New Mage Spell - Evocation
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Legendary Mage Spell, Evocation, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Mage Spell, Evocation, has been revealed!
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I really hate this.
It doesn't lead into anything, it's not a buildaround, it's just a one time RNG bomb. We already have ways to get a hand full of random stuff we don't need more.
It's not even permanent so what'S the point? Use it when you need an answer but have none so you just pray to RNG?
Are you supposed to combo this with Kael'thas to hopefully get enough 1-cost spells for a double rotation?
This doesn'T help Cyclone MAge beyond "you didn't draw your combo pieces so here have some random shit to pass the time"
It doesn't have Control Mage either.
Look, I get that it's not a terrible card altogether, but I'm really tired of seeing Casino Mage being pushed every single expansion because they can't be bothered to actually come up with (or support) a new mechanic.
Remember Hero POwer Mage from Rastkhans? That wasn't even terrible but then they rotated Baku and didn't even bother to support the archetype further (until DoD with the laughably late Arcane Amplifier)
Remember Card draw Mage from Witchwood? That didn't get anything beyond the initial set
Remember Spellpower Mage from Boomsday? Same thing.
Is there really nothing else you can do with a spell based class other than attach the word "generate randomly" to every other card?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Panic buttons like this usually see some degree of play. Wouldn't be surprised if this one does too.
This card is insane. Like, is this just auto include in everything?
It helps you dig for outs, dig for a better play, dig for whatever you need really. Mage spells are so versatile you're going to be able to find something to use most of the time, sometimes two or three spells. The smaller your hand size the more value you can get out of it because you have more options.
Reno mage definitely runs this. This is insane with cyclone mage if that still exists with the evocation rotating.
It seems like a really fun and cool card. It's going to be infuriating when they get a flamestrike for clear or fireball for lethal off it though.
A nice card for cyclone mage. It basically acts like a third cyclone. If you have double Sorcerer's Apprentice out then you should be able to just play the majority of the spells you get without much trouble. I think this card is a lot more than just another panic button type card, it fuels your hand for a turn. It is one single card that can occupy you for a whole turn. But I think that if you don't have a way to utilize those spells such as Stargazer Luna or Flamewalker then I don't think you would really want to play this card.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Turn 2 Mountain Giant?:)
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People already hate playing around randomly generated Mage Spells (especially Secrets). And now they print a Card, that not only fills your entire Hand with those, but also can be randomly generated? That's gonna be real annoying.
Also, Wild Quest-Mage....Remember the Times when it was actually difficult to generate new Spells?
ArtStation | Twitter
Too much RNG on a class with so much RNG already. I really don't see the point.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
I'm a great advocate of our Lord and Savior Yogg-Saron, and an avid user of Wild Big Spell Scroll of Wonder Mage, but this is too much even to me.
RNG cards aren't innately bad. They can be quite fun. BUT this card is too powerful, and RNG is heavily saturated in Mage. This is a solid last-minute dig for fast decks, slow decks, and even combo decks - Cyclone Mage is giggling at the thought of having a full hand at-will, and the Wild Quest... I don't even want to think about it. Anybody that can put this card in a deck will put this card in a deck. And with regard to RNG saturation, the other new Mage legendary, Reno, and Yogg's Puzzle Box all exist. Will every game played against Mage for the next few years be decided by powerful bursts of RNG?
Additional thought -they've probably had this one on the backburner for a while. You can't print this card in a format with Mountain Giant. Maybe this was one of the ideas for the original Mage legendary spell?
Better call Thrall!
Its a tempo mage card, through and through. You dont play this is cyclone decks, nor highlander, both of which already have plenty of cards to choose from. If it gets added into constructed, its because the deck plays fast and runs out of gas too quickly for lethal.
I actually like the card. Combos well with sorcerer's apprentice.
In cyclone decks, discovering this means more spells to play. Its essentially a discover effect for many spells, and you get to pick often more than one to play the same turn.
Mana Cyclone or even just Banana Buffoon are way better for Wild Quest Mage: you can't afford random spells for one turn only.
The discard part is what keeps this card in check. Heavily.
