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Eldritch Horror
Joined 07/12/2019 Achieve Points 640 Posts 301

Maurice's Comments

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I think some people should just stop playing HS or at least take a break. (I think about the people who can`t say anything good about the game anymore and all they do is rant about the game.)

    On one side this side is a bit "too chilled" about the bull**** Blizz Activision is doing way too often in my opinion - but this is the "lesser evil" compared to a cesspool like "Saltpwn" where about 95% of all posts are only ranting and whining.

    But to the topic about the "outcry" about Wild:

    Yes, the devs are saying time and time they don`t try to "truly balance" Wild. This is just a undeniable fact which frustrate some players (me included) but it is how it is. Deal with it or play something else. Most of the part it`s "ok" for me. But a lot of players can`t accept the unbalance when it is so big that it "breaks the format".

    In this year I was very pleased about how fast Blizz reacted when a card "broke" Wild. The Tiller combo broke Wild. Blizz reacted quickly and I applauded for that.

    Stealer of Souls broke Wild. Blizz reacted quickly and I applauded for that. I think banning the card wasn`t the best solution but I was ok with that. The problem "was solved" quickly. Good Job Blizz again!

    I was very happy and impressed about how quick Blizz addressed the issues when Wild become "broken". It seems like Blizz finally treated the format "with some respect" - in contrast to for example the time where Naga broke Wild and we had to wait "far too long" for a solution.

    And today? For me and I think for a lot of other Wild players it seems like / we have the strong opinion that the Warlock Quest broke Wild again. And therefore "there has to be" a quick solution. But until now Blizz "did nothing". The small nerfs to Flesh Giant while the Quest is still as broken as before feels like Blizz doesn`t care about our beloved format or even worse: this "useless" tiny changes feeling like Blizz "making fun of Wild" and its players. The players don't feel taken seriously and this makes people angry. A lot of player are very upset because Wild is "broken" again and Blizz reacts like "nah, this is fine, Wild don`t has to be balanced like Standard". Such a reaction is inappropriate. The anger is not about "oh Warlock is unbalanced at the moment" it is about "Warlock breaks Wild" and this is a huge difference.

    So what is the difference between "unbalanced" and "broken"? There is no 100% clear line there but I would summarize it like that:

    A deck is "broken" when the complete Meta is warped around this deck. The deck acts "like a black hole" and "devours" a hugh amout of other decks and archetypes so they become "unplayable" and all the other decks which "survive" at this moment are "swirling" around this deck trying to counter it.

    And at the moment Questlock is this kind of "black hole" which "eats all control decks" in Wild. All what is left is Questlock, super fast aggro decks and some other combo or Quest decks which wants to kill you "asap". That is not only "unbalanced" this is broken and requires a fix as fast as the Tiller problem or the Stealer of Souls problem. But Blizz "did nothing" so far and it sounds like (at least for a lot of players) like they don`t care that Questlock breaks Wild. The community begs for a solution but Blizz take no action "ignoring" this problem. And that makes people angrier and angrier...

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From Avalon
    Quote From Thraxus

    Nerfing a single card should not take that long.

    Here are just a couple reasons that explain why you're wrong:

    1. Team 5 has other things to do

    For example creating a new cash grab mode for Hearthstone "nobody needs".

    Quote From Author
    Is The Demon Seed the right card to nerf?

    Yes, yes and yes. There is no other way to "heal" Wild at the moment.

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Quote From Author
    "While we don't know what cards are going to be hit, we are fairly confident that Questline Warlock should be toned down a little."

    Only toned down a litte? Are you joking or are you so out of touch to the Wild format like the devs?

    This deck has to be toned down by a lot to give control a chance to breath in Wild again.  Maybe it should even be completely banned in Wild like Stealer of Cheese before.

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    GACHAstone Heroes of Moneycraft

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Still no love for Wild :( ...

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I think Backfire could go up to 4 mana.

