was actually difficult to generate new Spells?
Reminds me a bit of Devoted Maniac. T4 „deal 2 Damage and Invoke" is good enough to see play, so maybe People will at least try a t4 „deal 3 and leave a Body"?
It's a really bad Topdeck though...
Pretty meh. Don't think that a Tempo Deck wants a 2 Mana do something later. You can play it on t2 and give it Blessing of Kings or Power Infusion on t4, but outside of that it's a terrible Topdeck.
Mage has definitely enough Removal and Aoe to support this Archetype. Flamestrike, Blizzard, Frost Nova, Ray of Frost, etc.
Drawing Cards might be an Issue. Randomly generating them however...
Spell Mage could be interesting. They might lack Summons, but their Removal and AoEs should make up for that.
I also think that the flavour fits this Class very well.
Curves into a Secret, but I don't think a Tempo Deck is the best Place for this. You usually want your Secret Synergies to affect the Board somehow.
I'd say it's better in a mid or late Game focused Deck. T8, drop this and 2 Secrets and get some new Spells seems fine.
That doesn't seem to fit into your regular Tempo Secret-Mage. But maybe into a more midrangey Type?
Nice, now I can play Rogue without playing Rogue!
Also, I would like to know how this interacts with imprisoned Minions.
Hey, my fav Hero is a Card!
And thats a weird Effect... Kind of like temporary Silence/Removal for enemy Minions or temporary Imunity for your Minions.
Edit: How does this work with imprisoned Cards? All of them say „When this awakens,... ", so could you get a 2nd Trigger off of them?
People already hate playing around randomly generated Mage Spells (especially Secrets). And now they print a Card, that not only fills your entire Hand with those, but also can be randomly generated? That's gonna be real annoying.
Also, Wild Quest-Mage....Remember the Times when it was actually difficult to generate new Spells?
Generated by:
Mana Cyclone, Raid the Sky Temple, Magic Trick, Tome of Intellect,...
Did I miss any?
I should have known that there was a Hook to HoF-ing Leeroy Jenkins!
I don't know what's more unexpected: The absolute new and probably broken Mechanic
Curves perfectly into Houndmaster. Swarmy Decks might struggle against that.
The Fact that it can also go Face is a real Downside though.
Imagine playing this and summon multiple buffed up King Krushes. Easy 33 Damage!
And in Wild you can build a new Version of Big Hunter!
King Krush + Ramkahen Wildtamer + Hunting Party + this = 24 Damge and a huge Board.
And there's also Scavenger's Ingenuity.
There's Fresh Scent, the new Spell and, probably most important to this Card, Houndmaster.
Pure Pally in a Nutshell :)
3 Mana kill a small to medium sized Minion seems pretty efficient to me. Also, it can hit Minions that are immune from Spells/HPs.
I assume that it only fights the front Half of a Reborn-Minion?
3 Mana 11 Stats. What?
7 Mana without immediate Board-Impact. Oof... Maybe in a Control Meta?
You also get the Cards that you've cast on yourself, so there's at least that.
But hey, another Card for Pure Pally