The only way to make that card really usefull is printing something like Lilian Voss for mage class.
By The Holy Light!
I was gonna rate this one 5 stars until I read the 2 last lines. It still has potential, it's just not as consistent on the very turn it is played ; Mountain Giant rotated for this ;)
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Not that great of a card, but it could be useful in Aggro / Tempo'ish Mage that need a little extra burst at the end, this card has a big chance of giving it.
No fun in the early game, but later it can be really good. I agree with a lot of people above saying how frustrating it will be to get aced by an opponent generating useful stuff off this, but I'll try it out anyway. Pairs well with Kael'thas!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
This card is a good addition to Highlander Mage. It can either be used to find some burn spells if you are close to lethal, or to find an AoE/freeze effect.
Great card. Good thing Mountain Giant rotates.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Pretty nice if you are fishing for that fireball or frost bolt during late game..other than that..don't see much use in early game.
Why? Just... why?
I really love the fun level of this card, and I just like it way more than trying to make Mana Cyclone work. It does feels a little wonky with [Hearthstone Card (Kalegos) Not Found] though. Will be great after casting yet another Learn Draconic from my quest hero power. I will probably put this in every mage deck.
Even outside of pure spell mage, this is just a huge RNG value bomb. Not gonna look forward to a mage with an empty hand topdecking this into 2 Fireballs, but we all know that's gonna happen.
So. Tired. Of. Casino. Mage.
Not sure how great this will be in standard, but it wild can be really good in Quest Mage.
Oh man I was so worried mage would run out of new variations of Yogg in standard
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
VERY strong card in ANY mage deck.. basically better The Soularium
For me it's a Panic buttons like Yog's box. It's less randomic (since you chose what spell cast and where) but will probably able to cast 1-2 spell (and u must win or stabilize the game)
Full hand - on demand. Maybe with Mountain Giant you can play hand mage without needing Book of Specters. The random generated spells help with quest mage, but you would probably prefer discover effects or guaranteed cheap spells like the new Licensed Adventurer or Banana Buffoon. If they print a strong replacement for Mountain giant in standard, this card might be a lynchpin to an early heavy board.
This post is discussing the wild format.
So many cards can generate this card. So if i dont have the dust i may be able to get it from random drop.
I can't wait for The Amazing Reno to cast this and then burn a card needed to stabalize or win the game
That said a card like this is pretty nice in an aggro mage deck that's looking for burn
or heck even for streamers who just want a fun RNG turn to entertain their audience with
One of the best cards in the set. Almost an auto-include for any mage deck. If you have this in your collection and have a slot in your deck, just threw this in. You won't be regretful probably.
but well, Same thing over and over again. I am with the same boat with @YourPrivateNightmare here.
All of witchwood, RR archetypes should be supported more rather than pushing casino over and over again.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Get a sorcerer's apprentice or two, play this, profit!
I love cards like these. I cant help it, I really really like the rng style of play. It just adds so many levels of fun into a deck.
I cant wait to randomly generate this random card generater! Also, the art is really awesome.
I'm very interested to see the discard mechanic used in a class other than warlock. This will be great for giving chaos mage lots of choices to draw from without cluttering up the hand and burning though too many cards like I've had to deal with in the past.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
We haven't quite gotten to this one in our reviews yet, but I just love it. Being able to selectively cast a few spells from a plethora of options seems like a really fun card to play, and I think choosing being one big spell and several little ones will be a real test of skill.
Welcome to the site!
Looks like a card that’ll probably get run in most decks, because there’s really no downside to running it, aside from cutting some essential card I guess. Would’ve preferred they not print something like this, but whatever I guess. Hopefully it’s not as good as it looks
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Very strong late game tool, specially when used in conjunction with Kael'thas, for example.
Obviously very rng dependant, but will help you more often than not. And it’s safer than the Yogg Box.
So, basically, a 1 mana more controlled Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron. I can see this seeing play. I can also see this card irritating me to no end when the opponent nukes my board or my face. On the plus side, Pyroblast won't work when generated by this, so that's a thing.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
This is amazing, and will be an auto include, usually, in any mage deck! The power on turn 10 is just insane!!