    3 mana draw 3 "with no drawbacks" is just too strong. The "Deal 3 damage to your hero" is an upside in Quest Warlock.

    I hope they add at least 1 more mana to Flesh Giant.

    We will see if they adress Warlock in Wild this time...

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Warlocks may see some minor adjustments in the future.

    Oh boy, I am so excited that nearly confirms a nerf for Flesh Giant from 9 to 10 mana. Quest Warlock will be so dead in Wild! (kappa)

    I am so glad Blizz cares about this format! -.-

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I am not 100% sure, but about 98% sure that changed cards give full dust value too iirc.

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I am not sure if this is enough to fix Wild.

    I don`t understand why Flesh Giant get only +1 mana. Why not push him to 10 mana? Whould this kill it in Standard?

    I am very surprised the quests got no nerfs.

    But overall I like the changes. I am not a fan of "killing" cards. I like more little nerfs than destroying cards in one patch. If the nerfs are not strong enough there is a change to nerf the cards again.

    "limiting the efficiency at which combo decks can assemble the pieces they need to win"

    Sorry, but I can`t see how the nerfs will do this at all. Do I miss something?

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From sense124

    As a wild player, I honestly don't think there's a reasonable way to balance cards like Darkglare or Flesh Giant without making them straight-up irrelevant.

    Just nerf Flesh Giant to 10 or 12 mana. The card will still playable, but will tone down the deck a good bit.

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Aggro is so good at the moment because control "has no chance" because of the super fast combo decks. Aggro decks are traditionally the best counter to combo decks. If the combo decks get nerfed control decks will become more viable and therefore weaken the position of aggo decks in the meta.

    So if someone wants to make control decks better he or she has to root for combo nerfs not for aggro nerfs.

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    My wish:

    Changing Flesh Giant to 10 or even 12 mana.

    This would nerf Darkglare Warlock and Quest Warlock at the same time while the giant should still be playable, but not be "op" anymore.

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I am so glad Classic mode exists.

    In reply to Quest Hate
  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Priest is my least played class in ranked.

    The only Priest deck I really liked was Dragon Priest because it was some kind of "Midrange Priest".

    Darkbishop Benedictus will be the only legendary in this set I will craft 100% because it will enable a "Midrange Priest" (or even a "Aggro Priest") again.

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    It seems to me, that this is one of the stronger Quests because it creates  "a solid win condition" without big deck limitations because there are enough good pirates available.

    I think, this quest has even the potential to see play in Wild. Back in the days where PW was new and half of the ladder was only PW it was a viable strategy to play nothing on turn 1 or even turn 2 so you can combo a ship with a 1 mana pirate at 3 mana to counter the early game board of you enemy when you were lucky with the ship shots. So maybe even in 2021 it could be possible to wait with your first pirate until turn 2 or 3.

    With the quest complete the PW will never run out of gas. Time will tell if the quest or the non quest version of PW will be better - maybe depending of the meta.

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    In-game Changes. Removing content that players and employees find inappropriate.

    Jaina's portrait, Secret Keeper, Succubus... here we go again!

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Do what you want. I will not boycott HS. 

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Quote From Author

    "The community missing a few card reveals, delaying them until the card dump, is nothing compared to the discrimination and sexual harassment that has taken place at Activision Blizzard.

    Comparing the two is disgusting behaviour and does not belong in our community on Out of Cards and certainly does not belong in the greater Hearthstone and gaming communities."


    Sorry, but how is the first sentence not a comparing between these two things?

    To compare X to Y doesn't mean to equate X to Y. You can compare two things and come to the conclusion that these things are very different.

  • Maurice's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 640 301 Posts Joined 07/12/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    Omu vs. Omu!

    Omu vs. Omu!

    Omu vs. Omu!

    Omu vs. Omu!

    Omu vs. Omu!

    Omu vs. Omu!


    In reply to The Duelist Burndown!
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